Superman Returns I Loved SR, but... The Nit-pick thread.

Wesyeed said:
And it's definitely a special wonder for what James Cameron could achieve with a so little budget back then, and it's one of my fav films ever too. So if I had the power I'd just fix all the obvious fx problems it has like the fake Arnold head, the stop motion and such to make it less jarring when the terminator switches between the different methods of fx and other little things too for a special edition version of the film to be re-released some day on dvd or whatever.

I wonder sometimes what JC would have done had he had the resources and money he had to make T2.

I dont know, T1's grittyness and ropey effects add to its effect IMO.
See that just shows that even the best movies have plot holes and nit picks in them. STM is held in such high regard despite having the same amount of nit picks and plot holes as SR, but SR gets nit-picked to death.
I do know that i´m one of the few that doesn´t held STM in that high regard...
It´s an amazing movie, a perfect movie....for a pre-crisis movie, that´s it.

C. Lee said:
In the interview that Supes has with Lois (in the movie, he arrives on her balcony, they talk, she asks a couple of questions, he takes her for "can you read my mind" flight, he returns her to her balcony, he flys away, he shows up immediately as Clark)...he says "I come from a different galaxy" and "I have trouble seeing through lead."
See, that´s just one of the reasons why i don´t held STM in that high regard..
How ridiculous it is, for a superhero (in this case), in his first interview, to spill the beans about his origins, powers and weaknesses?

C. Lee said:
Where and when was it published...and what was the general gist of the story?
The Green Plague is not a story, the Green Plague is a disease that affected and killed millions of Kryptonians, prior to it´s destruction.
And i don´t have to tell you that the Green Plague was Kryptonite (a lesser form) poisoning.
So, once again, Kryptonite it´s the core of Krypton, after it´s explosion, never it could be radiation from the explosion of the sun.
To some degree, one can say that, it was Kryptonite that destroyed Krypton.
Isildur´s Heir said:
See, that´s just one of the reasons why i don´t held STM in that high regard..How ridiculous it is, for a superhero (in this case), in his first interview, to spill the beans about his origins, powers and weaknesses?

I have brought this up on several occasions in response to the fact that Singer's Superman wasn't to bright in regards to NK and Luthor. It doesn't get any stupider than revealing your weaknesses as was found in STM.
Showtime029 said:
I have brought this up on several occasions in response to the fact that Singer's Superman wasn't to bright in regards to NK and Luthor. It doesn't get any stupider than revealing your weaknesses as was found in STM.

Well in defense of STM it was made in a campier style similar to the the TV Batman.
But yes it had flaws and cheesy parts I argue this with star wars fans all the time.
The origin trilogy had almost as many cheesy parts and the prequel trilogy.
NateGray said:
Well in defense of STM it was made in a campier style similar to the the TV Batman.
But yes it had flaws and cheesy parts I argue this with star wars fans all the time.
The origin trilogy had almost as many cheesy parts and the prequel trilogy.

Unfortunately the best parts of STM are the less campy parts and then Lester campified the later sequels. I didn't see any of the new Star Wars movies so I can't be a judge on that.
C. Lee said:
Being the old man around here....let me say something.....I grew up watching movies with bad FX in them. You knew the monster wasn't real, you knew that was a bad fake spaceship....but it was fun.

Many of the kids today....having grown up with fantastic FX in thier new movies (hell, commercials have better FX than most old movies these days)...have trouble watching old movies. It has to be perfect for them, or it's bad and a joke. They really have no appreciation for what the old dudes had to work with to make those movies as good as they were.

Yes... remember Ray Harryhausen and his stop-motion creatures. Loved those Sinbad movies, Valley of Gwangi, Jason and the Argonauts, etc...i still love them now...
Isildur´s Heir said:
The Green Plague is not a story, the Green Plague is a disease that affected and killed millions of Kryptonians, prior to it´s destruction.
I've never heard of it. It must have been used as a storyline somewhere in something.

Isildur´s Heir said:
And i don´t have to tell you that the Green Plague was Kryptonite (a lesser form) poisoning.
Since I just said..."I've never heard of it."...then yes, you do have to tell me. I have never heard about any Kryptonite induced disease that killed millions of Kryptonians. That's why I asked...when and where was it published. I'm not trying to start an argument...I'm trying to get informed, because I haven't heard of it before.

Isildur´s Heir said:
So, once again, Kryptonite it´s the core of Krypton, after it´s explosion, never it could be radiation from the explosion of the sun.
To some degree, one can say that, it was Kryptonite that destroyed Krypton.
So, once again...I never heard that story before...if you have it, please tell me more so that I can look it up.
X-Maniac said:
Yes... remember Ray Harryhausen and his stop-motion creatures. Loved those Sinbad movies, Valley of Gwangi, Jason and the Argonauts, etc...i still love them now...
I love Harryhausen's work...he is the king of stop motion. I have all of his films on tape and am currently getting the DVD's (a new DVD with Beast from 20,000 Fathoms just came out). I actually got to meet him 2 years ago at a convention...I was finally able to tell him how much I loved his work.
C. Lee said:
I've never heard of it. It must have been used as a storyline somewhere in something.

Since I just said..."I've never heard of it."...then yes, you do have to tell me. I have never heard about any Kryptonite induced disease that killed millions of Kryptonians. That's why I asked...when and where was it published. I'm not trying to start an argument...I'm trying to get informed, because I haven't heard of it before.

So, once again...I never heard that story before...if you have it, please tell me more so that I can look it up.
Sure, no problem...

It was into this world that the young scientist Jor-El was born. By his adult years, the mysterious "Green Plague" was killing Kryptonians by the hundreds, and upon researching the matter, Jor-El discovered that the cause was growing radiation produced by Krypton's increasingly unstable core. Due to this process, the planet itself was going to explode.

More even, i that i didn´t knew, Rao still exists, it never exploded..

It was also soon established that Krypton still existed as a gaseous planet similar to Saturn, which formed because the remaining material was still of a mass sufficient to exert a gravitational force, thus aggregating to form a "planet". It has been theorized that within 50 million years, if Rao continues to burn, Krypton would be reformed as a solid planet and life could flourish once again, but it won't be the same as the old Krypton.
Isildur´s Heir said:
Sure, no problem...

More even, i that i didn´t knew, Rao still exists, it never exploded..
Thanks..that was interesting.

But this part at the bottom of the page says many of those concepts have now been abolished -

Superman: Birthright
In the 2004 miniseries Superman: Birthright, a new retelling of Superman's origin and early years, Mark Waid depicted a Krypton with elements of various versions of the planet, but closer to the pre-Crisis version. It was later implied that the time-bending adventure in Superman (2nd series) #200 had rewritten history so this was now the "official" version, and later stories have held to Birthright as being the official current version of Superman's origin.

Waid also made use of Superman's "S"-shield in his version of Krypton. While in previous comic versions of the mythos, the "S" simply stood for "Superman"; in Birthright, Waid presented the symbol as a Kryptonian symbol of hope (borrowing and modifying a concept from Superman: The Movie). DC's mandate for Superman being Krypton's only survivor changed as well. Birthright heralded the return of Krypto, Kandor, and Kara Zor-El as Supergirl.

The series reversed a lot of John Byrne's decisions from The Man of Steel to reflect the more Silver Age-oriented version of Superman, similar to Smallville television series and Superman movies.

So the green plague theory may no longer be valid.
C. Lee said:
So the green plague theory may no longer be valid.
It will always be valid in my book :up:
Because it´s good, and gives an all new meaning to Kryptonite and Krypton´s explosion.

Besides, Birthright is not all that, IMO.
And, for what i´ve heard (don´t ask me where, because it was somewhere here and in the net), Birthright is not the definitive Superman´s origin, there will be one more coming out, one that goes more with many things of Byrne, and that will be the real deal.

Another thing (don´t ask me where i read it, i just tried to find it to post, but can´t seem to find it, so you have to take my word for it)...
Mark Waid was obliged by WB to make some changes to the mythos, for it stay closer to Smallville, so, like Waid said in the interview i read, if he had 100% free reign, Birthright would have been a bit diferent.

Besides, because there is always so many interpretations of any superhero, i always make my own take, and that´s what counts.
And my take has bits and pieces of Man of Steel, Superman for all Seasons, Smallville and even Birthright.
Call me arrogant, but that´s the way i am, i don´t take things for granted.
Wesyeed said:
Let's get real Skru. We've known each other for some time now...

First, I know you're not sorry.
Actually I am. I wish you could have enjoyed it as I did. Just as I wish that I enjoyed X3 as much as some other people did.

Wesyeed said:
And let's see what we're discussing: Rois Rane taking her asthmatic 5 or 6 year old boy with her to trespass on potentially dangerous property. This is cool to you?
Do you even have to ask?

Wesyeed said:
So be it. I still stand by my questioning of how one could value her evolution into motherhood then turn around and argue her actions as a mother version of the character here are justified by her former non-mother actions. The film even shows how protective and worried she is for this kid.
And a character can have depth by actually showing she has flaws. It's part of characterization and as I acknowledged, it's a double edged sword. I appreciate that she is flawed. I appreciate that she makes that mistake because deep down inside, she is still a reporter first and a mother second. I know you have this great ideal of how all mothers are supposed to act. I just don't share that ideal as perfect characters are seldom interesting in fiction.

Wesyeed said:
If I were still a dosv, I'd be all for her taking her sickly asthamtic children on war stories and such so who am I to argue...
Ah of course...the last recourse. When all else fails, attack the group name. That's what makes these little user groups so perfect. People attack the group instead of concentrating on their own arguments. It's quite amusing.
The only Nit Pick I have is Superman not throwing ONE PUNCH at all. I would have liked to see him atleast take down a few thugs.
here's a nitpick.... SUPERMAN HAS A KID! haha, sorry, just had to. Actually Routh's hair kind of bothered me, wasnt really feeling the fluff.
BrollySupersj said:
The only Nit Pick I have is Superman not throwing ONE PUNCH at all. I would have liked to see him atleast take down a few thugs.

Didnt he punch through the second wing when saving the plane? I suppose you could say he just flew through it, but i thought he punched through it.

Anyway, i find my nitpicks becoming less and less the more i see the movie (4 times now), my only major one is they should have cut the scene were they remove the Kryptonite shard from his body in the hospital.
Isildur´s Heir said:
Any natural explosion (and the key word is: natural) will not change the properties of the material involve in the incident.
That can only occur if the explosion is exposed to something unnatural to it.

That is entirely untrue. Explosions are almost always caused by a chemical reaction, furthermore, stars are already natural nuclear fusion reactor, and in the vacume of space the fallout would be damn near instantaneous.
Wesyeed said:
I love you. I had the same gripe. It's dark and de-saturated most of the time.

The movie starts dark and desaturated and there are few moments throughout where the color is bright and vibrant.

I could perhaps see dark, though if you ask me, they just used chiaroscuro incredibly well, those shots looked like a Carivaggio, which brings me to my point: how the hell do you call that de-saturated? Those colors were vivid they were not bright, but they were certianly deep and vibrant.
I the hell call it that after seeing the movie of course. Yes it was very dark. I couldn't see superman flying through metropolis at times. Did they run out of money and tried to hide the flying fx? I don't know *shrugs*

You reply to my post at a bad time, Sandman. By now I've forgotten half the movie so I can't remember every detail as well as I could back then. But indeed Jimmy's cake did look a little desaturated, I think.
skruloos said:
Actually I am. I wish you could have enjoyed it as I did. Just as I wish that I enjoyed X3 as much as some other people did.

X3 was a waste of time. Those who really liked it, seriously on a zealot level, I can't say what I want to say about them or I'll get banned.

Do you even have to ask?

What was the question. When I quote I can't see what I asked.

And a character can have depth by actually showing she has flaws. It's part of characterization and as I acknowledged, it's a double edged sword. I appreciate that she is flawed. I appreciate that she makes that mistake because deep down inside, she is still a reporter first and a mother second. I know you have this great ideal of how all mothers are supposed to act. I just don't share that ideal as perfect characters are seldom interesting in fiction.

Sure she has flaws, but let's not go nuts and have her endangering children. she's not a complete idiot. She's an idiot here and I don't like seeing Lois be made to be this much of an idiot. You caught me, Oh my god I want Lois to have some more care for her child. Wow. Nobody's perfect, only a fool believes that, skru, but she's just so stupid here, I can't believe it was allowed pass the scripting stage. Maybe you like a character like lois being portrayed as a genius trespassing with their sickly kids. so be it. I don't. So be it. To each their own.

Ah of course...the last recourse. When all else fails, attack the group name. That's what makes these little user groups so perfect. People attack the group instead of concentrating on their own arguments. It's quite amusing.

How is that an attack? I said what is the truth. Don't get defensive... that's my forte. If I were on the Rose-tinted Glasses Club, Singer Lover Squad, or the Singerboy Alliance or the DosV, I'd very much find any way I could to defend the person I worship unquestioningly no matter what they do. I'm very upset that you'd show a former member such disrespect. You don't even know how hard I worked to defend singer's vision for months before this films release. I'll assume you don't want to. I was one of his biggest supporters, besides the time during the suit wars because serioiusly that suit just looked like wtf, yunno? But I was a DosV so show some little bit of gratitude for my hard work definding for the club plz. NO FOR THE LAST TIME, I DON'T WORK FOR WB. It should be obvious by now.

That's how it would be. As you can see, I have INWT in my sig. That means I'm trusting Nolan to deliver a great film and therefore I'm on his side more. I've got Nolan's back. Why? What stake do I have in Nolan's movie? None... but it's fun anyway.
^Wesyeed, HOW exactly did Lois know she was putting Jason in danger? Dont you think she wanted Jason in her sight at all times just in case? Most parents would do that.
Most Parents... oh you know what I could say about what most parents really would do.
Wesyeed said:
Most Parents... oh you know what I could say about what most parents really would do.

Well think about it, she could either leave him in the car alone, with no one to watch over him, OR keep in her sight by taking him with her. I would go for number 2 myself.
Well think about it, she could either leave him in the car alone, with no one to watch over him, OR keep in her sight by taking him with her. I would go for number 2 myself.
Or use the third option...instead of taking your kid along on an investigation...put him in someone elses' care....then go to work.
True,I have a daughter,and no way would I take her into a situation like way...
C. Lee said:
Or use the third option...instead of taking your kid along on an investigation...put him in someone elses' care....then go to work.

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