If wolverine was recast in the future who would you like to play the part

superkong 500

Dec 14, 2005
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Well I didn't know really where to put this since there's only two wolverine boards, this and the spoiler ones.

So hopefuly there's no problem. Anyway after jackman finishes this trilogy(hoping they make two more with jackman) and then they wanted to go another way(maybe a darker grittier wolverine series)
Who would you cast? lets say 5 or six years from now?

Maybe this comes as a surprise but my perfect choice specialy after seeing NCFOM would be javier bardem.

(yes he's from spain but he can speak pretty good english and Iam sure if he wanted he could even make his accent disappear. he has all the qualities for a great logan/wolverine. He's rugged, he has a dark look he has the build and with weight training he could get to be a comic book accurate wolverine since he already is kind of stocky. he has that crazy/animalistic/ intensity in his eyes, Which I think its crucial for wolverine.

he's around 6'' feet but because of his frame he looks a little bit shorter which is perfect for logan. Best of all he's a great actor and puts a lot of intensity into his roles. By then he would be around 46 so about perfect age, if he stays in shape and takes good care of himself he would be my perfect choice.

Who would be your wolverine pick after jackman.
I don't really think anyone could replace him.
I these were made in the 80s I would sa Fred Ward the guy from the tremors movies.
I don't know many actors, but I'd want a wild looking one, not a gentleman like Hugh.
I don't know, I mean, Hugh is great...if we're talking future Wolverine in a decade or more, it's not really possible to speculate. Too distant. :D
I think Hugh is going to do these movies until he's just too old. I wouldn't expect to have to recast him for close to 10 more years.
I think Jackman will call it quits after this spinoff... wouldn't it be something if they green lit two sequels back to back for Wolverine? But he's definitely done with ensemble films IMO. So no Jackman in X-4 so we'll woryy about a recast then and only then... I am still hoping for those Jackman cameos in other Marvel movies but Fox will never let that happen.
not that I am routing for a recast or anything, but, another name I might mention, Christian Slater ???
he is probably to old now, but Harvey Keitel would have been a damn good choice :



Hmmm... Maybe John Stamos. But he'd probably be a bit too skinny and good-looking (much like Jackman).
he is probably to old now, but Harvey Keitel would have been a damn good choice
I've been saying that for years! And he is definately too old now, but circa 1980-1985... De Niro around that period as well.

I can't think of anyone around who can play the role now though. Ideally it would be someone a lot more rugged and hard boiled than Hugh Jackman. A shorter guy would obviously be better, but height can easily be altered by a director that cares enough. If I was casting, I'd be loking at unknowns and a lot of art house pictures for potential Wolverines.

I'm going to keep an eye on this thread though.
Seeing Johnny Depp being suggested for almost every part out there in the universe.. reminds me of Bronson, the town the Simpsons visited once, where everybody looked like Charles Bronson.. we're heading that way; a movie where everyone is.. Depp :hehe:
What about Danzig..? ........................:lmao:
Anyone good at this sort of thing fancy taking this image and photoshopping it with Hugh Jackman's Wolvie hair, and more Wolvie-esque clothes?

Mr Fantastic could do it..

I heard someone in another thread suggest Gary Sinise. I like that. But historically when they were young, I'd say...Kurt Russell, Gary Sinise(though he's not exactly strong), Jack Nicholson from the Easy Rider days.

Now...I would want someone much shorter and mean looking if recast. But the performance of who's cast won't be as good and the general audience will be majorly dissappointed now that Hugh Jackman is a big star.
Just watched Nick Chinlund in CON AIR, he plays Billy Bedlam. Apart from his height, he's got everything. His face and voice are a great match, though at 47 he'll be a little too old for Wolverine by the time any potential reboot rolls around. A real pity.

Just watched Nick Chinlund in CON AIR, he plays Billy Bedlam. Apart from his height, he's got everything. His face and voice are a great match, though at 47 he'll be a little too old for Wolverine by the time any potential reboot rolls around. A real pity.

he seems pretty ugly in that pic but i checked this vid on youtube of him in con air http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxkSqfSDoIA and he seems pretty good for wolverine but...

Spider-Fan83 said:
I think he'd make a better Sabretooth


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