Harvey Dent/Two-Face Thread


Harvey Dent
Apr 16, 2003
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Who would you cast? or How would you use him in the rebooted movies?
I guess nobody gives a crap about this character.....
I guess nobody gives a crap about this character.....

I do actually. Next to Joker, 2 Face is one of my favorite Bat-villains, and although I kinda like what Nolan did with him, I was very disappointed as how he was killed off so quickly. As far as casting, I have no-one specific in mind, save that they need to be very handsome, it makes his disfigurement just that much more tragic. In the right hands, 2 face could be a very compelling tragic villain in a movie.
I love Harvey. I would like to see a portrayal of him that shows more of his dependence on his coin and more of his split personality. (Arkham City)
I love two face. Want to see him as a character introducd.from the beginning.
I'd still love to see Clive Owen or Liev Schreiber play him.
Liev Schreiber is so overrated. Clive Owen is interesting though
I love the character. He is my second favorite villain after the Joker. But unlike the Joker, I think he is the hardest villain to ever reuse.

Don't get me wrong, you can do more with him as a VILLAIN than Nolan did. However, the character only works if he is a tragically good man who gives in to darkness. And unlike the Joker, who can be reimagined almost entirely every time, Dent has a lot less wiggle room.

And TDK nailed Dent's descent into madness, if they underplayed Two-Face's villainy. Yet, if you do a Batman movie without showing Dent becoming Two-Face, then the character can fall as flat as he did in Batman Forever.

Just my opinion.
That's the thing, you can't have it both ways, that's like taking away Bruce's origin. Harvey's origin has to be shown. You can't say Well he's Two-Face now without showing his past I feel that's not part of who is. TDK did great job with Harvey Dent but forgot about Two-Face. Since we're not gonna get another Nolan film I feel real Two-Face needs to be on screen. I love BTAS did great job with this than TDK. Not saying TDK's Harvey/Two-Face wasn't great it was great but BTAS one was much better.
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Perhaps they can show him as an established and sinister villain as Two-Face, but have flashbacks to his days as the crusading district attorney, or show his tragic past through his own reluctance to do some evil deed, or by Batman's dialogue with him.

There are ways to illustrate his tragic past without giving the whole origin story. In fact, if done well, it might be even better than showing the whole story as it gives the audiences glimpses of how heroic he was, but still keeping a mysterious past element.
Joaquin Phoenix has been my choice for Dent since before Eckhart's involvement.
Perhaps they can show him as an established and sinister villain as Two-Face, but have flashbacks to his days as the crusading district attorney, or show his tragic past through his own reluctance to do some evil deed, or by Batman's dialogue with him.

There are ways to illustrate his tragic past without giving the whole origin story. In fact, if done well, it might be even better than showing the whole story as it gives the audiences glimpses of how heroic he was, but still keeping a mysterious past element.

Well, that could work I like it but better not have him in a 30 second video tape Bruce watches at Wayne Manor.. :oldrazz:

Joaquin Phoenix has been my choice for Dent since before Eckhart's involvement.

I always wanted him playing Harvey Dent/Two-Face as well in TDK. I believe Nolan wanted Matt Damon at one stage before deciding on Aaron Eckhart.
Maybe Matt Damon will take it this time. The motivation? The all time popularity of SH flicks and a career boost.
Two-Face is awesome. But the Harvey Dent character needs a long break. No point fan-casting him now, I feel.
If they bring him back I would want to see him as more of a mob boss like in the comics.
Yep, Two Face needs a gang, and they should be scared to death of him. Imagine working for a man that looks half-zombie, and who makes decisions effecting your life and livelihood on the flip of a coin. What would prevent you slipping quietly away? It has to be the knowledge that you might come home to find him flipping that coin, standing in the ashes of your burnt-out house.

I don't know how feasible or well advised it would be to try to work in two-themed crimes, but the way to do it might be to simply have Two Face's gang always commit two separate heists/hits/whatever simultaneously, stretching Batman's ability to predict their targets or to intervene.

Whoever plays the part is likely to also be a candidate for Bruce/Batman. Although he hasn't had a stellar movie career, I have a notion that Jonathan Rhys-Meyers could play the part very well. His venal, mercurial and conflicted performance as Henry VIII in 'The Tudors' was quite compelling (though his attempt to suddenly be 20 years older was terrible!). He starred opposite Henry Cavill.

He certainly has that Appollo/pretty boy thing.
I was also going to suggest Liev Schreiber. Not only could he pull it off, he is the spitting image of Tim Sale's Dent
I like regwec's ideas about Two-Face's gang. Persoanlly, I wouldn't mind the two-themed crimes, or even him using nosisms (that is, referring to himself as "we", "us", etc.), so long as it's done subtly and not hammered in like how BF did it. I think both can be nice little character tics if done right.
Yep, Two Face needs a gang, and they should be scared to death of him. Imagine working for a man that looks half-zombie, and who makes decisions effecting your life and livelihood on the flip of a coin. What would prevent you slipping quietly away? It has to be the knowledge that you might come home to find him flipping that coin, standing in the ashes of your burnt-out house.

I don't know how feasible or well advised it would be to try to work in two-themed crimes, but the way to do it might be to simply have Two Face's gang always commit two separate heists/hits/whatever simultaneously, stretching Batman's ability to predict their targets or to intervene.

Whoever plays the part is likely to also be a candidate for Bruce/Batman. Although he hasn't had a stellar movie career, I have a notion that Jonathan Rhys-Meyers could play the part very well. His venal, mercurial and conflicted performance as Henry VIII in 'The Tudors' was quite compelling (though his attempt to suddenly be 20 years older was terrible!). He starred opposite Henry Cavill.

He certainly has that Appollo/pretty boy thing.

Great post. I like this approach. :up:
Jon Hamm all the way. Worked with Affleck, mid 40s like Bruce, it's perfect. I dont see it being more than a cameo but it would be worth it.

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