The Dark Knight i will get FA-LAMED for this but i think Robin SHOULD be in film 3!


Forever guarding Gotham
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
he should be Dick Grayson threw most of the movie his parents killed by The Joker during his rampage in Batman 2 (off-screen but referenced) he becomes Robin in the last thirty minutes.
i mean a dark,older (17 year old),brooding,batman-ish Robin with a dark Red Suit with Black where yellow usually is.
I would like to see Dick appear in the end of 3. age 13 or 14. Not robin yet.
me,i won't no films in this continuety after 3 keep it a trilogy.
No Robin in the trilogy after that maybe.
Anjow1060 said:
is this spider-freddie again?

No. Spelling is too good, and Freddie wants Robin in film 2, he'd never suggest saving it for film 3. Also, this guy admits most people dont want Robin, and also meets other people's criticism with a response other than childish name calling. This guy aint freddie.

And I too would like to see Robin come it an some point, i'm just not sure when. If they only do 3 films, i'd prefer they leave him out. 3 solo, early career batfilms, with no real loose ends at the end. If they plan on continuing though, introducing Dick Grayson in the third film would be a good idea. Set up his revenge storyline (stick to classic Tony Zucco murdering the Graysons at the circus storyline) and have Bruce train him up until the end of the third film. Then when the second starts, he's all trained and ready to don the costume.
Let me just point out that ever since the 1980s there;s never NOT been a Batman film in the works. Batman is popular. He's popular in books, he's popular on backbacks and trapper keepers, and he's popular on celluloid. It'd be foolish of WB to not be making Batman films, especially if they're doing well. Given the exposure of Begins will help Begins 2 do probably even better in the box office, we can safely say that these films are doing well. I believe this franchise will continue on past three film with or without Nolan. Probably even with or without Bale. That said, I want Robin in 4 or 5.
Ok leme go through MY idea for Dick in Begins one more time.

I think that either in 2 or 3, Dick grason should be presented as somewhere around 18 or 19. He could be a young man raised by a family of circus preformers. He's been trained all of his life as acircus trapeize artist/gymnist. However, Dick does not want to go into the family buisness, he wants to pursue some other course of life, be it music, or art, or something that every teenager wants to be. Hes rebelious and headstrong, and constantly in fights over petty things, like namecalling or a dirty look. But after finding out that his father has some sort of sevier illness and wants Dick to take over the family buisness when he passes, Dick reluctantly gives in. (or perhaps forget that small part and move directly into this) Late one night Dick's family are slain while preparing for their next act in thier tralier, Dick was not with them because he blew them and the preformance off for a date with a girl. After this Dick turns inward, he is now filled with anger, and guilt. Guilt because he believes he should have been there, maybe he could have stoped it, or maybe he feels that HE should have died in their place. Now he has cosen to focus this anger to kill those responsible for his families death. He trains himself harder and faster than he ever did as a child or teenager. He mixes his gymnastic routines with what he knows of fighting, essentialy creating his own unique style. Now he dons a black (maybe black and red) biker jacket, and a black or red mask (almost resembeling Jason Todd's look when he returned), a pair of regualr (or spandex for movement) bluejeans, and black steel toed boots. He begins making his way through the criminal underworld executing his own brand of justice, and trying to find his parents murderers. At this time the local new starts doing stories on him and title him "The Robin" for his agility and grace reported by witnesses. About this time Bruce would catch wind of this and make an effort to find this guy. Perhaps Bruce does, they square off and Dick either is a good match for him, or is MUCH more than Bats expected and Dick hands his ass to him. The next time around Batman is now more prepared and returns an asskicking to him HARD! He tells Dick that he knows who he is, and why he is doing what he is doing, then offers him the oportunity to come with him, to train with him and in time find his parents killer together. For Bruce it would almost feel like getting the retrebution he never could since Joe Chill was murdered. At first Dick declines, but after realizing that A. His life in a crappy old trailer SUX! B. That He could do alot with Bruces money and C. The more training he can get the better. Now Dick is fitted with another survival suit from Wayne Enterprises such as the one Bruce made the Batsuit out of, makes a black mask to cover the basic eye (and possibly forehead area) and asks Dick what he wants as his symbol, explains why he chose the bat as his own, and also explains that the name ROBIN isn't very threatening. Dick chooses to make the name NIGHTWING and design his own symbol (resembeling more of the current Nightwing look were the symbol is not technicaly a bird) Now Dick is very threatening looking, perhaps has about shoulder length hair as many teenagers do, and it plays well with the costume, and help to conceal his facial features. About this time he and Bruce figure out who killed his parents (be it joker, two face, crime lord, etc.) and he is now faced with the choice of killing him. Batman does his best to guid him, maybe he kills him maybe he doesn't, but in the end he is even more ****ed up than before. Maybe at this time NIGHTWING decides to go his own way, fight for himself for a bit, or maybe he stays, I'm still not sure, but either way THIS idea, IMO, is very realistic and takes away all of the comic campyness of the past and completly avoids the Shumaker version of Robin as played by Chris O' Donnel.

Well, there it is, hope ya like it! :)
Ronny Shade said:
Let me just point out that ever since the 1980s there;s never NOT been a Batman film in the works. Batman is popular. He's popular in books, he's popular on backbacks and trapper keepers, and he's popular on celluloid. It'd be foolish of WB to not be making Batman films, especially if they're doing well. Given the exposure of Begins will help Begins 2 do probably even better in the box office, we can safely say that these films are doing well. I believe this franchise will continue on past three film with or without Nolan. Probably even with or without Bale. That said, I want Robin in 4 or 5.

i only have my laziness to blame for double posting..

but i think this is the absolute way to go for robin Shade...mad ups
bdsproductions said:
he should be Dick Grayson threw most of the movie his parents killed by The Joker during his rampage in Batman 2 (off-screen but referenced) he becomes Robin in the last thirty minutes.

No flame.

you're just wrong.
Ronny Shade said:
I would like to see Dick appear in the end of 3. age 13 or 14. Not robin yet.

I think it would be wrong to show even a little Dick, let alone a mature Dick in the next two sequels.
Stuff Robin back in a cage..

no Robin in this version of Batmans universe.
raybia said:
I think it would be wrong to show even a little Dick, let alone a mature Dick.

Bwahahahahahaha! :eek: Oh my god that is the funniest thing anyone has ever accidentally said on the hype!
Gerard Way said:
Bwahahahahahaha! :eek: Oh my god that is the funniest thing anyone has ever accidentally said on the hype!

not cant start a thread about robin like here without comments about dick...but hey, everyone loves dick, even me...

but I wouldnt want dick in the movie, at least not as early as dick for 4 or 5, and then we can have a giant dick-fest :o
Gerard Way said:
Bwahahahahahaha! :eek: Oh my god that is the funniest thing anyone has ever accidentally said on the hype!

Thanks!:up: :)

Here something even funnier!


* You don't understand why there aren't more 24-hour diners elsewhere in the country.

* You know what a Wawa is, and know the location of at least 15 of them.

* You think a mountain is that big freakin' hill in Atlantic Highlands.

* You know Asbury Park is no longer the mecca of East Coast resort towns.

* Even though there's a new Wal-Mart in your town, you still go to the Englishtown Auction for cheap stuff.

* You can name all the flavors of salt water taffy.

* Your car is covered with yellow-green dust in April and May.

* You buy Shop-Rite brand food at Shop-Rite.

* You can smell and know when it's low tide.

* The Jets/Giants game has started fights at your school and/or local bar.

* There are no self serve gas stations and you like it that freakin' way... "yous gotta problem wit dat?"

* You've had sex on the beach, and I'm not talking about the beverage.

* You know how to successfully handle a traffic circle.

* You know what skeeball is and you can get three 50's in a row.

* You think the Olive Garden is crap and should have never opened any restaurants in New Jersey.

* You've run out of money on the Parkway.

* You're Italian.

* You know where to get the best bagels and pizza.

* Donald Trump is mentioned at least daily in your local paper.

* You say "water" weird. (Wooder, Cawfee, Dowg, wadever).

* Even your school made good Italian subs.

* You've lived through hurricanes, nor'easters and fires, but have never seen a tornado, earthquake, tsunami or volcano.

* You can't believe MTV went to Seaside Heights.

* You know that ACME is an actual store, not just a Warner Bros.creation.

* You only go to New York City for day trips.

* You know what a "jug handle" is.

* You have mandatory recycling. Enforced by law.

* You've eaten a pork roll and cheese on a hard roll...and like it.

* You go to at least one parade at the boardwalk each year.

* You've pondered, "Maybe basketball would be more popular in New Jersey if the Nets didn't blow,"

* You can go bowling at 1:30 A.M. (with automatic scoring)!

* In high school, you worked at a Friendly's.

* Route 18 doesn't freak you out at night.

* Because your town was founded before 1776, all the restaurants, taverns and shops have "ye," "olde," and "colonial" in their names.

* You don't have to go to Red Lobster to get fresh seafood.

* You once said, "It smells like New York in here."

* You've waited for the damn drawbridge for more than 20 damn minutes.

* At least three people in your family still love Bruce Springsteen.

* There's a fruit and vegetable stand down the road.

* "Anyone who makes bad pizza can go to hell" is your attitude.

* You always use a minimum of 10 variations of the word "damn" while driving.

* You don't take any **** from anybody. Especially from someone from New York, because you live here for christ's sake and just who the hell do they think they are anyway? Invading our damn beaches and bars, they're just here for the damn summer and they think they own the damn place and....

* You've gone to the race track with twenty different daily double bets from twenty different people.

* You've spent St Patrick's day in Belmar.

* You know that there are bakeries which are not part of a supermarket, but actual individual stores.

* You've ordered a "hard roll with butter" for breakfast.

* One time, a sea gull **** on your head.

* You've eaten at a Windmill, drunk off your ass, at 3am at least a dozen times.

* You know what a "benny" is and can pick one out at the beach.

* You've planned a local trip around ensuring you pass at least one Dunkin' Donuts.

* You're an aggressive driver.

* At least 5 people in your immediate family have asthma.

* Your drinking water should not be used for drinking.

* Your town has more water restrictions than people living in "dry" states i.e. Arizona, and Nevada.

* Potholes are as common as mosquitoes.

* You believe pigeons carry hand guns.
I won't flame you for your idea even if I don't agree with it. Although I do want to flame you for putting "FA-LAMED" in the title but won't. Chalk it up to laziness and a bad hangover.
We've been through this about a dozen times, this one doesn't make a difference. Nolan has confirmed both him and the studio are NOT interested in bringing him in the sequel, but he never said for future films. Nolan also mentioned that at the time his franchise takes place, Dick is still a little child.

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