I have Serious and True Spoilers in here!


Don't. Blink.
Apr 8, 2006
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I went to my local Waldens today and found the X-men: The Last Stand Junior Novelization.
That book has some huge text.
OK. Let me start by saying i think this novel is taken from a very early version of the Script. I think many parts are intentionally left out. Angel IS in the final battle, and the Skating scene takes place after a BIG death.
Here are some Scans.






SpeedballLives said:
I went to my local Waldens today and found the X-men: The Last Stand Junior Novelization.
That book has some huge text.
oh yeah here are the Spoilers...
Cyclops does die at the lake, Jean does kill him.
Mystique is Cured, but does not die. She is abandoned by Magneto. One line really got to me "You used to be so Beautiful"
Xavier dies as well, in Jean's house.
The funeral is for Xavier and Cyclops. It is in the middle of the movie
Rogue takes the cure, that is why she is not in the final battle. She stays back at the mansion.
Wolverine mercifully kills Jean, she then "explodes" and disintegrates him, but his healing factor saves him. She destroys alcatraz with the explosion.
The ending is happy actually, and the skating scene takes place at the end.

I forgot to see what happens to Magneto. I only had a few minutes with the book. But these are true, and if you need proof, go to Waldens and ask for the book.

i believe you man............. that's what I hear and shared yesterday, got a lot of crap for it too................

everyone was acting like cyke at the end of X2 "DON'T YOU SAY THAT!!"
:eek: lol but why would the pond scene be at the end?
JokerNick said:
i believe you man............. that's what I hear and shared yesterday, got a lot of crap for it too................

everyone was acting like cyke at the end of X2 "DON'T YOU SAY THAT!!"

"DON'T YOU SAY THAT!!" :mad: :(
Skating scene is the end? That's not happy, Rogue is clearly pissed off.
The soundtrack has the skating after funeral doesn't it?

So I'm not expecting 100% faithful here.
I believe you as I saw it weeks ago, I take it Waldens are a Us store.
PikaZeroX said:
Skating scene is the end? That's not happy, Rogue is clearly pissed off.

It's not happy for her, but it's happy for Kitty. :p
BULLOCKS.The skating scene is not at the end.
OMG!!! why do they have to kill JEAN, again???

The Rogue tv spot also seemed to hint she DOESN'T take the cure.. "This is who I am", like she was telling Bobby goodbye. So meh, misleading.
im gona keep hopeful and when i see the movie ill be sure of who dies and how jean dies! you guys remembered what happened with Revenge of the Sith and X2?
Yeah, it's at the end, i was surpirsed too. bu then again, everything was very vague, because it was meant for kids. there might more to the Cyke scene, it's just too graphic to desribe.
Why would bobby kiss kitty when rogfue is cured.Does not make sense,and no way will she take the cure.
Lightning Strikez! said:
It's not happy for her, but it's happy for Kitty. :p

actually both bobby and kitty... died.

*check my avy to see why*

lol ;):p

seriously, i thought the pond scene was at the middle part, which makes rogue jealous and makes her decide to take the cure? ryt? :confused:
So Cyclops really dies and that shows in the teaser, trailers and tv spots?
I just cant buy that!!!
ljr said:
Why would bobby kiss kitty when rogfue is cured.Does not make sense,and no way will she take the cure.
Just reporting what i found. if you don't wanna accept the truth then don't until the movie comes out.
SpeedballLives said:
Yeah, it's at the end, i was surpirsed too. bu then again, everything was very vague, because it was meant for kids. there might more to the Cyke scene, it's just too graphic to desribe.

Yeah, I said that yesterday when Joker reported about Cyclops in that book (I think you two are referring to the same kid book).

It's just that, a kids book. Giant font, plot holes, very basic rundown. Stevie has heard from the movie novel, and Cyclops comes back. I still have faith.

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