Comics I'm glad we're not alone...

Doc Destruction

Geaux Saints!
Jul 29, 2004
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Wizard released their Movie Issue this week. In it, they profile Sam Raimi, and in one of the pics (taken from Spider-Man 1), Sam is talking to Spidey and MJ.

The caption reads: "In this scene, our villain attacks Mary Jane, so Spidey, you stab him with your claws and eat his face." An early "Spider-Man" deleted scene.

Man, just thinking about it that way is SO SILLY.
Doc Destruction said:
Wizard released their Movie Issue this week. In it, they profile Sam Raimi, and in one of the pics (taken from Spider-Man 1), Sam is talking to Spidey and MJ.

The caption reads: "In this scene, our villain attacks Mary Jane, so Spidey, you stab him with your claws and eat his face." An early "Spider-Man" deleted scene.

Man, just thinking about it that way is SO SILLY.

Judging by the hateful comments around here, I am alone.
Doc Destruction said:
Wizard released their Movie Issue this week. In it, they profile Sam Raimi, and in one of the pics (taken from Spider-Man 1), Sam is talking to Spidey and MJ.

The caption reads: "In this scene, our villain attacks Mary Jane, so Spidey, you stab him with your claws and eat his face." An early "Spider-Man" deleted scene.

Man, just thinking about it that way is SO SILLY.


Ah.....that's awesome. It's good to know the general comic-reading public feels the same as we do. I mean, if Wizard is actually knocking what Marvel is doing (something they used to avoid), then you know it's universally hated.
shinlyle said:

Ah.....that's awesome. It's good to know the general comic-reading public feels the same as we do. I mean, if Wizard is actually knocking what Marvel is doing (something they used to avoid), then you know it's universally hated.

Actually, when the clone saga was out, Wizard went after that with both barrels.
spider greg said:
Actually, when the clone saga was out, Wizard went after that with both barrels.

Oh MAN. Remember Mort of the Month? The Spider-Clone went off the scale, and they never did it again. There were times when the whole damn magazine was a big spider-clone joke. And I was laughing right there with them.

****ing clones.
Gregatron said:
Judging by the hateful comments around here, I am alone.

or it could be that you're alone in that every post you make is about you and your feelings?

i haven't been here all that long but I don't feel I can converse with you without having to pussyfoot around your feelings. maybe just enjoy the diversity of opinion more? i don't know...
anyway, yeah i read that in Wizard and chuckled. what the hell were they thinking to write that into the book?
ragdus said:
anyway, yeah i read that in Wizard and chuckled. what the hell were they thinking to write that into the book?

I would submit that they were not.
spider greg said:
Actually, when the clone saga was out, Wizard went after that with both barrels.

Yeah....I remember that. That wa also when they actually acknowledged independant books. After JMS took over Spidey until this little bit, I haven't heard them knock even ONE event by Marvel, aside from a small caption about Sins Past needing to be retconned. That's it. They support every big name event, and they haile dNew Avengers like it was the second coming. It's annoying.

I'm just glad to see them calling things as they are instead of being lapdogs for Marvel and DC.
crivelliman said:
Oh MAN. Remember Mort of the Month? The Spider-Clone went off the scale, and they never did it again. There were times when the whole damn magazine was a big spider-clone joke. And I was laughing right there with them.

****ing clones.

I remember laughing my ass off at that, too! I remember seeing a cover for that issue os Web of Spider-Man that had Spider-Man holding the Clone over his head, and Wizard added their own caption ot it that read:

"Enough's enough! He's wearing a SWEAT TOP, for Chist's sake!!!"

Ah...funny stuff....:up:
*sticks head in* this is what picking a random thread from new posts leads to:O
crivelliman said:
Oh MAN. Remember Mort of the Month? The Spider-Clone went off the scale, and they never did it again. There were times when the whole damn magazine was a big spider-clone joke. And I was laughing right there with them.

****ing clones.

Yeaaaaaa, that was some cool s***.:up: Thank God we had Wizard to help us get through that insanity.

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