Comics Good times with Spidey

The Joker

The Clown Prince of Crime
Dec 15, 2003
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Ok this thread is to discuss Spider-Man comics you've really enjoyed in the past.It can be from any title you like.Amazing,Spectacular,Sensational,Ultimate etc.It's all good.

Now recently I've started re-reading thru Stan Lee's entire run on ASM.And today I just finished reading issue 24:

For those who've read it,you know this is the issue where Mysterio,posing as a psychiatrist called Dr Rheinhart,drives Spidey a little crazy,making him believe he's hallucinating and a danger to the public.
The situation is not helped by Jameson running a series of articles which interview people off the street,in which his reporters goad people into saying bad things about Spidey so they'll get their name in the paper.

And of course Stan always had Peter's personal life full of drama too.Pete thinks Betty is writing lovey dovey letters to Ned Leeds behind his back,and Liz Allan is trying to get her claws into Peter by getting him to give her study aids with her science homework,while Flash Thompson is going crazy about Peter spending time with Liz.

Really loved this issue.The revelation of Mysterio's plot was great.Stan placed little hints all the way thru the issue.And then there's the love life angle.Even before Gwen and MJ came along,Peter had pretty ladies interested in him.The Betty/Liz thing was great.It was nice to see Liz eventually warm to Peter over the last 10 issues,and see him for what he is,and not see him as "puny Parker" like Flash and the others did.
Although my fav moments was when Jameson realised if he hadn't burst in on Rheinhart,Spidey would have exposed his identity.Jameson actually saved Spider-Man from Mysterio :D

That was the great thing about Stan's days.He had several plots running at once with Peter.Love life/Aunt May/Spidey's problems with the public/school problems/and the villains.

Btw for links to comic covers:
individual ones or are arcs included?

ps, if you're going to want covers for each of the stories, i would provide a link to so that those who aren't away of it can also get the covers to the stories they want from there
Odin's Lapdog said:
individual ones or are arcs included?

ps, if you're going to want covers for each of the stories, i would provide a link to so that those who aren't away of it can also get the covers to the stories they want from there

Issues,'s all good.Whatever you like :up:

Btw thanks for the tip Odin.Here ya go folks:

You can get the covers to the comics you wish there.

It's always great to see spidey up against a sentinel but what's better than seeing 2 spidermen going up against 3 sentinels?

IT shows pete in good life and it shows Ben in good light, they are both heroes but for different reasons.

veteran against the new kid
responsibility as a father weighed up against responsibilty as a hero.

it's all great stuff plus you get to see parker pull it out of the bag, rip one sentinels head off and bash the other two in the face with it.

first time i saw those panels, i swear i nearly wet myself.

Great great example of a diamond in the rough (since so many of you hate the saga so much).

I usually don't like Carnage stories...

No skip that, I generally despise Carnage stories however Judgment at Bedlam is one of the few instances of him I can tolerate/ genuinally like. The story centers around Peter's trial, albeit while Ben is standing in for Peter at the murder trail, Peter must now stand for himself at Ravencroft. Kaine as Defense and Carnage as prosecuter. If you've ever wanted to see the Mark of Kaine given to a symbiote here's your chance. Some really good characterization demonstrated by Dematies throughout the book, finally giving the KILLER KLONE KAINE actual identity and depth.

It hit me hard when I read this for the first time because I honestly didn't see the ending coming. It's a great story and proof that you don't need 6 freakin' issues to tell an awesome story.
I recently got a story called Nothing Can Stop the Juggarnaut, which I thought was pretty good.
Heh th' scene where he tries to take him down is classic.
The one in the cartoon is slightly different Wolvie. From what I remember, the ending is not the same.

tom123 said:
I recently got a story called Nothing Can Stop the Juggarnaut, which I thought was pretty good.

That was my first choice, until I remembered the one I posted. ;)
AmaznSpider-Fan said:
That was my first choice, until I remembered the one I posted. ;)

Hmm, I've heard a lot of good things about that issue. I might have to check it out.
tom123 said:
Hmm, I've heard a lot of good things about that issue. I might have to check it out.

You've never read The Kid Who Collected Spider Man? To this day the ending still gets to me :(
Well, of course it's different. Was a cartoon. I think I read th' original somewhere. Probably have a Marvel Tales reprint or somethin'.
I liked Amazing Spider-Man 121 and 122 alot and a majority of Ultimate Spider-Man.:up: I hated the Deadpool arc, mostly because of what DP looked like unmasked.:down I just think they shoulda went a diffrent route and not make him more ****ed up looking then he does in the regular universe. Plus he didn't seem to have any powers.....what the hell?:mad:
Well, of course it's different. Was a cartoon. I think I read th' original somewhere. Probably have a Marvel Tales reprint or somethin'.

Yea, what I meant though is that the most important element of the story was absent from it. It was still good though.
Good idea with this thread. Was thinking of doing something like this.

One of the first Spider-man comics I ever read. Bagley was freaking amazing in this issue. Spider-man vs. Lizard in an all out brawl with classic Spidey quips through out. One of my favorite issues ever.

Anyone who hasn't read these two issues are missing out on Spidey's greatest battle ever imo. The best depiction in Spidey's history of being the underdog and manages to stop an enemy that regularly toys with the X-men.

An epic battle that takes place in *Gasp* 2 issues.
ChineseFooD said:
Doc Ock you own issue number 1?! do you have AMF#15?

Only in reprint in Marvel Masterworks.

The amount of money it would cost to buy Amazing Fantasy#15 in original format is more than I'm willing to spend on an individual comic book.

AmaznSpider-Fan said:

It hit me hard when I read this for the first time because I honestly didn't see the ending coming. It's a great story and proof that you don't need 6 freakin' issues to tell an awesome story.

Yeah that one really pulls at your heart strings :( Great issue :up:
Oh my, where to begin? Well I'll start with my favorite Spider-man story this year...

The Othe-- Only kidding! :p

Cable and Deadpool 24.

In this issue, Deadpool is hired to steal plans for a research project. He finds out a reporter from the daily bugle can help him. He locates the reporter on the Queensboro bridge. Peter's with him. They're on an assignment together.

Its not long before Deadpool and spider-man are at each other's throats. Its a HILARIOUS issue that I just can't stop re-reading. I reccomend (and Citizen Kaine'll back me up here) that ANYONE unsatisfied with spider-man right now pick this up. Best he's been written all year.
Actually, I thought that issue sucked. They coulda done so much more.
Actually, I thought that issue sucked. They coulda done so much more.

Really? Too bad. I'll admit it was more of a tussle tha a fight. But the dialogue was hilarious without a doubt. I think it was a fantastic issue. YES they could have done more, but it was a heck of a lot better than any Spidey book out this year IMO. I'd more likely say it was a slight disapointment rather than it sucking.
Electro UK said:
Oh my, where to begin? Well I'll start with my favorite Spider-man story this year...

The Othe-- Only kidding! :p

Cable and Deadpool 24.

In this issue, Deadpool is hired to steal plans for a research project. He finds out a reporter from the daily bugle can help him. He locates the reporter on the Queensboro bridge. Peter's with him. They're on an assignment together.

Its not long before Deadpool and spider-man are at each other's throats. Its a HILARIOUS issue that I just can't stop re-reading. I reccomend (and Citizen Kaine'll back me up here) that ANYONE unsatisfied with spider-man right now pick this up. Best he's been written all year.

It was definitely a good read, and it got me hooked on Cable & Deadpool. I was looking everywhere for this with no luck until I finally found it when I went to Megacon. I actually found a bunch of Spidey issues at Megacon for $2 a piece, including both issues of Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut!

I got to sit down and read ASM 003, a black and white reprint of it that I bought for my sister. It brought me a smile, just for being a classic. I wanted to find the same pocket-sized reprint of Electro's first appearance, but I find more merchandise for her than myself. :(:D

Right now I've been reading USM Legacy (22-27, I think that's what they called the whole arc though), since as much as I hate Hulk Goblin, I'm still a Green Goblin fan. :(

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