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How´s your confidence level now?

Good: He´s no Singer but he´ll do just fine from me. :up:
ultimatefan said:
Yeah, well, the one thing that bothers me the most is the running time thing too, looks like it might feel rushed.
1hr 45min is just right
ultimatefan said:
Yeah, well, the one thing that bothers me the most is the running time thing too, looks like it might feel rushed.

Yeah with all the characters and arcs the run-time feels to short like F4
xwolverine2 said:
1hr 45min is just right
I´m not saying it will ruin it, with so many characters and subplots, I think more time would let the story breath more. We´ll see.
My confidence has been going down slowly for the past month. I think Brett is throwing way to much stuff into this movie without having respect for the Xverse. So many mutants with potential like Psylocke apparently just get
pulverized or whatever by Dark Phoenix
which is super lame. Cyclops dying when he is the second most important character in the Dark Phoenix saga........Xavier dying and Storm taking over the school?! I fear for this movie. Who knows what else was butchered from the X-men storyline for the sake of a cheap thrill. :down

...i'm still seeing it though :p I can't bring myself to not
ultimatefan said:
I´m not saying it will ruin it, with so many characters and subplots, I think more time would let the story breath more. We´ll see.
yeah true.... but 1hr 45min shouldnt be considered short
I don't care who directs it, I don't think Ratner has to do Singer justice, heck I don't even think he has to do the comic justice, for me it just comes down to the fact that even though I'm an X-men fan, more than anything I just want a good movie, and from the sounds of it, that's what I'm gunna get.
Good + - Ratner's no Singer but Singer isn't the Holy Grail
Good: He´s no Singer but he´ll do just fine :)
I am at meh level....actually I'd prefer the option be "Meh: As I see it this film could go either way"
I voted total, granted I think the fact the are killing of cyclops is ignorant, but thats not ratner's fault and who knows, they may do it well... even if they do do it well though it is still ignorant
My confindence has varied throughout the years.


After X-2: 10/10


No director announced for a 2006 release: 2/10

Vaughn announced as director: 6/10

Vaughn left, Ratner announced: 3/10

First trailer release: 7/10


Second trailer: 9/10

TV spots and Clips: 9/10

Running time announced: 5/10

Reviews: 8/10
I am so hyped up to watch this movie.
Ebert & Roeper's vote of confidence really boosted my confidence for this movie! I can't wait anymore!!!!
DemonicAngel said:
I voted total, granted I think the fact the are killing of cyclops is ignorant, but thats not ratner's fault and who knows, they may do it well... even if they do do it well though it is still ignorant

I think I agree with you 100%

My excitement level is definatley at "Total: Ratner will do Singer justice"

All things considered, I still feel that this will be the best movie of the franchise.

I absolutley love Singer's approach to the X-Men, as he really got who these characters were, and the world that they lived in, and that's more important than costumes and powers, imo.

But at the same time, this is still a world about superheroes and super powers, and I think that this time around, we'll get the action that we never would have gotten with Singer. This final battle is going to be amazing.

And I finally get to see one of my favorites in Beast, so I'm really looking forward to that.

With that said, there are some complaints that I have, the biggest one being the death of Cyclops. I agree with DemonicAngel's statement; killing off Cyclops is pure ignorance. And it's not about being a fanboy or not. It's about being faithful to the source material. You can make deviations and still remain faithful, just like Singer did. But killing off Cyclops period, let alone in the Phoenix Saga, and then turning Wolverine into a leader, and Jean Grey's savior is total ignorance.

My other complaint is the fact that Gambit has been promised to us for the 2nd one, then when he didn't make it, we were told he'd be in the next one. We were promised by different producers that he would have a role in this film, only to be cut altogether once again. I do like the X-Men for more than just Gambit, but Gambit is my favorite character in the X-Men mythos, and my favorite fictional character, ever, period. And on top of that, he is one of the most popular X-Men characters ever, both with X-Men fans and the pop culture alike. I think Gambit deserved some recognition in the X-Men film adaptations. Instead, we get a name on a computer screen :(

I would have also liked to have seen Sentinels as an actual threat in the film trilogy, not just a training simulation in the Danger Room. But I guess at least we'll get a Sentinel period.

With those complaints stated, I think that this team is getting more right than they got wrong. I think overall, the movie will be amazing, and will probably be the best of the trilogy.

But there is one huge glaring **** up in the death of Cyclops that I'll never be able to fully accept. No matter how great this movie is, 10 years from now, 20 years from now, the movie will never feel totally right with Cyclops being killed off. And that is a shame.

But overall, I think the movie will be awesome, and my anticipation has always been through the roof, since I saw X2 and knew that a 3rd was inevitable. And save for the news of Cyclops dying, my anticipation has never been hindered.
My level is high right now actually.

"He's no Singer"--but in the case of my favorite X-character this is a blessing I've awaited for 6 years now. While I'm going to miss the smart sophistication that Bryan brought to the overall package, I have to admit I am ready for some all-out mutant battles. The latter is something I'm not sure Bryan would have ever brought, so Brett will do fine. ;)
mine is waning after ive read tons of terrible reviews, that makes me nervous and stabby.
SingItWithMeNow said:
mine is waning after ive read tons of terrible reviews, that makes me nervous and stabby.
Huh, actually, almost every official review so far has been positive. Not always enthusiastic, but positive.
Im in between "Good: He´s no Singer but he´ll do just fine" and "Meh... Will Singer be available for a fourth?"....I just am not hyped that much anymore
actually. i really wont blame ratner that much. i mean he came in late in the game, which isn't his fault and had to work with what the writers and fox gave him.
SingItWithMeNow said:
mine is waning after ive read tons of terrible reviews, that makes me nervous and stabby.

Hey Sing,

Where are these at? The vast majority of the ones I've seen have been positive. And although there aren't enough up at RT to get an official rating, the ones present are "Fresh", so.....:confused:
Mine is at an all time high!!! I am more excited about this film than the prior two! I think Ratner will do the film justice.
Kurosawa said:
None, and it has been none ever since the AICN spoilers leaked. The fact that they turned out to be accurate killed any chance X3 might have had with me.

i'm with you, the action side looks good but the age old story of the characters and their development makes me very anxious.

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