I'm freaking out =[


Oct 25, 2006
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I think i have a cancer lump or a cyst, its in the area where my thigh meets me pelvic region, its a rock hard lump right under the skin, i poked it with a pin and the pin went half way threw it with no pain.

I'm like bugging out, idk what to do. should i wait it out see if it goes down, or see a doctor right away.

it kinda hurts =/

and it came completely out of nowhere.
Why don't you go see a doctor instead of surfing the hype?
cuz i don't know what it is =/

im here in hopes one of you guys knows what im talking about.
No offense, but.....if this is true and you're not just joking, then go to the hospital intead of tellin us. Not that we don't care but still...:huh:
I've not read the first post yet. I just wanted to say, Yes! An Ice-man thread :D
:o Just read it. Sorry. Go to a Doctor. :up:
More than likely it is a pilonidal cyst. They are pretty common and are most times caused by ingrown hairs. I had one removed myself about 5 years ago about an inch above my butt crack on my lower back.

The surgery to have it removed will have you home the same day but the recovery takes a little time depending which method they use to remove it.

As the poster said above. Get it checked out. It is better safe than sorry.
No more poking unknown lumps with pins, okay?
Why isn't Ice-Man on thread probation? Seriously, Matt come in here and explain this, now.
Leave it for a few weeks and it will go by its self its either a spot under your skin or in growing hair cause your shaving your balls wrong
I think i have a cancer lump or a cyst, its in the area where my thigh meets me pelvic region, its a rock hard lump right under the skin, i poked it with a pin and the pin went half way threw it with no pain.

I'm like bugging out, idk what to do. should i wait it out see if it goes down, or see a doctor right away.

it kinda hurts =/

and it came completely out of nowhere.
The hell are you doing on here...
Come on, guys! This is serious! We need to help him theorize what is wrong. Why get doctors involved? They'll just charge him for knowing what they're talking about! We won't cost him a cent!

Personally, I think something burrowed under his skin and laid eggs.

Personally, I think something burrowed under his skin and laid eggs.

When they hatch, they'll all look like this

Come on, guys! This is serious! We need to help him theorize what is wrong. Why get doctors involved? They'll just charge him for knowing what they're talking about! We won't cost him a cent!

Personally, I think something burrowed under his skin and laid eggs.



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