Geoff Keighly says the Fox "News" skit was off the wall, Cooper gets revenge H4xXed.


Nov 13, 2002
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Spike TV's Geoff Keighley, who recently appeared on Fox News to defend BioWare's Mass Effect against false allegations, has commented to GameDaily BIZ about the weird nature of the whole skit.

Speaking to our Media Coverage columnist Kyle Orland for a piece to be published with the Friday morning edition of the GameDaily BIZ newsletter, Keighley said that initially he wasn't sure if he should even go on the air with Fox, but in the end he felt it was the right thing to do.

"We debated whether I should do that or not. In retrospect I'm glad I went on to at least try to set the record straight," he said. "I sort of felt a little bit like I was on an Onion News Network skit or something like that. It was a little off the wall, but at least I was there to ... represent the industry in a mainstream sense."

Keighley also expressed his disappointment at how Fox only seems to cover video games in a negative light. "It's sad that that's the only way Fox News will really cover games [with] controversy like that. I said to them afterwards, 'I'd love to come back on and talk about a game like Spore or other big games coming out this year.' We'll see if they invite me back; I hope so," he said. "But it's tough, and all this TV programming about games, I hope some of it is going to change the perception of the industry among the mainstream and grow this category, because I want to see more great coverage of games."

Check any of Coopers books on Amazon, they're all rated with one star with hundreds of reviews calling them poorly written trash.
Keighly FTW, that little report was infuriating. It was basically all of those stubborn jackasses giving each other a circle jerk, then ganging up on the one person with any sense.
I'm glad Keighly came across so well, at least. The more I see him, the more I like him. This Fox News thing was a boost to his overall popularity, I say. It's hard not to like him after that.
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Um, pretty much ALL publications outside of gaming publications shed video games in a bad light.

Why people are making a big deal of this however doesnt make sense. This story on Fox isnt going to do ANYTHING to the industry.
It's still slander, and needs to be dealt with. Letting this **** continually happen with everyone in the industry just taking it makes the whole business lose credibility.
They got the story so wrong that they must be systematically ruined.
It's still slander, and needs to be dealt with. Letting this **** continually happen with everyone in the industry just taking it makes the whole business lose credibility.

O yea, yea, im not arguing that, but i mean it happens everyday on just about every issue.
Gamers are pretty tired of getting blamed for Columbine, 9/11, Virginia tech, rape, sexual harassment, economic issues, reasons for Ben Stiller movies underperforming...

Enough is enough.
Gamers are pretty tired of getting blamed for Columbine, 9/11, Virginia tech, rape, sexual harassment, economic issues, reasons for Ben Stiller movies underperforming...

Enough is enough.

Yea, but thats because old people run the world. Video games are foreign to them, and whats foreign to so many ppl must be bad(at least thats how they see it).
I think many people, like you WHF, are just taking this a bit too seriously because its a video game. Just let it go.

If you think it's only about Mass Effect, you haven't been around long. This news story was a sweeping generalization of games, gamers and developers everywhere.
If you think it's only about Mass Effect, you haven't been around long. This news story was a sweeping generalization of games, gamers and developers everywhere.

I understand that, but there is no reason to throw a bigger hissyfit now.
Yea, but thats because old people run the world. Video games are foreign to them, and whats foreign to so many ppl must be bad(at least thats how they see it).

So they get pwnt for their ignorance. They had their chance at running the world, and look where it is now. Kick them the hell out of the drivers seat.
ProjectPat is directly responsible for rape. All of it. He played Hitman, and it just ruined his mind.

Now imagine that statement on national TV. And get this - people actually believe the pile of crap. And now imagine that same situation going on for more than a decade. Thats why it's appropriate to be angry.
So they get pwnt for their ignorance. They had their chance at running the world, and look where it is now. Kick them the hell out of the drivers seat.

Haha, i cant argue that, but man NONE of this is anything new. Gamers are acting like this is the first time any one has ever said a negative thing about videogames.
No, they're not. They're just getting more and more angry that this stuff is still happening.
ProjectPat is directly responsible for rape. All of it. He played Hitman, and it just ruined his mind.

Now imagine that statement on national TV. And get this - people actually believe the pile of crap. And now imagine that same situation going on for more than a decade. Thats why it's appropriate to be angry.

Hahaha, but its such a SMALL percentage of people who actually believe that tho. If it was the way some of you are making it sound, then wed have half of America out protesting every major gaming publisher/developer tomorrow.
About seven years ago, after that Delaware shooting was blamed on videogames, my Mom wouldn't let me buy Rune.

Rune had no guns in it.

So I went back to the store with my Dad and he's like "Wow! It's like Conan!" and he bought it for me!

I'm not sure the lesson I should take from this... but I loved that game.
Hahaha, but its such a SMALL percentage of people who actually believe that tho. If it was the way some of you are making it sound, then wed have half of America out protesting every major gaming publisher/developer tomorrow.
How exactly is it a small percentage? The media has been uniformly reporting this stuff to a bunch of people who don't play games, and has been doing this for 10+ years, and you think it's a small chunk? Wake up please. Games are going to get CCA'd because people want to blame crimes on something other than criminals.
No, they're not. They're just getting more and more angry that this stuff is still happening.

Join the club. This doesn't just happen with gamers, it happens with EVERYONE. Whether it be your fav actor,musician, athlete or politician. At some point, something you care about will have mud slung on it by the media.
How exactly is it a small percentage? The media has been uniformly reporting this stuff to a bunch of people who don't play games, and has been doing this for 10+ years, and you think it's a small chunk? Wake up please. Games are going to get CCA'd because people want to blame crimes on something other than criminals.

Give me a break. NOTHING, will come from this story. Promptly remove your bunched up panties from your ass.

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