Incredible Hulk Prop Sale

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Nov 17, 2005
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Hulk’ sale not so incredible
Posted: December 06, 2007, 6:45 PM by Rob Roberts City, Arts

I headed down to the Incredible Hulk wardrobe sale at the Toronto Film Studio this morning, visions of Hollywood spinning in my head. The event flier flaunts the comic hero's name in big green letters, and I imagined sifting through a collection of Hulk costumes and ripped-up shorts, or maybe some of the props that had transformed Yonge Street into Harlem this summer. Best case scenario, I stumble upon a smoking jacket worn by Ed Norton.
But there was no sign the big stars had been anywhere near this stuff (most of the clothes had never been worn), nor could I find any gear that might have transformed Mr. Norton into a hulking superhero. I did, however, spot a muddied and torn set of sweater and jeans - maybe Mr. Norton had worn that?
The film's costume designer, Renée Bravener, told me her team made sure to remove all signs of the Hulk - costumes, props, and paraphernalia - before today's sale. She also wouldn't reveal anything about the movie plot.
"You'll have to wait until this summer, and go see the movie" she said.
The crew had just returned from two weeks of filming in Brazil, she told me, and were shooting some final visual effects today - right there at the studio. If only I knew where.
The wardrobe sale turned out to be nothing more than a small, well-run flea market. Though, I must say, the deals were exceptional. 10$ for new dress shirts from Banana Republic, 5$ for new t-shirts. I saw one woman grab a new Canada Goose parka for half-price. One woman bought 15 pairs of underwear for her son - a good deal at 5$ per, but why so many?
Another lady asked me to try on a pair of dress shoes. She was shopping for her son, she told me. "You look about the same height as him," she said. They fit me, and were comfortable too. I told her I have a pair just like them at home. "OK, I'll buy them," she said, heading to the register.
No star spottings, no Hulk gear to hang on my wall, and no clues about the movie's plot... but I did come a way with two new pairs of boxers and a couple of t-shirts (5$ each!).
— Story by Benjamin Shingler, photo of the Yonge Street film set of the Incredible Hulk by Tyler Anderson, National Post
It really says nothing about the movie, but I love these kinds of stories nonetheless. Makes me feel like I'm right there. Do you think they recouped much from the sale?
^ Nah it's probably just a garage sale for the fans or tourists really.
Do you find it strange that the flyer would advertise the Hulk "in big green letters" but then "remove all signs of the Hulk" from the merchandise before the sale? It makes it sound as though the sale was more for the general public, but it's curious that they'd draw in people using the Hulk brand, for lack of a better word, on the flyer.
^ Nah it's probably just a garage sale for the fans or tourists really.

Marvel's missing the boat here unless they've already hoarded the real props and clothing. I know for a fact that Fox made good money holding an auction after the first X-Men movie on a Yahoo online auction. They sold Xavier's chair, the chess set and other props. I personally bought Jean Grey's eye glasses from the film. Displayed with a Fox Achieves COA, it makes a fun and certainly unique collectable. Marvel could defer the budget a lot if they would do something similar now that they're making their own films. Also, cut a deal with a card company to include pieces of clothing on insert cards ("game used") from whatever company they target to produce movie trading cards.

Dere's gold in dem dere pants!
Marvel's missing the boat here unless they've already hoarded the real props and clothing. I know for a fact that Fox made good money holding an auction after the first X-Men movie on a Yahoo online auction. They sold Xavier's chair, the chess set and other props. I personally bought Jean Grey's eye glasses from the film. Displayed with a Fox Achieves COA, it makes a fun and certainly unique collectable. Marvel could defer the budget a lot if they would do something similar now that they're making their own films. Also, cut a deal with a card company to include pieces of clothing on insert cards ("game used") from whatever company they target to produce movie trading cards.

Dere's gold in dem dere pants!

I gathered from the article that, yes, they took out anything that would've been of any real value and that these were just leftovers, more or less. I'm sure they stand to make considerable profit off of the REAL props and whatnot after the movie has passed. It's just interesting that they touted it as a Hulk sale when, in the end, they removed any traces of the Hulk. Seems like false advertisement.

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