How about costume design?


Shaper Savant
Jul 26, 2012
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So, in past Fantastic Four films the first family dresses in the following way:



What would you change about their costumes in a future F4 film? I for one say the more practical adornments and accessories the better. Boots, belts harnesses, whatever makes them look more like adventurers and less like ballet dancers. And Torch/Thing should be almost exclusively CGI/Mocap


and the villains? Dr. Doom, Annihilus, Galactus?
Im kind of fond of this design I came across a while back.. Although i have to admit I do love the white Future Foundation costumes though...

is something like this to similar to the original movies design?
The symbol should be bigger than last time, and in the middle of the chest.
Im kind of fond of this design I came across a while back.. Although i have to admit I do love the white Future Foundation costumes though...


I think you're really on to something. IF they do any white on the costume, this is how they should do it. But like I said, add some belts and harnesses. ;)

is something like this to similar to the original movies design?

Yes i believe it is a little bit too similar. other than sue's vest and bens full body suit. which aren't bad looking.
White Design. Looks more scientific, and it would pop visually on screen.

I also want the suits to have features like holographic projectors, built in lights for dark areas, helmets for different breathing environments, etc.
Maybe the suits can even have a color-changing feature, similar to stealth mode in Young Justice. The suits can turn blue when underwater to blend in with the environment, which I'm hoping will be Subterranea. Meramec is an underwater city in Subterranea that would be perfect for that.
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Fox should do something they have yet to do with the FF costumes - base them upon the original Kirby designs from Issue #3 - loose fitting, high collars, blue and black jump suits.
... and please make the "4" look like it does in the comics, too ...
I hope they stick to the Big 4 in the middle and the classic blue and black from the comics
I like the costumes from the 2005/2007 FF films! So modern and yet not so different from the comic books. I hope they uses the same fabric for the reboot and I want all of them to wear gloves except for The Thing.
I was perfectly fine with the uniforms of the first two movies. I DO NOT WANT A BELT SIMPLY TO LOOK LIKE the belt, absolutely no belt.

Which means there will probably be a
I kinda like the white Future Foundation costumes.
I like the design SkinnyGlasses came up with.

I'm sorry, but those belts look stupid, and make them look fat in the a cartoon, you can draw their middle much smaller to overcome that problem, in a live action movie, sorry...but IMO, it will look stupid.
OTOH, it'd be nice if the outfits looked useful for actual adventuring, so that means they need *some* kind of pockets for equipment.
Actually, the costumes were one of the few things that were perfectly fine in the last films. They were subtle and not flashy. A variant of those costumes would be just fine. Having a huge 4 in the middle of their chest looks a bit cheesy to me.
Actually, the costumes were one of the few things that were perfectly fine in the last films. They were subtle and not flashy. A variant of those costumes would be just fine. Having a huge 4 in the middle of their chest looks a bit cheesy to me.

I thought the costumes were nice in the first two Fox films - a little too tight for my liking, but overall just fine. Having said that, I would be happy to see something a little truer to the original costumes, looser fitting, etc. Hard to say if a "4" in the middle of the chest would look "cheesy" - since it has not been done properly yet - but I assume it would not be any worse than a large "S", bat, or spider as we have seen done in other comic films to good effect.
Loved the costumes in the other movies. Heck i really liked those movies when they first came out

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