Justice League If TDK won't be related to JL, do you still want MoS to be?


(A Metal Gear reference)
Sep 17, 2012
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I can't imagine how the next Batman movies will feel more unified with MoS and the JLverse considering the similarites between TDK and MoS:

-Both produced by Christopher Nolan and Syncopy
-Both have Hans Zimmer scores
-The 'more-serious' take.
-not using the actual superhero names in the titles, but instead their 'nicknames'

If MoS was in the new JLverse, but TDK wasn't, and instead a different take on Batman was involved, I think the average movie goer will be really confused.

I almost wish both TDK and MoS will be separate from the JLverse. Let the Justice League movie kick off the new shared universe.

Either that or have both TDK and Mos in the JLverse (though they'd have to find an excuse to bring Bruce into it).

What's your take?
I'd love for the JL films to be grounded in the same Nolan 'what if this happened in the real world approach.' I love the approach to Man of Steel. It will actually make audiences believe Superman could exist among us because it's so grounded and real.

I feel like JL really needs that same approach in order to edge out the Avengers and do something different than them. Otherwise JL will just be seem as a ripoff.

I'd prefer Man of Steel tied to JL, because I want JL to have the tone of Man of Steel.
I can see what you're saying, but regardless of what they do with Batman, I guarantee MOS will tie into Justice League. The only way it won't is if MOS flops critically and commercially. But if that happens, you can probably bet on JL not happening at all, unless it's already gone into production. And it might have by then... but in that case, my guess is Cavill will have already been announced as playing Superman again in the JL movie, thereby confirming the connection between the two movies.
I, for one, don't wamt JL to directly tie into the Dark Knight trilogy. I think what Nolan did was great as it stood alone but throwing in aliens and sentient computers and stuff like that would ruin everything they tried to do with creating a real-world Batman. That isn't to say that I wouldn't like to see Bale as Bruce Wayne again, I really enjoyed his performance as the Bat. But as long as they change the costume and the look of his vehicles an gadgets, no one will be confused anymore than they will be confused by there being a new Superman that isn't Brandon Routh.

Man of Steel can be included without TDK since Superman is thr sci-fi element that wouldn't mix with Nolan's Batman. They keep that level of seriousness, go light on the absolutely whacked out alien stuff, and this movie will be golden.
it would have been pretty cool if the universe started off after the dark knight. nolan did what he wanted to do, and that's fine, he'd earn that right at that point, but, he totally ****ed WB over in the process, or WB was too chicken **** to tell him they wanted to expand on it from there; maybe it just never occurred to them at that point.

i don't even think he wanted to direct a third film; that might have been for the better for the sake of a shared universe.

personally i don't think it would have been that ludicrous to imagine a superman in in that verse. it wasn't that long before when some mad man single handily wiped his butt with an entire city.
ЯɘvlveR;24720481 said:
it would have been pretty cool if the universe started off after the dark knight. nolan did what he wanted to do, and that's fine, he'd earn that right at that point, but, he totally ****ed WB over in the process, or WB was too chicken **** to tell him they wanted to expand on it from there; maybe it just never occurred to them at that point.

i don't even think he wanted to direct a third film; that might have been for the better for the sake of a shared universe.

personally i don't think it would have been that ludicrous to imagine a superman in in that verse. it wasn't that long before when some mad man single handily wiped his butt with an entire city.

But if WB were to expand off of TDKR, what would be done about Wayne's retirement and presumed death from the public? There is no way people would go for John Blake (not even a real character in DC) as a "new" Batman. Fans and GA alike, I don't see that being accepted. Plus they'd have to exclude certain characters in the future like Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Atom, Hawkman... Heck even Green Lantern would be nearly impossible to see coexisting with Nolan's world. It would completely throw everything that made the Dark Knight trilogy what it was out the window.

And on top of all of this, Nolan won't be in charge of the whole ordeal. Someone like (I desperately hope not) Brett Ratner will.
You won't be Christopher Nolan to commit to being a part of everything involved with JL and its corresponding films.... therefore leave TDK Trilogy to itself, have MOS start a saga for JL.

Wonder Woman film
Flash film
JL Sequel
If WB decide to keep Batman in all black rubber, I would have no objection to accepting the Justice League films as being in a "loose" continuity with The Dark Knight trilogy.
I don't really think that Nolan's Batman will be in Justice League. The films don't open that door, and it was stated by Nolan that this Batman operates in a world free of superheroes.

Now, I really really want that Man of Steel will stand on his own and to spawn his own series of films, without being related to Justice League. However that seems unlikely, given Warner Bros. plans for releasing Justice League soon.
I do. Batman needs a clean slate and a fresh start.

From the most successful Batman interpretation of all time?

Rebooting Batman will be a very dangerous and tricky task after what Nolan created and how well it was received.
From the most successful Batman interpretation of all time?

Rebooting Batman will be a very dangerous and tricky task after what Nolan created and how well it was received.

Yeah, but it's most likely happening. If WB does Batman right in JL, then they have nothing to worry about for future installments.
But if WB were to expand off of TDKR, what would be done about Wayne's retirement and presumed death from the public? There is no way people would go for John Blake (not even a real character in DC) as a "new" Batman. Fans and GA alike, I don't see that being accepted. Plus they'd have to exclude certain characters in the future like Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Atom, Hawkman... Heck even Green Lantern would be nearly impossible to see coexisting with Nolan's world. It would completely throw everything that made the Dark Knight trilogy what it was out the window.

And on top of all of this, Nolan won't be in charge of the whole ordeal. Someone like (I desperately hope not) Brett Ratner will.

i said if the universe would have begun after tdk not tdkr.
It depends on how grounded in reality MoS will be. We'll have to wait and see at least until the first long trailer comes out.
I never imagined stuff like the Hulk, Red Skull, HYDRA, Thor, and Asgard to exist in the world Iron Man started, but look how that turned out....

The world Nolan created could easily have the MOS and aliens in it. It was pretty easy to do with Batman Begins, but got harder after TDK. Heck, it wouldn't really be that hard to make the other DC heroes grounded.
You cant ground Superman in reality, you can only ground the world around him. He's still from another planet, he still has superpowers. MOS may be more character driven, this Superman may be a little more serious, he might be more physical, and Metropolis may be a little more 'real world'..but this is still a Superman movie where an alien invasion takes place and where a man can fly with super-human strength. So no, MOS won't be in the same universe as TDK Trilogy. Close at times, but not quite.

I see ur point when it comes to JL. But i doubt they'll continue Nolans story without his permission, and i doubt he'll give it. Bales Bruce doesn't mix with superheroes or aliens or even a Mr. Freeze. There's no sci-fi elements of that extreme. So it's definately not going to happen. Re-casting Bale would be worse than rebooting it all together.

The reboot will happen for Batman, a new actor for a new universe that can blend in with super-powered beings and science fiction and perhaps monsters. But taken seriously like Nolans movies.

I want MOS to be linked with JL and it will happen.
ЯɘvlveR;24726841 said:
i said if the universe would have begun after tdk not tdkr.

So you're basically saying to throw out the last movie as if it never happened? I thought we were trying to avoid confusing the audience..?

To everyone else insisting it could work there isno way inheaven or earth that you can make a grounded Green Lantern. It just can't be done without changing the core of what that character is. And no matter how serious you make him personality wise, it will not blend with with Nolan's Batman. The Avengers arguement is hard to apply here because even Iron Man isn't 100% grounded realism. And with that film we knew where they were taking it in the future with a shared universe and all whereas Dark Knight wasn't built for that. Meaning they'd have to do a good deal of retconning to fit the already establish round story into the square hole that is JL.

Man of Steel is, no matter how they spin it, a sci-fi movie. And it's still in production. Any fitting that needs to be done for JL is doable at this point.
It's too confusing. We would need a good explanation in the movie about how Bruce didn't retire for the whole 8 years. He just retired as the Batman IN GOTHAM & after TDK he rode off and met Superman or something. There's no way this is in the script. The writer already said he liked Nolans trilogy but his Batman is different. It's a reboot.
Warner Brothers needs to make a godfather type offer to Christian Bale so that his Bruce Wayne can play a role in the Justice League film. Though the Nolan trilogy was remarkably successful, the company left money on the table by not using the popularity of Bale's Batman to launch other franchises as Marvel did with Downey's Iron Man. It certainly wasn't a coincidence that the trailers for both Thor ("Is that one of Stark's?") and Captain America ("Now Mr. Stark") both blatantly referenced the very popular Iron Man franchise,.

I see Bale's Wayne, years after the events of TDKR and with a rebuiilt fortune, as the main protagonist of the Justice League origin film. He sees these godlike beings wasting their powers, and using the talents of employees Ivo and Morrow launches a series of "tests" to force the team members to deal with their weaknesses and coalesce into a team. You can set the story 20 years or so after the end of TDKR, so that the aliens/amazons/sentient computers and the like have no impact whatsoever upon the Nolan trilogy. This means that Batman sits out the first film, but 2015 is way to early to reboot the Dark Knight. And Wayne can pick a successor for the sequel, a "Batman Beyond" type of hero that would fit in well with the extraordinarily powerful Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Superman.

Having four main Justice League members allows for greater character development given that there will likely only be one predecessor film. And can you imagine the excitement when rumors start flying around that Bale is in the film playing Bruce Wayne? Warner Brother should be very concerned launching this franchise in the same summer as Avengers 2 and Star Wars 7, but this news could put the Justice League film on nearly equal footing with the Disney films.
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Christian Bale is not the only man who can play Batman.
I'd love to see Bale's Batman on Justice League. But that's not going to happen unless the film has no relation whatsoever to the TDKT. They most likely reboot with a new Batman.
Under my scenario, he's not Batman.

He's still Bruce Wayne / the original Batman.

But if I had been responding to just you, then I would have quoted you directly.
I don't see why Nolan's Batman couldn't fit in the Justice League. They are different sets of movies.

For example, in the comics we get these titles: Batman (serious), Batman & Robin (a bit more lighthearted), The Dark Knight (super gruesome), and Justice League (fun), and they all take place in the same universe.

Just because TDK trilogy was super serious and realistic doesn't that mean Batman can't step into the Justice League with the Green Lantern. Remember, Batman, is the 'goofiest' thing about the TDK movies, you can leave everything around him behind when you put him in JL.

Ironman focused on their own world, their own tone, not Aliens, etc, even though they are in the same universe.
The main problem with Nolan's Batman in JL is not that he can't fit. Can he fit in somehow? Yes. Is he exactly the best choice for the version of Batman they should use in JL? No. I would prefer if the Batman they use in JL has a more fabric and more accurate costume to the comics (the Nolan costume looks bad during daytime IMO) and is far stronger and more experienced than the Nolan version.

I think the main factor that will determine from a subconscious point of view whether or not MoS can work in a shared JL universe is Metropolis itself. If Metropolis looks a bit stylized and futuristic just like in the comics, then that will give the audience the feel that this is a vast world where many different things can happen. But if Metropolis looks like an ordinary American city just like how Gotham did for the most part in the Nolan films, then people will get the feeling that MoS is more "real world" like the TDK trilogy and that there aren't as many larger-than-life characters that exist in this universe other than Superman. Also keep in mind that Batman is being rebooted (let's face it) and I'm assuming that in order for WB to distinguish itself from the Nolan films by a bit, they'll have a more accurate to the comics costume and a Gotham that looks slightly more gothic like the comics. It would be extremely weird if Gotham looks a bit stylized while Metropolis looks like New York or the average American city.

It might sound crazy but I believe the main factor that will determine whether or not you can start a shared universe with MoS is Metropolis itself.

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