jmanspice said:
Scripture says that God is all powerful and all knowing. Then shouldn't God have known that the serpent was going to trick Adam and Eve into sinning?
He knew all too well that the serpent was there, but He'd also given humanity dominion and authority over every animal that existed. Adam & Eve could've said, "No! We will not disobey God!", and rebuked the serpent for its trickery...but they didn't. they rebelled against God out of a greed and lust for knowledge (which they could've gained by simply asking God for it), and they suffered the consequences.
Shouldn't he have ensured that the oh-so-evil talking snake didn't enter the garden?
For free will to exist in this world, there has to be a choice for both good and evil. Without it, love would be forced, and that means nothing to God. He wanted humans to love Him freely, so He gave them that choice, knowing full well they'd also recieve a choice for the latter as well. It was all created as part of God's original design, but the outcome was done through human choice, not God.
And when you consider the fact that Adam and Eve were in this magical garden with numerous strange creatures, and had been conversing with a mysterious, talking man in the sky, wouldn't it have made sense for God to forgive them for being tricked by a magical, talking animal?
Tricked or not, they still had a choice to either trust God or rebel, and they chose the latter. Being perfect, God had no other choice but to punish them, because the only valid payment for redemption is sinless death.
No, what he did was damn ALL of mankind. Not only did he punish Adam and Eve, but he punished ALL of humanity for their ONE minor, petty crime... which was EATING a PIECE OF FRUIT off of a tree.
Adam and Eve
were "all of mankind"; they were it. There was no one else at that point. And the crime they were guilty of had nothing to do with the fruit...the crime was disobeying God, rather than trusting Him.
They didn't throw a grenade into the garden. They didn't murder each other.
Those comparisons are the result of a fallible human mind. e as a race tend to say "well, this isn't so bad, because there's something worse." God, on the other hand, views each and every sin as equal in both origin and penalty. Every transgression, at its core, serves the same purpose: to go against the God which created us.
God knew that the snake was going to trick Adam and Eve, but didn't do anything. This proves that God was looking for a scapegoat for which he could punish all of mankind for his own shortcomings.
God had given complete authority and dominion over that serpent to Adam and Eve. He even told them to "subdue" the Earth, which means to maintain conrol when things try to get out of line. He was trusting humanity, as a parent trusts His children...and they broke that trust through selfishness.
If God is so powerful, then how can there be a Satanic force?
Because God created Satan, who was a glorious angel until he was cast out of Heaven for trying to take God's throne.
If God is so knowing, then how could he have presided over the conditions which damned all of mankind?
God is all-knowing, and He created this planet, which means He owns it and makes the rules. He has the power to love and judge His creation equally, and while He is forgiving, that aspect of His nature cannot override the fact that all sin must be paid with a penalty. So, He sent Jesus to pay it for us, since we could not do it ourselves.