I, BISON, just talked a girl I know into becoming a stripper.

I forgive you, now glorify me. I am not a Giraffe but I do have a giraffe penis.
rodhulk said:
I thought you were a JW?
I'm not an official one cuz I'm not baptized and judging from my lifestyle they'd never let me get baptized.
E. Bison said:
I'm not an official one cuz I'm not baptized and judging from my lifestyle they'd never let me get baptized.
We are the same then. Although I debated you a bit on the 'Jesus married' thread, I don't really practice my christianity much at the moment. Sometimes I want to though as I used to for a long time. I enjoy talking about it, however.
Dude, now you just need to tell convince her that she needs to practice, and that you should be there to give her tips.

And if you can convince her to have pictures taken of her....dude...I want to see pictures.

Can't claim she's cute and not show us, your friends! :D
Me too, I enjoy talking about it when I can but I just have a hard time right now changing my lifestyle around. In time, I will be there though. Good luck to you too. Until then, talk girls into stripping.
E. Bison said:
Me too, I enjoy talking about it when I can but I just have a hard time right now changing my lifestyle around. In time, I will be there though. Good luck to you too. Until then, talk girls into stripping.
I am truly inspired.:O Now lets see some pictures.
Stripping is a HORRIBLE profession! As a matter of fact, it shouldn't even be considered a profession it should be called a. . .and YOU for talking her into is just so. . .I. . .can't even get my words out!:mad::(
imdaly said:
Dude, now you just need to tell convince her that she needs to practice, and that you should be there to give her tips.

And if you can convince her to have pictures taken of her....dude...I want to see pictures.

Can't claim she's cute and not show us, your friends! :D
I'm actually inspired to do that now. I've seen recently that this girl is VERY gullible and her boyfriend as well. She will be back next Sunday and I will ask her and I don't have to worry about her boyfriend cuz he's Bi and he likes to "snuggle" with this other guy who comes over and she gets lonely. So I will fill that lonely spot and take pictures with my roomates Digicam.
E. Bison said:
I'm actually inspired to do that now. I've seen recently that this girl is VERY gullible and her boyfriend as well. She will be back next Sunday and I will ask her and I don't have to worry about her boyfriend cuz he's Bi and he likes to "snuggle" with this other guy who comes over and she gets lonely. So I will fill that lonely spot and take pictures with my roomates Digicam.
You hang out with the strangest people...Are you sure we don't know eachother?
E. Bison said:
I'm actually inspired to do that now. I've seen recently that this girl is VERY gullible and her boyfriend as well. She will be back next Sunday and I will ask her and I don't have to worry about her boyfriend cuz he's Bi and he likes to "snuggle" with this other guy who comes over and she gets lonely. So I will fill that lonely spot and take pictures with my roomates Digicam.
The one you can't tolerate anymore? See? I read what you say..:thing:
Kmack said:
Stripping is a HORRIBLE profession! As a matter of fact, it shouldn't even be considered a profession it should be called a. . .and YOU for talking her into is just so. . .I. . .can't even get my words out!:mad::(
Not a profession? Foo, any job that requires you to hustle more than your fair share is a profession. Some do it with houses, cars, some do it with their bodys. These girls make up to $2,000-5,000 a week. I shake my wee-wee any day to make that kind of money.
Batty for Bats! said:
The one you can't tolerate anymore? See? I read what you say..:thing:
Yup...that guy's digicam. Boy, you sure do pay attention. What am I a celebrity around here. SHAZAM!!
ThePenguin said:
You hang out with the strangest people...Are you sure we don't know eachother?
Oh I don't hang out with these people, my other cool roomate does. He just brings them over and I talk to them. It's just that I've been noticing his little girlfriend who's gonna shake her Sushi roll for cash.
Well, my girlfriend IS a stripper. She should be home from work in about 45 minutes. Beat that!
Wow, this is something to be proud of?

I weep for your future.
...and I weep for her future as well.
E. Bison said:
I FREAKIN RULE!! Admit it!! Anyways, last night this girl and her boyfriend were over at my crib just chilin' and all. So this chick was talking about how she needs a job and I totally went all out and was talking bout how they are hiring at this local strip bar. Funny thing is that I even talked HER BOYFRIEND into taking her to apply. She did apply today and was hired on the spot!! Hilarious!! I'm soooo manipulative!! So what do you guys think? FOSHIZZLE!! HUH!

Why? Everyone and their cat will see this woman. I would have prefered a private show, which I have gotten some of my female friends.

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