Sucks you didn't address my other points, I was pretty proud of them

Meh, I suppose you will just bring up the thoughts I disputed in some other rant.
What's this business about superman being stronger now?
1. Did you or did you not see Faora out class superman by way of skill? I'm praying you say yes, otherwise this is going to be a long day.
It's a pretty basic concept of combat that skill often wins out over strength and even speed. Thus you have Faora handing superman his ass.
I assume you caught on to the idea that Superman has never fought a day in his 33 years, and definitely not a full power. And that Faora was not only genetically coded to be a warrior but always has a lifetime of training. NOW BEFORE YOU SAY THAT SUPERMAN IS STRONGER...I should say, please look at the footage and see for yourself. That's what happens in this movie.
Now, it's safe to assume that Zod is just like her if not better(given his rank). So there's that point.
Granted superman get's better along the way. But if you keep ignoring this I will personally think you are doing it on purpose.
Secondly, this idea that superman has been soaking up the sun for far longer so he's by default stronger. Yes, that's how it works in the comics, again that's not exactly how it's shown to work in this movie. Jor el said the sun would charge his cells but that gravity and and atmosphere would play a factor. This explains why Zod and co have the physical powers even without being exposed to the sun. How much physical power you ask? See Faora hand superman his ass without breaking a sweat then take a missle to the face.
Lastly, and this one is a new one.
After superman destroys the world engine he reaches for the sun. Why? Are his powers drained? Is he at full power? Is he weaker than Zod at this point?
Tune in next time.
The only advantage superman has is his experience with non lethal use of his powers. So please unless you care to explain this "killing someone weaker"'s pointless.
A final note, We don't know if zod's dead, Kryptonians have a healing factor under yellow stars, and just like superman in the doomsday fight, it's possible zod's body just went into hibernation mode for better healing. Just a thought.
Exented scenes baby.
btw superman also killed the last movie.