First look at Takara 1/6 scale Begins fig


Jun 3, 2003
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As the title says, the first look (that I'm aware of) of this figure has arrived.


It looks great, better than the Medicom from the looks of it, not suffering from the same proportional problems of the torso.

That Catwoman looks great too, apart from the Cool-Girl face.
It looks great. :up:
Let's hope that it will be different in the matter of $$$... :(
nam501xx said:
Takara Batman 12"!! 終於有樣睇,好似幾正!!
cg girl 出埋catwoman....死得啦我...
The last time I jumped at a first impression (i.e. the DC Direct 13" Collectors figure) I nearly got burned (fortunately I cancelled my pre-order after seeing more detailed pics), and although the Medicom figure was certainly superior to the DC one, I was generally unimpressed (mainly due to that figure's proportional issues*). Having said that, if this is in fact the Takara version then this first look is impressive indeed.

Now the question is: Is this thing actually going to be released?

The only info I can find:

... so who knows, but it certainly seems worth keeping an eye out for.

it looks nicer from that shot than the Medicom. damnit, why can't I be rich?
The Only Woj said:
it looks nicer from that shot than the Medicom. damnit, why can't I be rich?
No need to be rich... the retail price for the Takara figure (if the original description is still accurate) is actually priced lower than Medicom—$149 vs. $189.
The fact that I've finally seen a picture of the Takara makes me believe it'll come out, eventually.

Batscot, in case you're wondering, I still haven't got the Medicom one, I'm having no luck getting a reply from the guy I bought it from. Honestly I wish the bugger would just give me a refund, I could buy the damn thing elsewhere for far less than what I paid the first time.
BatScot said:
No need to be rich... the retail price for the Takara figure (if the original description is still accurate) is actually priced lower than Medicom—$149 vs. $189.

I'm pretty cheap by nature.
That looks too good to be true:|, HOLY SHAT!!! They keep getting better, I am still not happy with my DC 13" But I definately tink the MEDICOM is, hopefully this figure gets made, and it looks good in person, not just in promo shots. From what I can see, I want it

Batman Begins huh? Looks great. Catwoman too. Speaking of which, are we ever gonna see more Kia Asamiya sculpts? I would really love to see Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl(Babs) and maybe another Batman. I still love my KA Two-Face....:)
Another new pic of this figure. It's looking really good. It's either got a lot of head movement allowed by a flexible cowl-neck - or it's sculpted into a peramnent turned pose - his head looks to be roughly in the same position in each pic. Either way, it's got a lot more personality than the blank "stare forward" doll-like look, and the rest of the figure looks more accurate than the Medicom one too.


Can't wait to get this. Now if only I could get my frigging money back for the money I was ripped off for the Medicom.
Unlike the 1/6 DC Direct and Medicom figures—which seemed to look worse which each pic—this Takara version continues to impress the more it is seen :up:

lujho said:
... the figure looks more accurate than the Medicom one too.
Exactly, this one looks 'correct', whereas the others always looked 'off' in one way or another.
lujho said:
... or it's sculpted into a peramnent turned pose - his head looks to be roughly in the same position in each pic.

The more I look at both pics the more that the entire pose seems similiar, not just the head position, too similiar even if this is in fact a poseable figure (though I suppose it's possible that the image on the left was posed to match the one on the right, which could very well be the official marketing image)... I'll be very interested to see a pic with arms and legs bent a different way and with Batman looking to his left.
the cowl looks more flexible than the one in begins. if that figure looks as cool as that when it comes out i will definately be getting it. the dc direct one was a joke and the medicom figure was nearly perfect but for the price it wasnt perfect enough. this looks spot on.

Now it looks like it won't be available until August.
Argh. So the displayed prototypes were cheating with the cowl/neck. Bummer. Doesn't look quite so good - still it's miles ahead of everything else, bar perhaps the cowl of the Medicom.

Gah - wish it looked like the earlier pictures, they're perfect.

I wonder how the Hot Toys version will handle the neck/cowl.
The Hot Toys Begins figure:





Now, I think the Takara one has the best headsculpt by far, but that damn cut neck-joint really hurts the look. If the Takara had a seamless neck it would easily be the best looking of all.

The Hot toys headsculpt just seems a little off to me - looks like of of the fan-made cowls that have been done. Takara's is just micro-metre perfect.

I'll probably end up with both.
Looks so awsome, but too expensive for my blood.

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