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Comics Good or Bad time to be a Spider-man fan?


May 31, 2002
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Meh I'm probably just going to end up throwing more fuel on the fire but whatever...

If I was asked this question a few months ago, I would have added "Bad" time. The "Other" and "The Unmasking" really threw me off and just disgusted me on so many levels. ASM was just god awful to me.

But now...

ASM is back on track and its great to see Kingpin being thrown back in the mix cause he'll always be a Spider-man villain first in my eyes....

SSM is underrated and has been just amazing since the start....

USM always has me hooked and Clone Saga ended on a great note for me.

Personally I feel its a great time to be a Spider-man fan especially with the "Back in Black" storyline which looks to be really intense.
THE WORST. Especially with JQ jonesin' to get rid of MJ.
Well...honestly, Let me see...

-Amazing Spider-Man is still just a title to throw in a bunch of lame shock tactics to sale titles...and I still haven't enjoyed an issue since the "Hydra" arc.

-FNSM hasn't really had a good issue, yet. The "Evil Uncel Ben from a Parallel Universe" bit is just too stupid to take seriously.

-SSM...is great. I can't hate on this title at all. I love the art, I love the stories, and we have long-lost villians thrown in there with members of Spidey's long-lost supporting cast! We also have Spideyacting like Spidey, as opposed to being written as an inexperienced wimp, as he's been handled in FNSM and ASM.

-USM...is okay. It was boring me ot tears for a little while, but Ultimate Clone Saga has made up for it.

-Spider-Girl is great. Period.

Honestly, I'd have to say that it's still a horrible time to be a Spidey fan. We've got an EIC who believes that the only way to generate sales is by killing people off and having some big huge "shocking" event in EVERY arc. It's ridiculous, and we haven't had any QUALITY stories out of 616 Spidey aside from Sensational Spider-Man.

Personally, I'm hating the fact that the Black Costume is being brought back. It's the best superhero costume ever, no doubt, but it served it's purpose. It is a part of Spidey history, and now it's going to be associated with some cheap-ass movie tie-in gimmick that'll undoubtedly prevent us from getting any quality stories out of ASM for ANOTHER 6 months. Also, the fact that ALL of this is being done simply to deal with Joey Q's problems with the "controversial" Spider-Marriage, which, until he started whining about it, I had never heard anyone complain about.

We've had a rough 3 years...now it looks like the next year or so is going to be just as bad. I simply hope that, when Jeph Loeb and J. Scott Campbell come on board, they can unf*** this whole mess and return it to some semblance of the Spidey we all used to know and love before he ate people's heads, went back to wearing the costume of a known supervillian, and before he unmasked himself in public like a total 'tard.
USM is what actually got me back into comic books. Upon hearing of an Ultimate Venom, I was baited and never regretted it. In fact, I picked up the Graphic novels of previous arcs, and I continued collecting Ultimate Spider-Man from the Venom arc to current.

I'm thinking of getting back into 616, just a need a push in the right direction.
I just started collecting comics recently, starting from USM. I have half the TPB now. I'm not really liking the idea of Spider spirit in ASM now but they are bringing back Black costume! That will make me start buying ASM and Sensational just for it! I think it's not a really bad time to become a Spidey fan!
Ultimate Spidey is awesome...everything else is absolutely terrible. I honest;y don't even feel like it's Spider-Man anymore. Joe Quesada has done great things for Marvel and comics...except for Spider-Man. He has driven this amazing character into the ground and ruined everything about him. I'm just waiting for them to go back and change it so it wasn't the Burgler who killed Uncle Ben...probably will change it to Norman or some Mystic cause of destiny death or something.
well movie-wise which is easily it's biggest format, even though the films aren't up to my high standards, they are holding their own and making their mark on behalf of not only the genre but also action films and the movie industry in general.

If only based on this, i think it's a good time to be a spidey fan...

everything else pretty much pales in comparison since the outside world is oblivious to what happens in all comics and whatnot.


let's not all forget why we are all here in the first place

spidermanhype and spiderman 1

I started lurking here back when it started as Spidermanhype!

The movies are doing great, but I feel like they miss the point-- The first movie, in particular, really should have focused on the power/responsibility angle, but instead focused on being a story "about a girl".

In the comics, it's just painful to see many of the writers trying to de-age Spider-man and turn him into a bumbling, inexperienced dolt who no longer learns from past mistakes and hardly ever uses his brain. Spider-man, the character, seems to be more or less helpless, caught in the current of whatever "event" Marvel has decided to implement to drum-up sales. Is it a good time to be a Spidey fan? Not for me.
I want to start collecting Amazing and Sensational starting from Back in Black but comics are kinda rare in my country. There's only one comic shop in my state and I might miss some issues. So my chance is to buy the TPBs from Borders. Since I'm new to the comic stuffs, I want to ask that if every recent Spider-Man comics will be collected into TPB?
This question reminds me of what I was going to post on Sherlock Holmes.

Books were written, followed continuity, etc, etc, etc.

Then many many years later movies were produced which took, bigtime, (un) poetic license on what existed in Book form from Sir Conan Doyle.

Then 30 years after those terrible , or at least criminally negligent of written continuity Holmes movies, came the Grenada Telecasts with Jeremy Brett. These were the Pinnicle of Holmes on Film.

The Spider-Man franchise reminds me BIGTIME of Sherlock Holmes' journey.

So yes this is a terrible time to be a fan because the movie is neglegent of the comic in it's pursuit to obtain more $$. The Comic has become the bit*^@!ch of the movie, even though that should be Blasphemy, and many people don't seem to give a hoot.

Spider-Man had the opportunity to live on with respect past Stan Lees' time on Earth, but nope, they could'nt respect it enough.

So now I wait for 30 years from now, I am almost sure there will be a Spider-Man tv series or feature film that respesents the Actual comic to the T.

And we will all buy it and laugh about how much better it is than the current films posing in the needy way to get mass appeal, which Mr. Peter Parker (sans Current EIC) (In comic book form) would NEVER do!

Again, can Spider-Man comics be saved, answer:yes but it would take a new EIC that observes exactly what we observe and also has a problem with it.

The odds of that may reach Lottery Winner territory.

At least I can take solace in knowing eventually they'll make a true to comic Spidey. Hopefully they use the 62-89 template.
Y'know, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man really isn't all that bad. It seems the only thing I ever hear as the reason it sucks is "Evil Uncle Ben." But the title also has its fair share of old faces making appearances like Flash, Debra Whitman, Betty Brant, John Jameson, JJJ and Robbie. Not to mention the use of a couple of "classic" villians like the Vulture and Mysterio. And I like the fact that David was willing to tackle some of the stupid continuity blunders (like Jonah thinking that John could ever be Spider-Man and the fact that Francis Klum was christened the new Mysterio even though Beckhart was already running around in the fishbowl) and make stories out of them. And although the popular opinion about the wrestler two-parter is that it was lame (I thought it was ok), I did like the fact that Spidey used scientific know-how to win, something everyone complains he doesn't use enough.

All that said, I still don't think Friendly is a *great* title, but its far from garbage. At this point its the new Web of Spider-Man and it fits in that role pretty well. I do agree with shinlyle that it still hasn't had a truly great story yet.

And I think it's still a bad time to be a Spider-Man fan. The "Unmasked" stories have been an improvement, but I've realized that the major reason I've liked them is because all the old supporting cast/villians have returned because of it. And that's not going to last because it appears imminent that another cast member is going to get killed (admittedly it hasn't been confirmed so I could be wrong) and I'm not looking forward to a "Spidey is on the run and is wearing the black costume because he's dark and depressed and Spider-Man 3 is coming out this year" storyline. I certainly hope that I'll be surprised and we'll get hit with excellent Spider-Man stories and that 2007 truly is the "year of Spider-Man" but at this point I'm not getting my hopes up.
FNSM is getting better.

SSM has been pretty great.

I don't mind ASM so much, but I don't hate it. The CW tie-in is better than some stuff we've gotten recently.

USM...I'm kind of indifferent on, and if what I'm hearing about this latest issue is true it may finally be time for me to give it the old dropperino.
I do think the movies are phenominal and cannot wait for the third. So I should change what I said. If you are only looking from a movie standpoint it's becoming a good time.

About the comics and movie interferring with one another. I don't blame the movie for the things they have in the comics (i.e. black costume) I just think the writers need to be more creative or something.
I would say its a bad time,ASM has been in a rut since the 1980`s.Although Spider-Man:TAS in the 1990`s was a good thing.But now,its bad again.
I would say its a bad time,ASM has been in a rut since the 1980`s.Although Spider-Man:TAS in the 1990`s was a good thing.But now,its bad again.

ASM in a rut since the 80's?

Heh I must not be a real Spider-man fan cause I really enjoyed the 90's.
I liked the Clone Saga way more than the past few years...
I must be easy to please, because i think it's a GREAT time to be a Spider-Man fan.

Im completely riveted by Civil War.

On the edge of my seat by ASM.

Nostalgically entertained by SSM

And quite pleased by FMSM (as of the past six months or so).

Fiendishly awaiting Norman Osborn's head games over in Thunderbolts.

Enjoying Black Cat in Heroes For Hire.

Welcoming Frank Castle back to the established Marvel Universe in PWJ.

Looking forward to the new re-shuffled line up in New Avengers (of which Spider-Man was confirmed membership as of yesterday).

Later this year, we have what promises to be a very entertaining theatrical release, and supposedly a brand new DTDVD 12 episode cartoon.

So yeah; at the moment, everything's roses for me and Spider-Man. :spidey: :up:
I'd like to post my additional thoughts...

1- Comics....still not loving them the way I should. There was a time when Spidey's books were the first ones I would read. Now, it's DD and Punisher and The Boys who get the top honors.

2- The movies...Love them. No, they're not as true to the comics as they could be, but they are good movies in their own right while keeping the spirit of the comics itact....moreso even than the comics as of the past 3 or 4 years.

There...I just felt I should include my thoughts on the movies vs. the comics.
Shin reading the Boys. I knew you had good taste.

HORRID time to be a Spidey comics fan. Great time to dig the movies.

Shin reading the Boys. I knew you had good taste.

HORRID time to be a Spidey comics fan. Great time to dig the movies.


I read Spider-Girl....and so should EVERYONE. Hell, it's more like Spider-Man than Spider-Man comics have been for 4 years.
It's an absolutely rotten and SAD time to be a Spidey reader the past couple of years....unless you are a first time reader with noknowledge or expectations from Spidey's rich history.

If you're jsut picking up the issues for "meaningless" fun, i suppose they're great.

Otherwise, it's a redundant, poorly written, out of character, shock-and-awe,...no respect for continuity, SALES EVENT only time for Spidey.

I long for the days of NO SALES events when the spidey stories were written so WELL....each month you just looked forward to the next issues of amazing or web or Spectacular because of the GREAT CHARACTER spidey is/was...and not because the next issue they were gonna start 5 months of "THIS OR THAT TIE INS".

Back then there were no supposed "marriage or singleness controversys".

Continuity was respected and marvel wasn't writing the character in circles. Dead...not dead....married....not married....married again...not married/dead...or whatever...

Spidey then was smart and powerful.

HE took on the likes of Firelord and Juggernaut and teams of wahoos and win becuase he had heart and brains....(and even a high tech Iron Man from the FUTURE....!!) ANYONE REMEMBER THAT ANNUAL???

Now, Spider-Man is a wimp, is mesmorized by other heroes around him practically to the point of freezing up in their prescence, continuity and long time fans/writers are ignored, he gets magical totem pole powers and strips in public when other heroes tell him to...and we go from one BIG SALES ARC TO THE NEXT.

Next SALES ARC UP....BACK IN BLACK....oh yay....(don't get me wrong..i loved the black costume and it was the coolest thing ever reading that!!)

But lets get back to spidey and move forward...

But from Joey Q's plans...Spidey won't be good for sometime...we need to get past this Black Costume ARC.....wait for the sure to come retcon of his identity problem that is out there...wait for him to ruin the marriage...and then wait thru all the ruined marriage stories to follow....and then WAIT for them to retcon the marriage controversey's "solution" that we know WILL come...

So...in my estimation, we'll be waiting for at least another two years from now of continuous MIND BOGGLING SALES EVENTS ARCS until we are back here where we started today and everything will be retconned because they'll realize fans don't like how Joey Q has "fixed" all the controverseys.

So...here's to waiting a few more years till we might be able to move forward and have good writers write good stories again and move forward.

Hope someone appreciates the ride Joey's taking everyone on.

the "ride" he's taking us on? HA, I feel completely taken advantage of. JoeQ makes me feel dirty, and JMS and these older fans that have no problem with all the gaffes make me feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone when it comes to Spidey.

Because like you said, I know the rich history/potential for the comic book, and I am dumbfounded with why it's suppossedly all of a sudden so difficult to write this rich character with rich supporting characters, and follow the past issues which they should have since they own the f^&%^%&! company.


By the way, great post Farmer.
This question reminds me of what I was going to post on Sherlock Holmes.

Books were written, followed continuity, etc, etc, etc.

Then many many years later movies were produced which took, bigtime, (un) poetic license on what existed in Book form from Sir Conan Doyle.

Then 30 years after those terrible , or at least criminally negligent of written continuity Holmes movies, came the Grenada Telecasts with Jeremy Brett. These were the Pinnicle of Holmes on Film.

The Spider-Man franchise reminds me BIGTIME of Sherlock Holmes' journey.

So yes this is a terrible time to be a fan because the movie is neglegent of the comic in it's pursuit to obtain more $$. The Comic has become the bit*^@!ch of the movie, even though that should be Blasphemy, and many people don't seem to give a hoot.

Spider-Man had the opportunity to live on with respect past Stan Lees' time on Earth, but nope, they could'nt respect it enough.

So now I wait for 30 years from now, I am almost sure there will be a Spider-Man tv series or feature film that respesents the Actual comic to the T.

And we will all buy it and laugh about how much better it is than the current films posing in the needy way to get mass appeal, which Mr. Peter Parker (sans Current EIC) (In comic book form) would NEVER do!

Again, can Spider-Man comics be saved, answer:yes but it would take a new EIC that observes exactly what we observe and also has a problem with it.

The odds of that may reach Lottery Winner territory.

At least I can take solace in knowing eventually they'll make a true to comic Spidey. Hopefully they use the 62-89 template.

Interesting that you would make the Sherlock Holmes comparison.For anyone who knows the full history of Spider-Man, Now is one of the BEST TIMES in history to be a Spider-Man fan. Despite the decades of comics and cartoons,the 2 soon 3 Spider-Man movies, have cemented the character Peter Paker/Spider-Man as a literary fictional character equal to any in modern fiction or science fiction.Over the years, I've had several college students contact me for information of Spider-Man as part of papers they were writing.The Spider-Man mythos is greater than any one EIC,writer or artist. It lives on its own within Silver,Bronze and Modern Age development.Within each one of those Ages there have been Spider-Man comics that were great and some not so great(even horrible). But the character Spider-Man endured.The release and success of each Spider-Man movie, makes the interest in the comic book character that much greater. Those of us who know the mythos, have the duty to steer new readers into the direction of the Best of Spider-Man comic book stories-making true Spidey fans-experts on the subject.Despite my love/hate relationship to what the movies have done for Spidey(organics suck), I can say as someone who was introduced to the character with ASM #18-Now is a great time to be a Spider-Man fan.
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