Ick! Lindsay Lohan in bikini


Grumpy mod
Staff member
Jul 29, 2003
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Darth Vader: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Man you can really see how thin she got now :(
her chesty disappeared?!!!

someone give that girl a hamburger..... NOW!
The new Lindsey Lohan dress up doll :up:

Somebody needs to find those pictures of her in that blue bikini to make the comparison.
Equint77 said:
her chesty disappeared?!!!

someone give that girl a hamburger..... NOW!

Women have shrinkage too? :confused:
Mentok said:
I know what you mean.

Hmm...actually, as a smoker myself, I'm always more likely to go for a girl that smokes. She made me want a cigarette.
Jonny Ptism said:
Hmm...actually, as a smoker myself, I'm always more likely to go for a girl that smokes. She made me want a cigarette.
it's one of the easiest ways to kill yourself
cause she's a smoker she's got an oral fixation...

too bad she's just putting air in her mouth... and not a sandwich.
Equint77 said:
her chesty disappeared?!!!

someone give that girl a hamburger..... NOW!
make that a triple burger wITH fries STAT
lol, with a trpile thick chocolate milk shake on the side
kakarot069 said:
that's not just air that she's puffin...

Yeah, its also...

Acacia gum, Acetal, Acetanisole, Acetic acid and/or its potassium and sodium salts, Acetoin, Acetone, Acetophenone, 6 Acetoxydihydrotheaspirane, Acetyl methyl cellulose, 2 Acetyl pyrazine, 2 Acetyl pyridine, 3 Acetyl pyridine, Alga resinoid, Allspice extract, oleoresin and oil, Allspice leaf oil, Allura Red, Allyl hexanoate, Almond oil, Aluminium acetate, Aluminium carbonate, Aluminium citrate, Aluminium lactate, Aluminium oxide, Aluminium phosphate, Aluminium tartrate, Aluminium trihydroxide, Aluminosilicates, Amber oil, Ambergris extract, Ambrette seed oil and absolute, Ambrox, Ammonium acetate, Ammonium carbonate, Ammonium chloride, Ammonium citrate, Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, Ammonium hydroxide, Ammonium lactate, Ammonium sulphate, Ammonium tartrate, +Amyl acetate, Amyl alcohol, +Amyl benzoate, +Amyl butyrate, alpha Amyl cinnamaldehyde, +Amyl formate, +Amyl hexanoate, +Amyl isovalerate, +Amyl octanoate, +Amyl phenylacetate, +Amyl salicylate, +Amyl valerate, trans Anethole, Angelica root extract and oil, Anise and oil, Anisole, para Anisyl acetate, para Anisyl alcohol, Arachis oil, Ascorbic acid, Azorubin, Balsam oil, Bay leaf, oil and sweet oil, Beech tar extract, Bentonite, Benzaldehyde, Benzoic acid and/or its potassium and sodium salts, Benzoin, Benzoin resinoid, Benzyl acetate, Benzyl alcohol, Benzyl benzoate, Benzyl butyrate, Benzyl cinnamate, Benzyl formate, Benzyl isobutyrate, Benzyl phenylacetate, Benzyl propionate, Bergamot oil, Boric acid and/or its potassium or sodium salts, Bornyl acetate, , *Brilliant Black BN, Brilliant Blue FCF, Butyl acetate, Butyl butyrate, 1,3, Butylene glycol, Butyl phenyl acetate, para tert Butyl pyridine, Butyric acid, Cadinene single or mixed isomers, Cajeput oil, Calcium acetate, Calcium carbonate, Calcium chloride, Calcium citrate, Calcium hydroxide, Calcium lactate, Calcium phosphate1 (mono, di or tri ), Calcium tartrate, Camphene, d Camphor, Camphor oil2 (safrole free), Caramel1 obtained wholly by heating a sugar solution with or without a small amount of acid, alkali or alkali carbonate, Caraway oil, Carbon dioxide, Carboxy methyl cellulose and its sodium salt, Cardamon oleoresin, extract, oil, seed oil and powder, Carob bean extract, Carrot seed oil, Carvacrol, 4 Carvomenthenol, Carvone, beta Caryophyllene, Caryophyllene alcohol, Caryophyllene oxide, Cascarilla oil, bark oil and extract, Cassia buds, bark oil and extract, Cassia extract, Castor oil, Castoreum extract and absolute, Cedar leaf oil, Cedarwood oil, Cedrol...
Erzengel said:

Better or Worse?

Definitely worse.

She went from a curvy, great looking young girl to just another skinny Hollywood skank.

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