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How would you do it! - DC Edition - ©Anubis

Yeah, The Android Hourman. Had a time ship and a map of the Timestream.

He was like a Cross between Vision and Doctor Who.....man he was awesome.

DC need to bring him back for some fun time travel adventures

I demand to see him ride a dinosaur while he fights Per Degaton's Nazi cavemen on Yeti's
This is how I would do it if I could start all over with DC:

Superman: I would use the Earth One origin for Superman and give him only two titles (Action Comics and Superman). I would keep the Earth One suit for him if I ever did change the suit I would use the MOS suit as that one seems to be growing on me. For Clark Kent I would keep him like how he is in Earth One. As far as who the real person is I would make Kal-El/Smallville Clark (meaning when Clark could be himself when he is with family and friends) the real Clark Kent. I would also have Lois be in love with Clark and view Superman as a story. I would also have their love grow over time and I would have her know who Superman is after sometime (maybe 2 years from the point they start dating with would be 4 to 5 years after the book starts) but not let Clark know until he is ready to tell her. As far as Lex goes I would have Lex be written more like the SV/L&C Lex. I want them to show that Lex is not all evil. I would also have Superman be the only survivor of Krypton. The only other people you may find are the ones in the Phantom Zone (Zod and all the criminals from there). I wouldn’t have Supergirl show up until till two to three years are the start of this Superman series and her origin’s would be more along the lines of S:TAS. As for Superboy I have yet to decide if he will be cloned before or after Superman’s death. However when I do the death of Superman he will be out of title for almost as long as Cap was or maybe a little bit longer. As far as the city of Metropolis I would have it look to be timeless much like New York City or Washington D.C. I would also have Superman not be so easily trusted or accepted as most people would think that no one man should have all that power. However I would have it should that Superman inspires hope to that city and slowly you start to see the city become brighter. I would also have Superman be the first hero.

Batman: I would have Batman origin be a mix between Earth One and Begins. I would take Batman’s relationship with Gordon and how he was trained from Begins the rest I would take from Earth One. On Second thought I would make Batman’s origins from Begins and the only thing I would take from Earth One is the suit. I would limit him to two books (Batman and Detective Comics). Bruce Wayne I would have him be more like James Bond. I mean he would have a way with the ladies and be very charming but always on the job. For Alfred I would make him a mix between Begins, TAS, and Earth One (meaning he is in shape and can handle himself). As for the Joker I would have him look like TDK Joker but he would be very dark and you would see him kill and torture his victims. I would also have his jokes be ones that only he gets. As Two-Face I would make him and Bruce Wayne best friends and have it be a tragic story when you see him fall. I would also have his face when burned be something very hard to look at. As for Robin I would have him be Dick Grayson and not have him show up till 1.5 years after this book starts. I would also not have Dick start out as Robin right away although he will be there after that 1.5 year mark he will be in training and finding out who Batman is. His relationship with Dick will be more like brothers than anything else. The Batcave I will show grow over time from just a cave with computers to what it is now. As for Catwoman I would have her be the woman Batman/Bruce loves but it will have to grow over time. I would also have Gotham be almost as much a character as Batman. I want to show case the city and showcase what happens in the city. I would have Batman written as a Max title because his world is dark and ugly and I want to showcase that. When Dick does become Robin then you will have a third Batman book titled Batman and Robin.
The first big crossover book will be Superman/Batman. With Superman and Batman first meeting and taking down Lex and the Joker or something along those lines.

Wonder Woman: I would have her origin be close to the one in trinity or JL where she leaves her island to help mankind. I will have her show up in the WW II ear but that is later down the line. I would also have her use her lasso more and use the old elements that made Wonder Woman great. I would also have her and Superman involved at some point before he moves on to marry Lois.

Green Lantern: I would make him be a man who does make mistakes and has doubts but grows to be the greatest Lantern of them all because he doesn’t give up and is always working to make himself better. I would not make him too cockybut show he does have an edge and jokes around. I would also make his book have more of a Star Wars feel because his is not only the protector of Earth but the galaxy. As for Sinestro I would have his relationship with Hal be the reverse of Obi-wan and Anakin and have their battle or fight play out like in ROTS with Hal and Sinestro talking and it would be like brothers fighting and be touching and emotional. I would have it play out sort of like the Civil War with them. I would also take out all these rainbows of colors.

Flash: I would have Wally be the Flash just with Barry’s origin.

Justice League: The first line wide crossover event would form the Justice League and I would not spread it out over 6 months but release that story in GN format. Because that is the only way I want to use the JLat the moment. I want to have them be used only in events where they need to team up because I want to cut down on the questions of when did this story take place if Superman or Batman, etc was doing this at the time. However after each big event I would not release a comic the following month but release newspapers each from like the Daily Planet, Gotham Gazette, etc. With stories and pictures telling people about the aftermath of events and how the heroes are helping or doing their part to make things right and help clean up as well as it be the introduction to give hints to new heroes how have yet to be shown. I would not have a monthly JL title until after the Death of Superman. That title would be formed out of the JL (who have never let a new member join) breaks apart after felling like thy let the world and Superman down. This event will cause a ripple in the DCU that breaks them up and has MM go out to reform the League which in turn will introduce the JLU (which will have most of the DCU as members (much like the series did and since it will be monthly it will give readers a chance to see some of their favorite heroes that don’t have monthly titles.

JSA: They will be the heroes of the WW II era. That’s where you will find Barry Allen and Allen Scott and the heroes you know to be a part of the JSA. I would have Wonder Woman’s mom be the first Wonder Woman use that to give a nod to Wonder Woman’s WWII history and where she would meet Steve but ultimately not be able to be with him. The JSA though would pop up here and there in the present era as well but they will more or less be the heroes that time forgot.

Legion: I would have the Legion of Super-Heroes be influenced by Superman and this is actually where I would have Superboy come from. I would have Conner be a clone from the future and then him and Bart get stuck in the past. But the Legion while influenced by Superman would not have had him as a member Conner would have been made because of terrible events which calls for them to have their own Superman much like the Cartoon. Conner and Bart will be regulars in the series till events get them thrown into the past.

Teen Titans: The Titans would be Superboy, Kid Flash (Bart), Robin (Dick), Wonder Girl (Cassie), and a few others. This group will not be formed at least two year after Dick makes his first appearance as Robin.

The rest of the DCU I would move with accordingly. Following the new 62 format giving a book 6 months to prove it's self.
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Just throwing ideas out....

I would love to see a Superman story that has him calling out the GL Corps for not protecting Krypton.

Remember when we got back Harvy Dent in Hush and then nothing ever came of it. I would like to see a story about Dent being thrown into one of Ras' pit with a dead body. Harvy comes out but the dead body takes on the other half of Two Face. That dead body should have been Jason Todd.

A new Spectre that is a kid. It would play out kind of like Donnie Darko.

I would like a new on going series for Deadman. He gets cursed to be in an old mans body. He can still leave but just not take over anyone else. He gets that one body and when that old man dies, Deadman goes with him.
This is how I would do it if I could start all over with DC:

Superman: I would use the Earth One origin for Superman and give him only two titles (Action Comics and Superman). I would keep the Earth One suit for him if I ever did change the suit I would use the MOS suit as that one seems to be growing on me. For Clark Kent I would keep him like how he is in Earth One. As far as who the real person is I would make Kal-El/Smallville Clark (meaning when Clark could be himself when he is with family and friends) the real Clark Kent. I would also have Lois be in love with Clark and view Superman as a story. I would also have their love grow over time and I would have her know who Superman is after sometime (maybe 2 years from the point they start dating with would be 4 to 5 years after the book starts) but not let Clark know until he is ready to tell her. As far as Lex goes I would have Lex be written more like the SV/L&C Lex. I want them to show that Lex is not all evil. I would also have Superman be the only survivor of Krypton. The only other people you may find are the ones in the Phantom Zone (Zod and all the criminals from there). I wouldn’t have Supergirl show up until till two to three years are the start of this Superman series and her origin’s would be more along the lines of S:TAS. As for Superboy I have yet to decide if he will be cloned before or after Superman’s death. However when I do the death of Superman he will be out of title for almost as long as Cap was or maybe a little bit longer. As far as the city of Metropolis I would have it look to be timeless much like New York City or Washington D.C. I would also have Superman not be so easily trusted or accepted as most people would think that no one man should have all that power. However I would have it should that Superman inspires hope to that city and slowly you start to see the city become brighter. I would also have Superman be the first hero.

Batman: I would have Batman origin be a mix between Earth One and Begins. I would take Batman’s relationship with Gordon and how he was trained from Begins the rest I would take from Earth One. On Second thought I would make Batman’s origins from Begins and the only thing I would take from Earth One is the suit. I would limit him to two books (Batman and Detective Comics). Bruce Wayne I would have him be more like James Bond. I mean he would have a way with the ladies and be very charming but always on the job. For Alfred I would make him a mix between Begins, TAS, and Earth One (meaning he is in shape and can handle himself). As for the Joker I would have him look like TDK Joker but he would be very dark and you would see him kill and torture his victims. I would also have his jokes be ones that only he gets. As Two-Face I would make him and Bruce Wayne best friends and have it be a tragic story when you see him fall. I would also have his face when burned be something very hard to look at. As for Robin I would have him be Dick Grayson and not have him show up till 1.5 years after this book starts. I would also not have Dick start out as Robin right away although he will be there after that 1.5 year mark he will be in training and finding out who Batman is. His relationship with Dick will be more like brothers than anything else. The Batcave I will show grow over time from just a cave with computers to what it is now. As for Catwoman I would have her be the woman Batman/Bruce loves but it will have to grow over time. I would also have Gotham be almost as much a character as Batman. I want to show case the city and showcase what happens in the city. I would have Batman written as a Max title because his world is dark and ugly and I want to showcase that. When Dick does become Robin then you will have a third Batman book titled Batman and Robin.
The first big crossover book will be Superman/Batman. With Superman and Batman first meeting and taking down Lex and the Joker or something along those lines.

Wonder Woman: I would have her origin be close to the one in trinity or JL where she leaves her island to help mankind. I will have her show up in the WW II ear but that is later down the line. I would also have her use her lasso more and use the old elements that made Wonder Woman great. I would also have her and Superman involved at some point before he moves on to marry Lois.

Green Lantern: I would make him be a man who does make mistakes and has doubts but grows to be the greatest Lantern of them all because he doesn’t give up and is always working to make himself better. I would not make him too cockybut show he does have an edge and jokes around. I would also make his book have more of a Star Wars feel because his is not only the protector of Earth but the galaxy. As for Sinestro I would have his relationship with Hal be the reverse of Obi-wan and Anakin and have their battle or fight play out like in ROTS with Hal and Sinestro talking and it would be like brothers fighting and be touching and emotional. I would have it play out sort of like the Civil War with them. I would also take out all these rainbows of colors.

Flash: I would have Wally be the Flash just with Barry’s origin.

Justice League: The first line wide crossover event would form the Justice League and I would not spread it out over 6 months but release that story in GN format. Because that is the only way I want to use the JLat the moment. I want to have them be used only in events where they need to team up because I want to cut down on the questions of when did this story take place if Superman or Batman, etc was doing this at the time. However after each big event I would not release a comic the following month but release newspapers each from like the Daily Planet, Gotham Gazette, etc. With stories and pictures telling people about the aftermath of events and how the heroes are helping or doing their part to make things right and help clean up as well as it be the introduction to give hints to new heroes how have yet to be shown. I would not have a monthly JL title until after the Death of Superman. That title would be formed out of the JL (who have never let a new member join) breaks apart after felling like thy let the world and Superman down. This event will cause a ripple in the DCU that breaks them up and has MM go out to reform the League which in turn will introduce the JLU (which will have most of the DCU as members (much like the series did and since it will be monthly it will give readers a chance to see some of their favorite heroes that don’t have monthly titles.

JSA: They will be the heroes of the WW II era. That’s where you will find Barry Allen and Allen Scott and the heroes you know to be a part of the JSA. I would have Wonder Woman’s mom be the first Wonder Woman use that to give a nod to Wonder Woman’s WWII history and where she would meet Steve but ultimately not be able to be with him. The JSA though would pop up here and there in the present era as well but they will more or less be the heroes that time forgot.

Legion: I would have the Legion of Super-Heroes be influenced by Superman and this is actually where I would have Superboy come from. I would have Conner be a clone from the future and then him and Bart get stuck in the past. But the Legion while influenced by Superman would not have had him as a member Conner would have been made because of terrible events which calls for them to have their own Superman much like the Cartoon. Conner and Bart will be regulars in the series till events get them thrown into the past.

Teen Titans: The Titans would be Superboy, Kid Flash (Bart), Robin (Dick), Wonder Girl (Cassie), and a few others. This group will not be formed at least two year after Dick makes his first appearance as Robin.

The rest of the DCU I would move with accordingly. Following the new 62 format giving a book 6 months to prove it's self.

You lost me the second I saw earth 1.
DC need to bring him back for some fun time travel adventures

I demand to see him ride a dinosaur while he fights Per Degaton's Nazi cavemen on Yeti's
Him (Android Hour Man), Rip Hunter, Booster Gold and Booster's sister.
One big fun time travelling adventure that takes place outside of the New
52 time line so they can go anywhere without effecting it. So they wouldn't
feel constricted by it.
I had a few ideas in my head but they were mostly passing thoughts with no clear structure yet. But I do have a more solid outline of how I want to see Dick Grayson used.


Basically I would have Dick be in a recon of Bludhaven that changed the city to a more Atlantic City/Bludhaven type of place. Mirroring the diffrence between him and Bruce, Gotham would be all dark and gothic whilst Bludhaven would be all flashy, colorful and neon-lit. It should have the best casinos, nightclubs, hotels, brothels (eh, why not?). I'd also have it have the largest airport and train station where many stop overs are put in place.

Dick's day job would be as managing director of Wayne Hotels (allowing him to travel abroad when necessary) giving the media a cover of Grayson being a bit of privileged yahoo who's never sure of what he's doing. Since he's never had a steady job and only rose because he was Bruce Wayne's ward it would cause hostility towards him from his employees (when ironically Dick is doing a fine job running the company). You could also have a lot of comical scenes with Dick, the adrenaline junkie that he is- constantly wanting to get out of work and get on with his main job as Nightwing.

As Nightwing though Dick would be closely linked with the rest of the Bat-Family keeping an eye on the crime scene of Bludhaven (which would, of course have strong ties to Gotham's). The villains would need to reflect the city so you could basically have every gambling themed villain (except Joker) in the DC Universe; Roulette, The Royal Flush Gang or the more gimmicky colorful criminals like the Circus of the Strange, Flamengo, Professor Pyg and even Kite-Man and Crazy Quilt (illegally run tourist attractions run by small time crime lords) and of course, a guest appearance from the Riddler.

The criminal element would be a kind of super-villain Oceans' Eleven with the trippiness of Fear and Loathing. A LOT of corporate espionage and gathering place for various crime lords with villains always meeting up in secret to discuss plans on a global scale. Since I'd like Oracle (yeah that's right, **** nu52 Batgirl) to be ***** main contact in the Bat Family in this series , I'd have the Calculator also have a major role, linking the various crime organizations. The irony being that while Bludhaven doesn't have that much petty crime (well, compared to Gotham) it's actually the center of organized crime for the entire country or even the world. Of course we'd still have the occasional sick freaks who do it for fun (like Pyg).


As for my other ideas, they were mostly just notes:

A nitpick that doesn't effect my enjoyment of his stories in anyway but that I'd like for Krypton to be considered by various other planets to be the "perfect" civilization in that it was completely in harmony with the exceptions of some (Phantom Zone criminals). And despite it's not venturing into other cultures (besides Daxam) was hailed throughout the cosmos as close to perfection as New Genesis. Just to make it a bit more special)

Wonder Woman-
I'd really like Cheetah to be given the A-list treatment and for more writers to work with her as a possible "opposite" to Wondy as Lex and Joker are to Superman and Batman.

Justice League-
Bring back J'onn ****ing Jonzz. He's the goddamn heart and soul of that team, the telepathic link was better than any gizmo Bats or Cyborg could ever conjure up. His backstory brilliantly blends with that of all the League (mostly with Supes and Aquaman though). He should be the wise old sage of the DC Universe.
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I had a few ideas in my head but they were mostly passing thoughts with no clear structure yet. But I do have a more solid outline of how I want to see Dick Grayson used.


Basically I would have Dick be in a recon of Bludhaven that changed the city to a more Atlantic City/Bludhaven type of place. Mirroring the diffrence between him and Bruce, Gotham would be all dark and gothic whilst Bludhaven would be all flashy, colorful and neon-lit. It should have the best casinos, nightclubs, hotels, brothels (eh, why not?). I'd also have it have the largest airport and train station where many stop overs are put in place.

Dick's day job would be as managing director of Wayne Hotels (allowing him to travel abroad when necessary) giving the media a cover of Grayson being a bit of privileged yahoo who's never sure of what he's doing. Since he's never had a steady job and only rose because he was Bruce Wayne's ward it would cause hostility towards him from his employees (when ironically Dick is doing a fine job running the company). You could also have a lot of comical scenes with Dick, the adrenaline junkie that he is- constantly wanting to get out of work and get on with his main job as Nightwing.

As Nightwing though Dick would be closely linked with the rest of the Bat-Family keeping an eye on the crime scene of Bludhaven (which would, of course have strong ties to Gotham's). The villains would need to reflect the city so you could basically have every gambling themed villain (except Joker) in the DC Universe; Roulette, The Royal Flush Gang or the more gimmicky colorful criminals like the Circus of the Strange, Flamengo, Professor Pyg and even Kite-Man and Crazy Quilt (illegally run tourist attractions run by small time crime lords) and of course, a guest appearance from the Riddler.

The criminal element would be a kind of super-villain Oceans' Eleven with the trippiness of Fear and Loathing. A LOT of corporate espionage and gathering place for various crime lords with villains always meeting up in secret to discuss plans on a global scale. Since I'd like Oracle (yeah that's right, **** nu52 Batgirl) to be ***** main contact in the Bat Family in this series , I'd have the Calculator also have a major role, linking the various crime organizations. The irony being that while Bludhaven doesn't have that much petty crime (well, compared to Gotham) it's actually the center of organized crime for the entire country or even the world. Of course we'd still have the occasional sick freaks who do it for fun (like Pyg).


Awesome. Freakin' awesome. So simple and yet, it just works. :up:

As for my other ideas, they were mostly just notes:

A nitpick that doesn't effect my enjoyment of his stories in anyway but that I'd like for Krypton to be considered by various other planets to be the "perfect" civilization in that it was completely in harmony with the exceptions of some (Phantom Zone criminals). And despite it's not venturing into other cultures (besides Daxam) was hailed throughout the cosmos as close to perfection as New Genesis. Just to make it a bit more special)
Yeah, that's cool. Also does away with that whole Kryptonian conquest boo s**t they had a few years ago.

Wonder Woman-
I'd really like Cheetah to be given the A-list treatment and for more writers to work with her as a possible "opposite" to Wondy as Lex and Joker are to Superman and Batman.
I've always felt Cersi should be her Joker, but whatever. She does need somebody to stand out from the crowd more besides Ares.

Justice League-
Bring back J'onn ****ing Jonzz. He's the goddamn heart and soul of that team, the telepathic link was better than any gizmo Bats or Cyborg could ever conjure up. His backstory brilliantly blends with that of all the League (mostly with Supes and Aquaman though). He should be the wise old sage of the DC Universe.
Yes. Absof**kin'loutly.
Yeah your Nightwing idea was solid mother****ing Gold.
I had a few ideas in my head but they were mostly passing thoughts with no clear structure yet. But I do have a more solid outline of how I want to see Dick Grayson used.


Basically I would have Dick be in a recon of Bludhaven that changed the city to a more Atlantic City/Bludhaven type of place. Mirroring the diffrence between him and Bruce, Gotham would be all dark and gothic whilst Bludhaven would be all flashy, colorful and neon-lit. It should have the best casinos, nightclubs, hotels, brothels (eh, why not?). I'd also have it have the largest airport and train station where many stop overs are put in place.

Dick's day job would be as managing director of Wayne Hotels (allowing him to travel abroad when necessary) giving the media a cover of Grayson being a bit of privileged yahoo who's never sure of what he's doing. Since he's never had a steady job and only rose because he was Bruce Wayne's ward it would cause hostility towards him from his employees (when ironically Dick is doing a fine job running the company). You could also have a lot of comical scenes with Dick, the adrenaline junkie that he is- constantly wanting to get out of work and get on with his main job as Nightwing.

As Nightwing though Dick would be closely linked with the rest of the Bat-Family keeping an eye on the crime scene of Bludhaven (which would, of course have strong ties to Gotham's). The villains would need to reflect the city so you could basically have every gambling themed villain (except Joker) in the DC Universe; Roulette, The Royal Flush Gang or the more gimmicky colorful criminals like the Circus of the Strange, Flamengo, Professor Pyg and even Kite-Man and Crazy Quilt (illegally run tourist attractions run by small time crime lords) and of course, a guest appearance from the Riddler.

The criminal element would be a kind of super-villain Oceans' Eleven with the trippiness of Fear and Loathing. A LOT of corporate espionage and gathering place for various crime lords with villains always meeting up in secret to discuss plans on a global scale. Since I'd like Oracle (yeah that's right, **** nu52 Batgirl) to be ***** main contact in the Bat Family in this series , I'd have the Calculator also have a major role, linking the various crime organizations. The irony being that while Bludhaven doesn't have that much petty crime (well, compared to Gotham) it's actually the center of organized crime for the entire country or even the world. Of course we'd still have the occasional sick freaks who do it for fun (like Pyg).
I love that idea. I think DC should get on that right now.
You know how cities go through reconstructions some times, Las Vegas did it a few years ago. San Diego is planning to do that in the near future. Maybe Bludhaven can do that in the comics. You could have a period of construction, where Nightwing is fighting crime in Bludhaven while buildings are being evacuated, torn down, rebuilt, added onto, etc. The backgrounds, for a short time, could be construction areas with gates up to keep people away, unfinished buildings with plastic sheets covering parts, and piles of material.
And then, after a month or two of comics featuring that, Nightwing comics presents the new Bludhaven. Your idea.

I love how your version of Bludhaven is brighter but still as crime ridden as Gotham.
These ideas about the city, his job, and the criminals would make Nightwing comics rival any popular characters' comics right now I think. And give him a nice group of supporting characters too. The regulars, like how Spider-Man had Aunt May, Jameson, Robby, MJ, Harry, etc. Dick can have people who work in the hotel, etc.
Again, really great idea.

Here are some of my ideas:
In the past Donna Troy found out that she was actually a Titan God who was sent to Earth, hidden with the humans, to teach her to be a better titan god. Ultimately she gave it all up to be a normal human, to be a mortal version of Wonder Girl.
But in the New 52 I think she should return, as the Titan God brought to Earth.
Her story would be similar to Thor's or Hercules. She is a demi god, with incredible strength and power. She is sent to Earth to live among the humans on Themiscara, and to be trained by Wonder Woman and the other Amazons, to teach her how to be a hero and a warrior. Like Thor or Hercules it would be like a god walking among men and women, sort of out of place and awe inspiring. But she could still be the same Donna Troy she was in the comics, just with a newish origin and powers.



I would also have a comic starring Booster Gold, like before the New 52, and also starring Rip Hunter and the Hour Man android, and Booster's sister. And Booster's great grandmother who is currently a 10 year old girl who he saved from a distant horrific future. It would be a comic that takes place outside of time and space. Almost like the Exiles. It wouldn't effect the regular DC universe unless certain stories took place there like maybe having to save the Flash or something. I would have each of them remember life before the New 52, the altering of time didn't effect them. But they understand (except maybe Booster) why they have to just go along with the change and that this is the timeline now. Things changed but they cannot change them back. But that would allow them to talk about the New 52 and about how the stuff that happened before did happen, but then the New 52 Happened and stuff is different now. Sort of Pre 52 and Post 52. Superman and Lois were married, but now they aren't. Etc. This comic could also help readers except the changes and let them know what is the same, what is different, and that the stuff they loved before the New 52 still happened.
The team would also deal with a lot of Time Travelling stuff, like Chronos, Captain Atom, WILDcats Void, Warp, Pandora, etc.
It might also be really really cool to bring Ted Kord back in that comic, but make it that he cannot return to the regular timeline. So he has to stick with Booster and his time team and stay out of the regular timeline of the New 52.
I would show that because of the New 52 Max Lord used his mind powers to erase everyone's memory of himself and Ted Kord or the JLI ever existing so that no one would remember he was ever alive, or that he started the JLI, or that he killed Ted or took control of Superman or was killed by Wonder Woman.
The only person who would remember could be Booster and he only remembers Ted Kord, not that he was Blue Beetle maybe. Just that they were friends.

Or maybe bring back Ted Kord in the New 52. Maybe Ted Kord was never killed in the New 52. Maybe right now he is a scientist and maybe he could JUST be starting to become Blue Beetle in the comics. Maybe they could do a whole origin story for him in the modern times with his friend being Blue Beetle and getting killed leading to Ted becoming the new Blue Beelte... but that sort of suggests that the current Beetle would have to die right? Hmm. Maybe He takes the name of Blue Beetle not realizing its already taken or something.

I definitely would bring back Elongated Man and Sue, totally undoing the whole Identity Crisis story, undoing her rape and murder, and him going crazy after and their deaths. Since the new 52 seems to have done this with other characters anyway.

I would do a Deathstroke: year One mini series showing how Deathstroke got his powers. Start it with him being a soldier who was experimented on, show his family in full. His wife Adeline, his sons Grant and Joseph and his youngest, daughter Rose. Show him get experimented on and him becoming a mercenary and all that stuff. Show how his life as a mercenary changed their family and got them more money, a bigger house, etc. Show the family's butler/family friend Wintergreen.
I would show him become the man he is now and how it effected each member of his family. Maybe even show a flash to the future at the end showing how his choices effected each member of his family, who went mad and who is dead now and so on.
Almost like a Breaking Bad thing, a seemingly good family man turn into a monster, and a mirror of Batman's life at the same time. Slade could be shown to be the Anti-Batman.

A Fun idea might be to have Earth 2's JSA meet their counterparts on the regular New 52 Earth and maybe thats how the regular Earth gets their versions of the JSA. Older Heroes who gained powers by meeting their magical counterparts from Earth 2. Just an idea.

I think I would have had Cyborg, after helping the JLA in the New 52's reboot story where they fought Darksied, after that I would have had him found the Teen Titans. He, to me, seemed more interesting with the Titans. But maybe he is always joining the JLA to help them too.
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I think Cyborg should get his own title in DC's New 52. I feel like he isn't
being used to his full potential in the JL comic. I would like to see the comic focus
on Vic Stone, outsdie of the JL team. What is he like? What does he like to do on
his free time? Is he able to shower with his robot parts? Does he life at Star Labs?
This is where I got the idea:

On Comicvine.com Captain13 wrote a thread called Why It Would Be A GREAT Idea
To Give Cyborg an Ongoing Series and said:
With the restructuring of the DC timeline by the events in Flashpoint, there
have been numerous changes made to the DC Universe--including the addition of
Cyborg to the origin of the Justice League. His inclusion as a founding member has
added a wealth of story-telling possibilities to the DCU.

Cyborg was created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, and he debuted in DC
Comics Presents #26. In every interpretation of his origin story, Victor Stone has been
a character blessed with immense potential and cursed by great tragedy. Victor’s
parents experimented on him when he was a young child so that they could find ways
to enhance human potential. Their experiments were successful, but Victor did not
want to follow the path that they set out for him. Instead, he pursued his own dreams
of achieving athletic greatness. In the DCnU, we see Victor on the way to attaining
success before his entire world is torn apart by Darkseid’s invasion of Earth. Caught in
a blast of Boom Tube energy, Victor slowly begins to die until his father saves him with
an experimental procedure involving extraterrestrial technology. Despite being faced
with shattered dreams and a new reality, Victor becomes a shining example of
perseverance through adversity. He rises from the wreckage of tragedy to be reborn as
Cyborg—a hero for those in need.

So Why is Cyborg Such An Interesting Character?
Cyborg’s story is one of post-humanism, heroism, and love. After his accident, Cyborg
grew distant from humanity. Half of him yearns to walk among normal humans and to
be accepted by them, while the other half of him knows that he is no longer one of
them. Half of him yearns to reconnect with his estranged father Silas Stone, but the
other half of him knows the Silas is more interested in his mechanics than his
humanity. This leaves Victor with low level depression, which he masks by going
through life as a workaholic. He’s a hero who’s always online—and that’s not always a
good thing. Cyborg’s journey revolves around him once again finding love—for his
father, for Sarah Charles, and for himself.

Why Is He A Prime Candidate For An Ongoing Series?
Cyborg has a fascinating supporting cast. We’ve seen glimpse of them in the new
DCU. His father works in the Red Room, where scientists study alien technology that
has been recovered from around the world. Silas Stone works with Sarah Charles (a
rising star in Star Labs), T.O. Morrow(creator of Tomorrow Woman), Anthony Ivo
(creator of Amazo), and William Magnus (creator of theMetal Men). His cast also
includes Mr. Orr (founder of the Phantom Limbs) and Darkseid (the conqueror who
changed Victor’s life forever).
Cyborg's Supporting Cast

There are also several Cyborg-related questions that haven’t been answered yet. Why
did Victor’s parents feel the need to experiment on him? What happened to Victor’s
mother in the DCnU? What connection does Victor have to Darkseid? Who is
Darkseid’s daughter? What happened to Ivo? Can Morrow be trusted?
Finally, with no Oracle in the DCnU, someone needs to fill the role of chief information
In this thread I added my own ideas:
Love your ideas. I agree. Cyborg deserves his own title. He feels a little
unused in the JLA comic.
I would love to see AMAZO, and his creation, to have a real tie to Cyborg. Almost
similar to Black Adam and Captain Marvel or Hal and Sinestro. Maybe AMAZO could
become his great arch enemy, and there could even be moments where to two foes
actually commiserate like Hal and Sinestro do. AMAZO could even be presented as
more of a thinker here than in the old DCU and maybe see Cyborg as a brother who
should work with him. And I also want to see the Metal Men's creation, and many of
the mechanical/cybernetic/robotic creations of the DCU to have ties to Cyborg, like
Red Tornado.
I would also love to see them go more into his character, what does he do when he
isn't with the League. does he wear normal clothing ever? Does he eat, shower? Live a
normal life? Have friends outside of the league? If he is always on, does that mean he
works with the cops all the time? Does he work as a city's superhero?
I love the supporting cast written about here, especially the idea
that Ivo, and T.O. Marrow. Got me thinking how their creations could be heavily
connected to Cyborg. And I love the idea that AMAZO could see him as a brother and
they fight and talk and AMAZO tries to convince him to join his fight and Cyborg tries
to convince him to join his. And I love the idea that Cyborg's comic would be all about
life, and what qualifies as life in the New 52. This is a fun thread!
I think
Cyborg should get his own series, about about his life outside of the Justice League.
What does he do on his days off? I agree with the idea mentioned here, that since he
was a focused athlete who was dedicating his life to sports, and now that he is a
cyborg and not exactly human anymore, he might switch his focus to being a
superhero. I would have him have his own city, like how Nightwing has Bludhaven. I
would give Cyborg a city that reflex who he is as a character.

I would also have him be heavily connected to other robotic creations in the DCU, like
T.O. Marrow's Red Tornado, Dr. Magnus' the Metal Men, and especially Ivo's AMAZO.
I would portray AMAZO as Cyborg's arch foe, like Hal's Sinestro or Captain Marvel's
Black Adam. AMAZO would see Cyborg as his brother, someone who AMAZO wants
on his side. Cyborg would be a man who sees himself becoming less human and more
robotic, and AMAZO would see himself as a robot becoming too human. Someone on
the thread suggested a sort of recerse sociopath, he feels too much and can't handle it.
I would love to see scenes where Cyborg and AMAZO don't just fight, but like Hal and
Sinestro talk as if they are old friends who had a falling out. Red Tornado could start
out as a sort of part time side kick of sorts. I mean that in the way Barny Fife was Any
Taylor's sidekick, not the way Robin is Batman's. Tornado could pop up now and then,
but never should take the focus off of Cyborg. Same with the Metal Men, once they are
created Cyborg could team up with them in some adventure, but never would loose the
focus to them in his own comic.

Like it is mentioned earlier in the quotes, other reoccuring characters would be Silas
Stone works with Sarah Charles (a rising star in Star Labs), T.O. Morrow(creator of
Tomorrow Woman), Anthony Ivo (creator of Amazo), and William Magnus (creator of
theMetal Men). His cast also includes Mr. Orr (founder of the Phantom Limbs).
One angle the comic could take is life and artificial life, what constitutes life and what
doesn't. In the JLA comics Cyborg sees his own ghost suggesting that he is actually
dead. So they could explore that as well.
I would also love to see him at some point team up with his old Titans buddies like
Nightwing and Starfire.

So my take is Cyborg should get his own series, and it should focus on him in his day
to day life and the entire robot community of the New 52. His arch enemy would be
AMAZO, and his buddy would be Red Tornado. He has a strained relationship with his
father. And some of his enemies/friends come from his father's job at the Red Room.
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It would be worth it just to see him bang pelvis' with Platinum. :o
A possible way to how i think the DC universe should be rebooted if they decided to erase everything and started from scratch. The writers of the DCU should be warned and given 1-2 years to complete their storylines, and then the event would erase everything that happened but not necessarily kill the characters.

The main continuity would be 5 years since Superman's debut (i'm still not shure if it should be 1 year after or even right after his debut), here are the comics for each new line for the first year:

World's Finest:
Action Comics (Which would detail different stories from Clark Kent's life and some of Superman's earliest adventures)
Superman (Would take place during the present)
Detective Comics (Up until issue 26 it would be about Bruce Wayne's journeys and training, and issue 27 would be Batman's debut with Slam Bradley as a back up feature)
Batman (Takes place in the character's present adventures)
World's Finest (Set in the present and being about Superman and Batman team ups)

The Flash
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
The Brave and the Bold (Team-ups of different heroes)

Golden Age:
All Star Comics
The Spectre
Secen Soldiers of Victory

Animal Man
Swamp Thing
Constantine (If Hellblazer is still being published as an alternative universe comic)
The Question

Beyond Science and Adventure:
Adventure Comics
Doom Patrol
Challengers of the Unknown
Green Arrow
Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E.

Space Opera:
Fourth World
New Gods
Legion of Super-Heroes
Infinite Crisis (Possibly about the DC multiverse)

The Edge:
All-Star Western
Suicide Squad
I, Vampire

Birds of Prey:
Black Canary
Power Girl

Teen Titans:
Blue Beetle
I was thinking, Wonder Woman is Greek, her father is now Zeus and the Amazons have connections to ancient Greece right? Aquaman is from Atlantis, which is an ancient Greek city. Have the comics ever explored Wonder Woman's and Aquaman's connection? That both off them have ties to ancient Greece. Should the comics build a connection between the two of them in the New 52? Like in Wonder Woman's comic or Aquaman's?

I think it would be cool to show that Atlantis has ties to Wonder Woman's ancient Greece and then maybe because of the discovery build a current connection between the two characters, and between Atlantis and Themiscara. Maybe make Wonder Woman and Aquaman seem more part of the same world.

and also the Cyborg getting his own comic thing.
Not that the idea they used has been bad, its a fun idea and works well, but my idea would be for Cyborg and his origin.
I would have had a young Superman fight Brainiac, who had Lex Luthor build his robot body after they made contact (like in the Timm Superman cartoon) and So Brainiac attacks and his robot body is destroyed by the young Superman. The body was made using Lex Luther's tech and some military tech so the body is collected by them, Luther and General Lane, and supposedly scrapped. However the body is actually being studied. Luthor convinces Lane to allow him to have the body and use it for research. From that alien's robot body using Earth tech Luthor is able to create three experimental projects for the military. 1. Armored suits, where Dr. Henry Irons was working before being fired and taking his armor ideas to Star Labs. 2. a robot body replacement project that leads to Metallo. and 3. A robotic limb replacement project, where Victor Stone's father worked. During an "accident" on the site, maybe caused by Luthor, Vic was nearly killed and certainly fatally wounded. He lost his arms and legs, have his face, and most of his other parts. Using the tech they had worked on Dr. Stone saved his son's life. Victor was now a Cyborg.
He joins the Justice League and helps stop Darksied like in the JL comic, and maybe works with them for a year. Then Vic decides he could do more, while still working with the Justice League Vic starts (on his spare time) the Teen Titans. A team for young superheroes and sidekicks who want to be trained and become better. On the team could be all the members right now, Superboy, Red Robin, Kid Flash, etc. So Vic is now on two teams, it keeps him busy and his mind off of his feelings of not being human anymore, and keeps him from seeing his father as much.
One day Vic is approached by Luthor who claims that since his body is more than 50% Luthor products that he works for Luthor. This would lead to Vic having to get the majority of his body remade by Star Labs tech, and is mostly done by Dr. Irons.
I would also incorporate the cool idea of Vic getting his own series and his supporting cast of AMAZO, Red Tornado, Dr. Marrow, his father, Ivo, etc. All that was mentioned before.

And as I mentioned before I would also have Donna Troy be a Demi Titan God like Hercules from Marvel, or a full Titan God like Thor in Marvel. She would be like those two, gods walking among mortals.

I also think that DC could reveal that Vic, Donna, Dick Grayson, Raven, Beastboy, Starfire, and Wally West were all on a team called the Teen Titans, but it was short lived and ended with them having to fight Raven and her father Trigon. Ultimately leading to Wally sacrificing his life and everyone having to forget that whole time in their lives for fear that their memories might bring Raven and her father back.
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October 12, 2011
Interview: Teen Titans Artist Brett Booth on Wally West

Q: Your unofficial Wally West designs have generated discussion amongst
Flash and DC fans on the web. He was also ranked as the #6 most popular DC Comics
character in a recent poll over at Comic Book Resources. If you were given the task of
writing Wally West back into the New DC Universe, what would be your approach?

BB: It would depend on what parameters DC had. This Earth, Earth 2. I doubt the family
would be kept in tact, (sorry Brian!) I would like to come up with a new origin, having the
exact same one as Barry’s just seems to push things a bit too far into convenient for me.
I might go so far as to make him related to one of the other older Speedsters, or still go
with Barry but do something about the Speedforce selecting it’s ‘users’. Right now I’d like
to have several ideas that are flexible enough to be plugged into whatever direction DC
has planned. Since Max was the oldest, and has a connection to the Speedforce from
way back, I’d try that route first.

but of coarse DC sort of doesn't want to do duplicates of their characters, they
must be different in some way. Perhaps Wally can be the Flash Outside of Time. The
New 52 happened and Wally was forced out of time and maybe lives in the Speed Force
now. (You know where Iris was sent on accident by Barry) That place. Maybe he, like
the Marvel Exiles can exist outside of time and deal with time and dimension problems,
maybe join Booster Gold or something... or not But still existing outside of time and space
might work maybe. And he can sometimes visit Earth or Earth 2, but doesn't stay long
and doesn't visit much.
I liked the Young Justice origin, Wally was so smart he figured out how to duplicate Barry's
accident that made him the Flash on purpose. He made himself Kid Flash on purpose.
Thats like a kid figuring out how to get a radioactive Spider to bite him and become Spider-
Boy. But if the origin needs to be different then perhaps use the concept that Flash must
keep running because he builds up energy that could destroy time and space, and if he runs
too fast he erupts in the same energy and sends things all around time and space. This is
what created Turbine. Maybe this same problem, or a similar one, created Wally's powers.
Maybe he was hit by the energy but because he was special it gave him speed powers
instead of killing him or sending him back into the speed force. Or maybe he was sent into
the speed force, and lives there now, and the extra energy Barry builds up is transfered to
Wally. Sort of like Without Barry's powers Wally wouldn't have any.
And perhaps his powers can be somewhat different than Barry's. maybe he can slow time
instead of speed himself up. Maybe he moves fast because he is slowing everything down
around him, allowing him to seem fast as Barry. And I would alter his costume enough to
make him look like the Flash but different. Maybe go with his Dark Flash design even...
or not. And He would need his own name, not be another Flash. Hmm... thats a hard one.
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Idea for reintroducing Rave into the New 52:
the Justice League, who seem to act as high council of superheroes for the whole world, as well as some mystic characters from Justice League Dark and as yet unseen in the New 52 like Phantom Stranger, have a serious problem. 14 or 15 years ago a young girl was born, the daughter of a demonic force called Trigon and a mortal woman. She is the gateway for Trigon to enter the Mortal plane. This gives the young girl the ability to tap into Trigon's powers. Phantom Stranger and the other mystic forces were able to keep her concealed in another plane of existance for a time, but they can no longer. She can either be a great force for good using these powers from evil, or she could be pulled into darkness and become Trigon. The Justice Leagues and the Mystics decide to put her on the Teen Titans, and to be trained by members of the Justice League Dark. It is their hope that being around teenagers her own age and being trained by heroes will help her down the right path and mold her into a great force for good.
Raven is constantly at odds with herself, trying desperately to keep her emotions in check, often trying to have no emotional response to anything. She tries to approach everything from logic, she tries dulling her emotions with illegal and legal drugs.

I would make her a young woman, teen or preteen, and on the verge of figuring out everything about herself. Not just her amazing powers, but her past and what her powers actually mean. Like Superboy she is more of a clone, a body that developed a personality. Not saying she is a clone, just their origins are sort of similar in ways. Like Robin she is smart beyond her years, thanks to Trigon. She sort of taps into his mind. She is like Trigon's body on Earth, and they share one soul/spirit.
The concept of this Raven would be that she is Trigon on Earth, but in a young girl body and a temporary personality/a blank slate, so the heroes of the world take it on themselves to turn her into a hero, she has the support of every hero on Earth.
But will that be enough? She continues to grow older, like any human, year by year. And as she approaches adulthood her powers grow and Trigon hold will grow stronger. Some day she might become Trigon. Sometime down the line she could develop a multiple personality, her dark side, which would be Trigon's personality breaking through or growing stronger.
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Hawkman in the New 52: I was a Teenage Hawkman
I haven't read any of the New 52 Hawkman, no idea what its about or if its good or not.
But here is my idea anyway.
During the events of Darkest Night Carter Hall and Kendra Saunders were killed and turned into zombies. During Brightest Day they returned and lots of stuff happened to them that I didn't read... they turned into wind or something.
But in the New 52 I would have it start with Carter Hall being killed like in Darkest Night. Not a retelling, just a "This is what happened several months ago..."
We cut to present day in the New 52. A young teenager's mind erupts with the memories of all his past lives. He was Kufu in ancient Egypt, he was Brian Kent the Silent Knight in 5th century Britain, Koenrad Von Grimm in 14th century Germany, Captain John Smith in 16th Century Colony of Virginia, He as also Hannible Hawkes AKA the Nighthawk in America's Old West, Then Detective James Wright in 20th century Pinkerton,
and then most recently he was Cartner Hall better known to the world as Hawkman.

He remembers everything, his births his lives and his deaths. Especially the last one. But now he is back, but this time he is in the body of a young teenager. He remembered everything too soon. But why?
The young teen, who I haven't figured out a name for yet, finds one of Carter's hidden armories, and gets his wings, helmet, and various weapons, and goes searching for what brought his memories back so suddenly. Was it a dark force, Hath Set? Was it Kendra/Shiara? What has happened to her?
Hawkman finds the source, and it is indeed a dark force. The Gentleman Ghost.

But he also finds the current body of Shiara, only she doesn't remember anything. Gentleman Ghost was after her as well, going to make her remember and then bring them both together before killing them. Hawkman saves her sort of, he stops Gentleman Ghost but she saves herself. She is tough despite not knowing she is actually Hawkgirl. He decides to not tell her but to keep taps on her, watch over her while she has no memory of her past lives.
To keep himself close to his former lives he gets a part time job, after high school/college job at the museum he used to live in as Carter. Things are very different now. He is now a teen, has parents and grandparents, a brother (or sister), even a dog, and a part time job. He isn't as bulky as he was as Carter either, he is more like a Spider-Man body type now. But he is also Hawkman and has all the knowledge of his past lives and all the memories of his past families and friends and their deaths. Does he hide this realization from them? Does he tell them and risk the consequence? Does he pretend to still be the dumb teen he was yesterday?
(The teen isn't suddenly Carter, Carter is a former live like Kufu was. He is now this new kid. and he still has all the memories from this new life too. Like waking for Christmas at the age of 8.) Also, because he has a new life and is essentially a new person we see how he differs from Carter. How he likes different things and hates different things and reacts differently. (That is to say to some things, not everything.)

Later down the line Hawkman confides in his grandfather about this, that he is the new body of Hawkman. He is shocked that his grandfather believes him. Finds out his grandfather worked with Hawkman a few times, back when he was a cop (or worked at a museum) before he retired. Hawkman and his grandfather agree to keep his being Hawkman a secret from the rest of the family.

But what would happen if his brother(sister) found out?

Hawkman issue #2: the teen Hawkman contacts his old buddy the Atom. And the girl in school who used to be Hawkgirl gets creeped out by the guy who stares at her funny (Hawkman).

Hawkman is now a strange combination. He is still the sophisticated man who has lived so many lives and seen it all, and the vicious warrior he once was, but now is also a young teenager with a loving family who lives in the suburbs and goes to high school. Before remembering everything he wasn't a jock, nor a nerd, or a trouble maker, he was just an average kid biding his time in school until he graduated and would then go to college. Hew hadn't even gotten his drivers license yet. Now he is Hawkman.
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In the New 52 in Superman I would have had Lois become the Executive Director or whatever her title is of Daily Planet's New channel like in the comics, and have had Jimmy be their Internet/youtube guy, but then I would have had Clark become their research guy. The guy who actually goes and gets the interviews and the facts that the reporters read on air. So he is the guy running around behind the scenes finding stuff to get reported.

I am actually interested in how they are working the New Gods into the Wonder Woman mythos, I don't think I could have thought that up. Good planning there.

Oh, and in Hawkman (with the teenager Hawkman) He may remember how to fight, but his new body is trained for it and built for it yet. So he starts training himself.
and in a later story he gets in a fight at school and shatters the kid's knee and breaks his arm in an instant. It would be a shocking scene, over the top for the fight at school and maybe gets him suspended and maybe even gets the family sued by the other kid's parents.
And, and, now Hawkman has this new tech to deal with. He never had to deal with this stuff as a kid in his past lives, but now he has to carry a cell phone everywhere.
The idea with teenage hawkman is, How would a man who has lived for centuries and knows everything but also has a warrior's temper inside him and is now in the body of a teenager deal with all this modern stuff and all these changes to his life.
Its a chance to get to see Hawkman actually cope with these changes instead of hearing about them after the fact since the reader pretty much has only known him as Carter for this many years.
Usually, in the past, when I've posted here, it's been a long winded thing. I'll probably do that again in the future, but right now I just had a little idea that I'd like to share:

I'm not a huge fan of the emotional spectrum. I think it's really dumb and lame. There are lots of reasons, but one of my biggest ones is that it seems to have a really shallow understanding of emotions. Anger and Fear are the villainous factions, Love is basically all about sex, etc. I've got a big problem with that, especially in the case of the former two because I thing fear and anger are wonderful emotions. Most people don't deal with them well and get overwhelmed by them, but at their core fear is an instinctual response that tells you there might be danger nearby and you have to be cautions, and anger is an instinctual response telling you that something is not right and needs to be corrected. Those are both really wonderful things in my book.

So what I would do is, I'd introduce a new Red Lantern character who's in total control. He's calm, cool, and collected all the time. Very zen. It's not that he doesn't get angry, he has enormous rage issues. He's motivated almost entire by anger and it is the crux of his philosophy and worldview. But he has garnered an enormous amount of self control so that he's not overrun by his anger. He uses his rage as a sort of emotional fuel, to motivate him into swift, decisive action against injustices. He takes his boiling rage, and he uses it to energize his convictions in the things he believes in and the causes he fights for. And, of course, since he's got massive rage issues he has to have achieved this level of control so that he wouldn't become a raging monster.

It's a pretty basic and vague idea, but I'd really like to introduce a character like that into the Green Lantern mythos to serve as a foil for the RLC leadership.
Usually, in the past, when I've posted here, it's been a long winded thing. I'll probably do that again in the future, but right now I just had a little idea that I'd like to share:

I'm not a huge fan of the emotional spectrum. I think it's really dumb and lame. There are lots of reasons, but one of my biggest ones is that it seems to have a really shallow understanding of emotions. Anger and Fear are the villainous factions, Love is basically all about sex, etc. I've got a big problem with that, especially in the case of the former two because I thing fear and anger are wonderful emotions. Most people don't deal with them well and get overwhelmed by them, but at their core fear is an instinctual response that tells you there might be danger nearby and you have to be cautions, and anger is an instinctual response telling you that something is not right and needs to be corrected. Those are both really wonderful things in my book.

So what I would do is, I'd introduce a new Red Lantern character who's in total control. He's calm, cool, and collected all the time. Very zen. It's not that he doesn't get angry, he has enormous rage issues. He's motivated almost entire by anger and it is the crux of his philosophy and worldview. But he has garnered an enormous amount of self control so that he's not overrun by his anger. He uses his rage as a sort of emotional fuel, to motivate him into swift, decisive action against injustices. He takes his boiling rage, and he uses it to energize his convictions in the things he believes in and the causes he fights for. And, of course, since he's got massive rage issues he has to have achieved this level of control so that he wouldn't become a raging monster.

It's a pretty basic and vague idea, but I'd really like to introduce a character like that into the Green Lantern mythos to serve as a foil for the RLC leadership.

I dig it but I'd personally like to do a complete overhaul of the entire concept of the "Emotional Spectrum". In fact, I'd do away with it entirely.

It needs to be a bunch of different things that are all controlled by Will. Emotion is one, I don't know what would be the best color for it to be. May as well go with Yellow. The Green should be Imagination. Red= Power.....that's all I got right now. No more than five so if anybody can think of the other two, I'm all ears.
I dig it but I'd personally like to do a complete overhaul of the entire concept of the "Emotional Spectrum". In fact, I'd do away with it entirely.

It needs to be a bunch of different things that are all controlled by Will. Emotion is one, I don't know what would be the best color for it to be. May as well go with Yellow. The Green should be Imagination. Red= Power.....that's all I got right now. No more than five so if anybody can think of the other two, I'm all ears.

I'd just chuck it too. But if I were going to change it, I think that the way I would change it is that I would have what the rings to be more reflected of their respective emotion. Like, as it stands now each ring is pretty much "powered" by it's respective emotion and that allows the user to do most if not all of the things the Green Lantern ring can traditionally do. Yes, there are some differences, but they're mostly ad-ons to the basic GL power ring abilities. Even though originally, the GL ring wasn't "powered" by will, it's just that shaping energy into three dimensional objects that you then exert control over requires a lot of willpower. So the idea that having a lot of anger or greed or being able to instill a lot of fear (instead of having a lot of it like all of the others :doh:) enabling you do to that, it enables you to do things that make more sense being fueled by those emotions.

So, in the red ring's case, it would basically be raw power. Not a whole lot of versatility like a GL ring but incredibly destructive. And a smart Red Lantern could use that to power machines with more specific functions like space ships to get more versatility out of it.

I know that most Red Lanterns don't make constructs, but some do and I'd have not being able to do that be a specific limitation of the ring. I'd also extend that to no force fields and thus no space travel without space suits or ships. I'd imagine their range of ability being similar to that of DBZ characters, for point of reference. But to balance it out, a single Red Lantern would have more than enough power to destroy a single GL in a fight and would just smash their constructs to bits.

Not sure what the others would be, yet.
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Oh yeah, them being able to make constructs needs to go entirely. That should be entirely a Green thing.

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