Just some of the main titles from back then:
Alpha Flight - (I have all their issues, even one-shots.)
Amazing Fantasy #15 - (First Spidey, I got for 100.00 back in the early 80's.)
Arak and Arion - (I have all of Arion, and missing 3 issues of Arak. I've been picking up a lot of the old DC comics I used to read way back when.)
Avengers #184 - Present - (Everything from Jun '79 to today, including stuff like Avenger's West Coast and Solo Avengers.)
Battlestar Galactica - (Entire Marvel series.)
Captain America #212 - Present - (Got everything from Aug. of '77, except missing 23 issues between issues 212-299.)
Champions - (Missing 5 issues; sadly, issue #1 is one of them.)
Conan the Barbarian - (Quite a few issues, starting at issue #44 from Nov. of '74. I'm looking at focusing much of my buying on this series throughout 2007. I have some good runs, like issues #75-93 and 125-166.)
Crisis on Infinite Earths and Secret Wars - (Missing two issues of Crisis and one issue of Secret Wars.)
Dazzler - (Complete Series)
Defenders #17 - Present - (Missing issues 23 and 32; but, every other Defender's title from Nov. '74 on.)
Doctor Strange - (I've been collecting his comics quite a bit in 2006. I have as far back as issue #170 from July of '68, plus issue #1 of vol. 2.)
Fantastic Four 232 - Present - (From July of '81, I have everything, except missing four issues. I do have earlier issues, too from the early 70's.)
Iron Man 133 - Present - (Got a great deal on ebay, and it filled up everything from April of '80 to present.)
Well, I guess I'll stop there. I've spent a lot of time looking from great deals in various shops and with ebay. Plus, Milehighcomics has been great at picking many old comics for 50 cents or less with their great discounts and codes. I have pretty much every single Marvel comic from 1991 to present. It's the expensive books, like Spider-Man and X-Men I'm holding off on. I really regret selling my original comic collection for a Mustang. At that time in 1986, I used to have X-Men #94 to present, Amazing Spider-Man 150 - Present, and Fantastic Four 100 - Present. I'm slowly getting those books back, but it will take quite a while. Thank God for Ebay!