How many times will you watch MOS in theaters?

I'm gonna watch it at least once in regular 2D, Cine Capri, and IMAX 3D.
At least twice. Once in 2D with my wife and once in 3D with a friend.
at the very least 5 times, I want to beat my Skyfall record (saw it 4x)
Once, cause I'm not made of money. :o
Three times for sure (once with friends, twice with my woman as we love going to the movies together)
Once. The rest depends on how good it is.
As many times as possible!!! Seriously, probably 4 times.
re-cap of my last post

1. iMAX 3D
2. Normal
3. UltraAvX
4. Normal iMAX (no 3D)
5. Normal

in no order but something like that...I've saved up my free movies on my SCENE card for over 2 years just for this :D
I'll put it this way...

I watched Superman Returns in the theaters 4 times and I hated it. But because it had been so long and it was Big Blue I went anyway.

Now as far as MOS goes... I already have claimed it to be my favorite Supes flick just from the trailers>

Nuff said. :word:
I'll put it this way...

I watched Superman Returns in the theaters 4 times and I hated it. But because it had been so long and it was Big Blue I went anyway.

Now as far as MOS goes... I already have claimed it to be my favorite Supes flick just from the trailers>

Nuff said. :word:

Dittos here Shield. I liked SR at the time because I missed the character so much from the screen. I wanted to think it was good, but in actuality we all know it wasn't. I saw it 3 times. With that being said, and the great promise the trailers and TV spots have shown, I may go to every MOS showing possible until my money runs out...:woot:
I plan on a whole weekend of viewings. About 4 times or so, maybe 5.
I'll put it this way...

I watched Superman Returns in the theaters 4 times and I hated it. But because it had been so long and it was Big Blue I went anyway.

Now as far as MOS goes... I already have claimed it to be my favorite Supes flick just from the trailers>

Nuff said. :word:

:funny: it does look good :) I might break my all time movie record,....I saw The Matrix 15 times in theaters :p gonna see it 5x for sure, but if I actually like it...10x more lol
^ Wow. Are you actually MADE OF MONEY?!
Oh well, do your part to insure a non-compromised sequel :)
Depends on how good it is. My record is 9, I think. I set it along while ago though, so I am not sure.
If it doesn't live up to expectations, no more than two viewings. If it's as good as what we're seeing in the spots, though, probably more than twice.
^ Wow. Are you actually MADE OF MONEY?!
Oh well, do your part to insure a non-compromised sequel :)

nope I wish I was, but I do have an Aunt who manages a AMC and will let me in for free :D ......if I babysit my cousins :S lol
at least 5 times,one viewing in each format.
^"I do have an Aunt who manages a AMC"
Nice. :)

not really, her theater is getting Man Of Steel in late June - early July :p down side of being right next to a massive theater lol, thats why I saved up my free movies for the regular theaters, so I can see it first lol

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