Comics If they use Loki's favor as an out for BND


Jun 30, 2006
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Do you think he'll do anything to make the world different compared to pre-OMD, just to live up to the God of Mischief title?

I could see him leaving Harry alive or something. I mean he is supposed to be a trickster after all.

I doubt he'd bring anyone else back from the dead though.
Do you think he'll do anything to make the world different compared to pre-OMD, just to live up to the God of Mischief title?

I could see him leaving Harry alive or something. I mean he is supposed to be a trickster after all.

I doubt he'd bring anyone else back from the dead though.

I dont think that's within his ability, although i may be wrong. Havent read any old Thor comics in years...
I don't see them revisiting the Loki favor now that JMS is gone from the title.

I'd actually be surprised if any of the Spider-Man writers even remember that little bit of **bad word** continuity **bad word**.
Well I had originally thought that Marvel was going to use the Loki favor as a way out of the whole "everyone knows my identity" situation. But then Marvel proved me wrong. I hate the use of "Magic" to fix any situation cause it seems like such a lame cop out. However, if Marvel would have went with the Loki "favor" as a way of fixing it, at least there would have been some back story there instead of Mephisto coming out of nowhere to fix that BS.

Now that JMS is gone, I agree with SpideyStu2...that favor is probably being swept underneath the rug.
I'm still waiting for the story about the mysterious egg on the moon at the end of Marvel Team Up #55 way back in 1977...

The story was written by then long time MTU scribe Bill Mantlo, who then stopped writing the book with issue #56, only to be replaced by then-hot writer Chris Claremont, who also enjoyed a great two year run on the book....

Though the mystery egg still remains a mystery...

I'm still waiting for the story about the mysterious egg on the moon at the end of Marvel Team Up #55 way back in 1977...

The story was written by then long time MTU scribe Bill Mantlo, who then stopped writing the book with issue #56, only to be replaced by then-hot writer Chris Claremont, who also enjoyed a great two year run on the book....

Though the mystery egg still remains a mystery...


I used to love Bill Mantlo. You guys know what happened to him, i guess?
seeing as Loki died, and has now came back as a chick who's no longer evil (or is she?) I doubt it.
I'm still waiting on an explanation as to who the @$%* is Morlun? Dont get me wrong, I LOVED the first morlun story but then when he came back out of nowhere and KILLED Spider-man, it was a little too much. We know next to nothing about him and yet he's the one who managed to do what not even the green goblin could do, kill spider-man. I would just like some closure on the guy please.
Do you think he'll do anything to make the world different compared to pre-OMD, just to live up to the God of Mischief title?

What I took from the story leading to "the favor" was that Loki was showing a rare moment of honesty and was genuinely appreciative of Spider-Man helping to save his daughter. I don't think that he'd try to screw Peter over in repaying that favor.

Now after that favor's granted, I'd say it's all bets are off and it's back to Even Steven. But that shouldn't worry Spider-Man since he and Loki aren't generally on one another's ***** lists.

I think that's the way JMS would've done it. But it's not up to him anymore, and Quesada just goes willy nilly with the magic anyway without respect to history or how the characters should act.
Do you think he'll do anything to make the world different compared to pre-OMD, just to live up to the God of Mischief title?

I could see him leaving Harry alive or something. I mean he is supposed to be a trickster after all.

I doubt he'd bring anyone else back from the dead though.

It's not going to happen. Brand New Day is the way Peter Parker is going. No more magic retcons from Loki, the devil, or even God himself. This is the Peter Parker you get and you will learn to like.

Well, you don't have to. You can just not read it and read something else, but either way Joe Quesada and Marvel wins EVERYTIME!!!
It's not going to happen. Brand New Day is the way Peter Parker is going. No more magic retcons from Loki, the devil, or even God himself. This is the Peter Parker you get and you will learn to like.

Well, you don't have to. You can just not read it and read something else, but either way Joe Quesada and Marvel wins EVERYTIME!!!

For some reason when I read your post all I could think of was...

spidey could have just gone to loki instead of mephisto in the first place...
The problem is with such lame silly magical retcons as OMd/ that they'll need ANOTHER silly magical disney land retcon to fix the first.

That's why i find this annoying too..because eventually, we KNOW this will get retconned and then we have to revisit the devil dealing and someone like Loki or whomever come with their more powerful marrige power that nixes the anti-marriage fairies power from OMD...and it just gets cheesier.

And then you'll have fans that LIKED Earth 2 where Pete and MJ never got married and the other random changes...and then the fans happy to be back to regualr world continuity.

So, they shoulda just made a seperate (another) Ultimate and kept both camps happy with this. Choices!!

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