Hell just froze over: Devil May Cry goes to PS3, PC and 360

I found it on their offical sites.

As far as that list goes:

Amped 3 Crap
Battlestations: Midway* What?
Bomberman: Act Zero LOL
Bullet Witch LOL!

Call of Duty 2* Good
Call of Juarez* Average
Chromehounds Average
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars* Underachiever
Condemned: Criminal Origins* Good?
Crackdown Good
Dead or Alive 4 Good
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 Terrible
Dead Rising Decent
Earth Defense Force 2017 Decent at best (budget title would bump it to good)
Forza Motorsport 2 Good/Great?
Fuzion Frenzy 2 LOL
Gears of War Good
Kameo: Elements of Power Average-Good
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition* Average at best
MotoGP 06* LOL
Ninety-Nine Nights LOL!
Over G Fighters LOL
Perfect Dark Zero Underwhelming Decent if you have low standards and never played the original!
Prey* Average
Project Gotham Racing 3 Good
Quake 4* Decent
Ridge Racer 6 Ridge Racer 7 is better
Rumble Roses XX LOL
Saints Row Average at best
Shadowrun* Great for what little it is
Star Trek: Legacy* LOL
Table Tennis Not exclusive
Tenchu Z LOL
Tetris Evolution uh ok
The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles* Not exclusive when Goty edition comes out
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle-earth II* lol?
The Outfit LOL
Top Spin 2* Good?
Viva Piñata Really Good/Great
WarTech: Senko No Ronde LOL
Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged Volume 1 LOL

Unreleased (47)
Ace Combat 6 Not exclusive
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures* Not Exclusive
Alan Wake* Potential good-great
All Points Bulletin* Unknown
America’s Army: True Soldiers *NEW* LOL
Banjo-Kazooie 3
BioShock* Probably not exclusive
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of World War II Not Exclusive and LOL
Blue Dragon Average
Castle Wolfenstein* Not exclusive
Cry On < Final Fantasy XIII
Culdcept Saga Original was good
Dead or Alive Code: Cronus Never been revealed
Dungeon Hero* *NEW*
Elveon* Unknown
Eternal Sonata Not Exclusive, better version on PS3
Fable 2 Potential Average-good
Far East of Eden Ziria LOL
FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage Average at best, also not exclusive
Halo 3 Amazing?
Halo Wars Average-good based on all previews
Hour of Victory Released and TERRIBLE
Huxley* Unknown
Infinite Undiscovery Not enough info
Kengo: Legend of the 9 *NEW*LOL
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom LOL
Left 4 Dead*
Lost Odyssey < Final Fantasy XIII
Marvel Universe Online* We'll see, probably will be better then DC Online
Mass Effect Potential good - Great
Mobile Ops: The One Year War LOL
MotoGP 07* Decent
Naruto: Rise of a Ninja Why?
Overlord* Already out and average to good
Postal III* Not exclusive
Project Gotham Racing 4 Getting bad previews
Project Sylpheed: Arc of Deception Already out and BAD
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel* HUH?
The Secret World* LOL
Theseis* *NEW* LOL Also not exclusive anymore if memory serves
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Conviction < Metal Gear Solid 4Also Hinted to be ported by peter Moore
Too Human Potential Great
Two Worlds* Already out and TERRIBLE
Universe At War: Earth Assault* Potential Awesome
Vampire Rain Already out and TERRIBLE

That PS3 list is the most outdated and incomplete list I've seen by far. I'll update it like tomorrow whilst at work.
But I never said I didnt play Halo 1. And for the record, I own that title as well.

Do you like collect games like priceless action figures and keep them in their original packaging and display them instead of playing them?
OK I wasn't really in the mood to engage in a ******ed quote war but since you're so inclined to start one, I guess I'll play ball.

Those are all valid complaints, but something tells me you never played Devil May Cry 3, the enemies aren't as aggressive, but dying on the first level isn't uncommon, and it's not because of cheapness, it's because you encounter enemies that force you to constantly keep moving and reacting with split seconds notice. Ninja Gaiden is basically a timing game when it comes to its combat. Devil may Cry, while taking in all those criticisms, is much more free form and actually allows the player real control over the avatar. Ninja Gaiden is very dial a combo, canned moves, and the success of those moves are based on timing, not necessarily doing the right move like in DMC. Now granted the pace is very fast, and that makes it feel intense, but in conjunction with how deficient Ninja Gaiden is in every aspect that isn't its combat system, the game feels quite boring once you've figured out what combo to dial and when, since the AI is reactive, and you can basically manipulate it rather easily.

LOL, I've played all the DMC games Zenien, and have completed both DMC1 and 3 on hard. I really can't imagine anyone sucking so hard as to dying on the very first level in DMC3, it's really quite easy save for the Cerberus boss fight, and that too not because it's "challenging" in any way that requires a real test of your combat skills, but rather it is more a matter of endurance of being able to survive the ridiculous health bars of the bosses, especially on higher difficulties. And I also find it hilarious at you saying that DMC3 is more free form and allows more control over it's avatar than Ninja Gaiden, considering Dante can't even pull half as many moves than Ryu, neither can he wall-run, double jump or even block and counter like Ryu can. Sure you can change styles on the fly in DMC3, but it's really little more than a gimmick to compensate for the lack of moves available to you with a single weapon. As for the dial-a-combo part, I think you've got DMC and NG confused - the very video of DMC3 you posted shows you can simply let loose and look "cool" trying all the wow-combos and chains and mash buttons while the other enemies just watch the show, while in Ninja Gaiden even the lesser fiends and ninjas will kick your ass for attempting such foolery. To succeed in NG, you have to play it like a true master, by mixing combo chains (yes you CAN do that in Ninja Gaiden), throws, air dashes, ultimate techniques with Ryu's vast assortment of acrobatic maneuvers. Plus, the enemies in NG don't just stand there and wait for you to look cool, they really know how to gang up on you and even the lower level enemies can easily chop your health down to critical levels if you're careless. There is NO FREAKIN' WAY you can just "dial combos" in NG and get away with it - because as you start "dialing" these combos, you will almost always get clobbered with ranged attacks (explosive shurikens from ninjas, bullets and rockets from soldiers and teleporting and long range attacks from fiends). And the AI in NG is set up that generally in fights against a group of 3 or more, only a handful will charge against you head on while one or two hang back and provide long range support. Which is why you always have to stay on the move in NG. Standing in one place and "dialing combos" will only get you clobbered. Go play Ninja Gaiden again and then come back to this discussion.

You can melee more then one enemy in DMC.

Yeah, maybe if they're in a tight cluster straight in front of you, but what if you need freely and even simultaneously attack enemies on all sides, like in the final boss fight where you team up with Vergil in DMC3 in which the boss throws a whole bunch of little snakes (or some crap like that) at you that surround you and are really annoying because you can't really dispose them in the way you can with the circular swords slashes, Lunar or Vigorian Flail in Ninja Gaiden.

The weapons don't really have a masssive move list, having played through Sigma, I found them to be pretty shallow, I'm always surprised that people say the weapons have a lot of depth, when to me that's one of the weakest aspects of Ninja Gaiden. Just look at the moves you do have, and how beating an enemy is usually about just doing that one move, timed right.

Then the problem here in not the weapons themselves, it is your poor perception. You say the weapons don't really have a massive move list, even though the move list of Dragon's Fang and Tiger's Claw alone is longer than two weapons combined in DMC3. Not to mention that every weapon in Ninja Gaiden is extremely useful at different points in the game (save for the duplicates like nunchaku, war hammer and wooden sword <well, only until you fully upgrade it> that have much superior alternatives with the Vigoorian Flail and Dabilahro) which somewhat forces you to discover the right weapon for the right time to be most effective, even though you can scrape by the whole using just the one same weapon, but where's the fun in that?

The combat evens out, Ninja Gaiden trades control and actual move depth for a fast pace, and Devil may Cry trades a fast pace for control and move depth. All they need to do in DMC is make enemies more aggressive. The platforming in Ninja Gaiden is better, but aside from being pretty much equal in combat, Ninja Gaiden is virtually ******ed in all other aspects, which is why I don't think it's as good overall.

Again, it is amusing you say DMC has move depth and control in spite of the game's ******ed manual lock function and that fact that it is almost ZERO in acrobatics and lacks essential combat elements like blocking and counters. Sure, DMC3 is flashier and more stylish, but it desperately lacks the substance of Ninja Gaiden, precisely why it failed to garner the levels of critical acclaim of the latter. Anyone who says DMC3 is anywhere close to Ninja Gaiden in combat (let alone EQUAL) is desperately reaching.

Play Devil may Cry 3 on hard mode, or extreme where it's sped up faster then Ninja Gaiden, and say that it doesn't have substance. The distinction really, is that Devil may Cry gives you as much freeform and control as possible, while Ninja Gaiden restricts you, in a lot of ways it's like the control difference between a Metal Gear and Splinter Cell. True Devil may Cry is more mashy, but at the same time it still has that split second timing in abundance, and to actually play DMC well, requires more skill then Ninja Gaiden, because Ninja Gaiden is just a timing game where you hit the right button at the right time, Devil May Cry is free form and its up to the player to figure it out and excell at it. Ninja Gaiden is timing, dial a combo, rinse and repeat, you might be good at timing, but come back when you can pull off moves like this, or style change on the fly like in DMC4.


Like I said in the beginning, I finished both DMC1 and 3 on Hard mode, and the game still isn't as fast as Ninja Gaiden is on Hard mode, especially in the boss duels. I can't stop laughing now as you keep reiterating that DMC is more free-form and Ninja Gaiden is restrictive, when you can't even pull off proper acrobatics in combat, have half as many moves compared to NG, can't block or counter, attack multiple enemies simultaneously from different angles, or even use firearms without holding the moronic manual lock on button. I've already how the style change is little more than a gimmick to compensate for the lack of moves available to you with a single weapon. I don't know where you're pulling that "Metal Gear/Splinter Cell control difference" crap from, because it's quite baseless. As for the split-second timing and requiring more skill, just try taking on both Ishtaros and Nicchae AT ONCE in mission mode and then try telling me if DMC tests your nerves like that. Matter of fact, there isn't an action hack'n' slash game on the planet that throws an enormous mix of challenge and adrenaline rush like that.
"Tom Clancyâ&#8364;&#8482;s Splinter Cell: Conviction < Metal Gear Solid 4Also Hinted to be ported by peter Moore"

Do you like collect games like priceless action figures and keep them in their original packaging and display them instead of playing them?
of course not. if I buy something, Im definetly going to use it. I got it, played it years ago, but I didnt find it to be the great big masterpiece that others did. Like I said, I had a better time with other FPS series
Critique time.

Amped 3 Decent, sort of.
Battlestations: Midway* Great game
Bomberman: Act Zero Agreed
Bullet Witch Agreed

Call of Duty 2* Great
Call of Juarez* Agreed
Chromehounds Agreed
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars* Solid game
Condemned: Criminal Origins* Great
Crackdown Good, in some ways better than GTA
Dead or Alive 4 Good
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 Depends on what market you're trying to appeal to.
Dead Rising Good
Earth Defense Force 2017 Never played it, so I'll agree.
Forza Motorsport 2 Between good and great, agreed.
Fuzion Frenzy 2 Hated first game, so agreed.
Gears of War Great for first few plays and then good.
Kameo: Elements of Power Agreed
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition* I'd say a smidgen above average.
MotoGP 06* I'll agree, I suppose.
Ninety-Nine Nights It was a decent game if you're trying to appeal to Dynasty Warrior fans.
Over G Fighters Agreed.
Perfect Dark Zero Shallow compared to original, agreed.
Prey* Above average
Project Gotham Racing 3 Agreed
Quake 4* Agreed
Ridge Racer 6 Not sure what that has to do with anything since we're not talking about sequels.
Rumble Roses XX No opinion.
Saints Row Actually a pretty good game if you took the time to play it through a bit. Was too gangster-ish for me, but it wasn't bad.
Shadowrun* Agreed
Star Trek: Legacy* No comment.
Table Tennis Not exclusive stands
Tenchu Z Never played it
Tetris Evolution Tetris is still awesome
The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles* Agreed, though it's still an asset at this point in time
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle-earth II* Actually a decent game
The Outfit Wasn't terrible
Top Spin 2* Top Spin games are entertaining, to say the least
Viva Piñata Agreed
WarTech: Senko No Ronde Agreed
Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged Volume 1 No idea what it contained, so that's a N/A

Unreleased (47)
Ace Combat 6 Yep.
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures* Yep.
Alan Wake* Agreed
All Points Bulletin* Same
America’s Army: True Soldiers *NEW* I heard it wasn't bad
Banjo-Kazooie 3 Probably going to be great
BioShock* At this time it is exclusive, and it's an amazing game
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of World War II Agreed
Blue Dragon Above Average, I'd say I'd liked it better than some FF games and I don't like J-RPGs all that much
Castle Wolfenstein* Yup
Cry On I'm wondering where you get this opinion since you probably don 't know anything about it.
Culdcept Saga Agreed
Elveon* I'd say possibly good
Eternal Sonata Better version on PS3? I'm sure. :whatever:
Fable 2 Probably going to be a good-great game. Definitely not average.
Far East of Eden Ziria No idea
FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage Yup
Halo 3 Amazing. Not a question.
Halo Wars I'd say response to it is all good. Not average.
Hour of Victory Haven't played or researched it, don't really care to.
Huxley* Possibly a good MMOFPS
Infinite Undiscovery Same
Kengo: Legend of the 9 *NEW*
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom Potential to be better than the first, though I didn't really like the first. At all.
Left 4 Dead* A decent game? No idea.
Lost Odyssey You know, the creator of Final Fantasy can make a better game than the one he started with. I.E. Chrono Cross/Chrono Trigger
Marvel Universe Online* Agreed
Mass Effect Shaping up to be a definite great
Naruto: Rise of a Ninja Reviews have been positive?
Overlord* It's a good, humorous experience.
Project Gotham Racing 4 Really? Point me to the bad previews, then. And by someone I can actually give credit to.

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Conviction Hints of porting don't mean a thing until they are. And MGS4 is a pretty ridiculous series, so I'd put the SC games above it.

Too Human Probably great, yeah.
Two Worlds* Actually, it's decent. Not worth the money, but once you get through the beginning it gets better.
Universe At War: Earth Assault* Haven't really read much, but I'm going to guess it'll be at least a good game.
Vampire Rain Agreed.
First off, Halo was a brilliant multiplayer capture the flag game, deathmatch was alright, story mode was weak.

Halo 2 was actually not as good as the the first, dual weapons was one reason, but there are others.

Unreal is much more fast paced and entertaining deathmatch wise, and the unreal series is probab;y the most profilic FPS series being brought to next gen, as the ps3 version is better than the PC one is going to be.

Tekken 5 is probably the most popular current gen beat em up, and is near impossible to find anywhere to buy in this country as it still keeps selling out, which seems odd to me, as long as the next one is similar enough, it will be the best beat em up out there.

You listed shivvering isles (oblivion) for 360, however it was announced that ps3 would be getting it also, but at a later date, due to the need to upgrade it to suit the ps3 system.
Tekken 5 is probably the most popular current gen beat em up, and is near impossible to find anywhere to buy in this country as it still keeps selling out, which seems odd to me, as long as the next one is similar enough, it will be the best beat em up out there.
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection is available for download via the PSN for PS3 owners
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 Depends on what market you're trying to appeal to.

I guess it depends on how valuable being able to play the game one handed is to the guy that's playing it...

Ridge Racer 6 Not sure what that has to do with anything since we're not talking about sequels.

Don't let the name fool you, RR7 is basically a prettier version of RR6 with added content.

Blue Dragon Above Average, I'd say I'd liked it better than some FF games and I don't like J-RPGs all that much

I guess it depends on your tastes. It's a decent Dragon Warrior clone. I wouldn't say that it's better then DW by any stretch though.

Cry On I'm wondering where you get this opinion since you probably don 't know anything about it.

I mixed up LO with Cry On.

Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom Potential to be better than the first, though I didn't really like the first. At all.


Lost Odyssey You know, the creator of Final Fantasy can make a better game than the one he started with. I.E. Chrono Cross/Chrono Trigger

Well keep in mind he was half of that equation, nor would I have high praise for Cross which could have been great if they'd not abandoned the closer ties to CT that they were planning on, or included 60 billion characters no one cared about. CT Is right up there if not better then the best FF game, agreed, though I find it way too easy these days... except that fight to get Melchior back...

Exromaniac said:
Eternal Sonata Better version on PS3? I'm sure. :whatever:

The PS3 version of Eternal Sonata will featurenew events to flesh out the game's storyline, Crescendo and Serenade will be playable characters and you'll even be able to change your character's outfits.


Project Gotham Racing 4 Really? Point me to the bad previews, then. And by someone I can actually give credit to.

I shouldn't have spoken out of turn. Bad previews is a gross exageration, but on last weeks 1UP show Shane mentioned that they got a complete PGR4, and that they played it for about 5 minutes and shut it off. garnett, who is a big racing game fan chimed in "Yeah, John and I have played PGR4 and we're not surprised by that in the least..." to which John gives a depressed "Yeah...". Both of those two are the racing guys at 1UP. They like love Forza, previous PGR games, and GT, as well as have been critical of GT 'Bumper cars' and talked about how amazing the community intergration of Forza is, so hearing them being down on PGR4 is pretty surprising. Shane says "So we played PGR4 for 5 minutes, and went to play Geometry Warz Wave, which is a testament to how exciting Geometry Wars Wave is" and Garnett follows up with "and how not exciting PGR4 is."

It was the September 14th Podcast.

38 minute mark

Ace Combat 6 is exclusive

The latest Official Xbox Mag has a whopping great preview of Ace Combat 6 for the 360, and also the not-very-unexpected-at-all-really news that it's exclusive for the 360. Well...it's a timed exclusive. I'm of the opinion that a timed exclusive isn't really an exclusive at all, but then I'm also of the opinion a man can wear sandals and socks if the weather permits, so make of that what you will.


Castle Wolfenstein is a 360 exclusive

id CEO Todd Hollenshead confirmed at QuakeCon that the Raven Software developed "Castle Wolfenstein," the codename for the next game in the Wolfenstein series, will be coming to the PlayStation 3 alongside the previously announced Xbox 360 and PC versions.

If MGS4 later decides to go multi plaform, I'm gonna be pissed s fu*k.
You better start preparing yourself then, its inevitable.

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