Hulk vs Thanos

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Aug 31, 2005
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Can anyone tell me if Hulk as ever faced Thanos. If so who actaully won, because he is supposed to be one powerfull character.
Well Thanos faced him when he was wearing the gauntlet and it was not much of a match up.

This is the same thanos who was facing eternity.
deathbringer said:
Can anyone tell me if Hulk as ever faced Thanos. If so who actaully won, because he is supposed to be one powerfull character.

The Hulk and Thanos never fought 1 vs 1.

In Thanos Quest ,Thanos himself admits he fears to fight against the hulk.
2PAC Shakur said:
Thanoes with the heart of darkness is the only exception.

No such thing as the heart of darkness. Why do you keep saying this in multiple threads? :confused:

And Thanos pimpslapped The Hulk along with Drax once. :up:
DevilHulk said:
The Hulk and Thanos never fought 1 vs 1.

In Thanos Quest ,Thanos himself admits he fears to fight against the hulk.


Yeah Thanos is quaking in his boots there:rolleyes:
DH's also flat out lying about Thanos being "scared". Absolutely nothing was said about Thanos being scared.

But children tend to make drastic assumptions to make themselves happy.
Guyverjay said:

Yeah Thanos is quaking in his boots there:rolleyes:

this pic proves nothing

1) the merged hulk is not enraged

2) the merged hulk is not as strong and dangerous as the savage hulk (in a slugfest as the one in the pic)

3)To hit = to win = to beat ? ok,if this is the logic Hulk beat Galactus,The Stranger and who knows how many other opponents.
DevilHulk said:
this pic proves nothing

1) the merged hulk is not enraged

2) the merged hulk is not as strong and dangerous as the savage hulk (in a slugfest as the one in the pic)

3)To hit = to win = to beat ? ok,if this is the logic Hulk beat Galactus,The Stranger and who knows how many other opponents.

1)The Merged Hulk has a much higher base strength than Thanos.

2)Since when has The Hulk ever even gotten close to Galactus? Every time I've seen them together The Hulk gets shot down before he can even get through half of his leap towards Galactus. :D
X said:
1)The Merged Hulk has a much higher base strength than Thanos.

1):confused: so why this pic ? (only a Starlin's delusional vision of Thanos ?)

2) can you prove that the merged hulk has a much higher base strenght than Thanos ?
Heh, I meant The Merged Hulk has a higher base than The Savage Hulk.
DevilHulk said:
this pic proves nothing

1) the merged hulk is not enraged

2) the merged hulk is not as strong and dangerous as the savage hulk (in a slugfest as the one in the pic)

3)To hit = to win = to beat ? ok,if this is the logic Hulk beat Galactus,The Stranger and who knows how many other opponents.

LOL talk about reaching, how does it prove nothing?

Hulk is getting owned. GAME OVER:D

ps Hulk only broke onslaughts armour yet you proclaim that as a win despite that Hulk was on his backside and onslaught was still unharmed bwhahahaaaaaaaaaaa
deathbringer said:
Can anyone tell me if Hulk as ever faced Thanos. If so who actaully won, because he is supposed to be one powerfull character.

Thanos would win. He's 2 big, 2 powerful, agile and sleek. Plus he posseses that gauntlett thing he carries with him and the heart of darkness
X said:
Heh, I meant The Merged Hulk has a higher base than The Savage Hulk.

BUAHHAHAAH i knew what you meant!!! buahaha

it's impossible you say something in hulk's favour since you're the greatest hulk detractor of the web
I'm actually just a Hulk fan that uses the old grey matter and isn't a 11 year old kid. :D
X said:
Heh, I meant The Merged Hulk has a higher base than The Savage Hulk.

Yeah... I was really confused when you said Thanos :)
2PAC Shakur said:
Thanoes wins if we are talking about his ultimate form, other than that i will have to give it to the green vegetable.

And just how much do you know about the character? :confused:

In all of the fights they've had, The Hulk's never been able to affect Norrin physically. He's been enraged stomping on Norrin's head and it's basically just annoyed The Surfer.

Thanos beat Norrin near death with seven punches.

Know what you're talking about before you make assumptions.
DevilHulk said:
BUAHHAHAAH i knew what you meant!!! buahaha

it's impossible you say something in hulk's favour since you're the greatest hulk detractor of the web

Base :confused: LMAOOOOOO hulk aint got no damn power level.

You people kill me
Jplaya2023 said:
Base :confused: LMAOOOOOO hulk aint got no damn power level.

You people kill me

You do know you're every bit as bad as DevilHulk, right?
X said:
You do know you're every bit as bad as DevilHulk, right?

How so??? I never make things up to justify or try to win an argument. Base hulk is something he made up. Hulk doesnt have a PL level.
Jplaya2023 said:
How so??? I never make things up to justify or try to win an argument. Base hulk is something he made up. Hulk doesnt have a PL level.

You said Iceman could beat The Silver Surfer. This is making something up.

You've said Spider-Man and Batman are the end all in their respective universes. This is making things up.

I could go on all day, but those are your biggest and most consistent loads of bull****.
Yeah, that Batman/Spider-Man stuff gets pretty old pretty fast.
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