Indiana Jones Exhibit Photos - 2012


Dec 7, 2012
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Figured I'd share these with you guys. On my drive up to Seattle, I stayed the night in Santa Ana near L.A. - and to my surprise I was next to the Discovery Museum and they happened to have this Nat. Geo Indiana Jones Exhibit in town. What're the chances? Anyway, nothing else to do so I walked down the sidewalk, got a ticket and took some photos.

Tons of people there having a good time and happy to chat. Die hard fans/casual fans - everyone was very nice, taking photos, talking about each film, favorite parts, etc. Alot of kids there, too.

What was cool is that they gave everyone a touch screen device and ear-buds to use, and each object had a # on it and if you punch in the # onto the touch screen, a video would play for you talking about the item(s). And there was a scavenger hunt to do to win % off at the Gift Shop.

Each film had a great little section and probably the most photographed/popular items that people were really amazed with there were the 'Ark Of the Covenant' and 'Crystal Skeleton on Throne'. Both of which were much, much larger than the photos suggest and stunning pieces to look at. But everything was damn cool. If anyone is in the L.A./Santa Ana area - check it out. It's there until April 16th.

I hope this is okay being in the Misc. Film Section, since it does pertain to film.

Enjoy the pics!

Nov. 2012 - Santa Ana, CA










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Last ones - The McGuffins;











Not shown in these photos;

-Indy's 'Kingdom' teaching suit
-'Temple' Mine Cart Miniatures
-'Cross of Coronado'
-'Akator' Concept Art
-'Staff of Ra'
-Kazim's Necklace
-'Akator' Treasure Misc.
-'Shiva' Cloth
-Harold Oxley's Idiograms

Indy's costume in the first post was worn for 'Kingdom of the Crystal Skull'. All props and costumes screen used and on loan from Paramount/LucasFilm to National Geographic.
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Looks awesome - Thanks for sharing

Looks like a traveling exhibit? I'll have to watch for it.
Looks awesome - Thanks for sharing

Looks like a traveling exhibit? I'll have to watch for it.


And yes, it's a travelling exhibit. This is the first time it was in the United States. Not sure where it'll go next, but it'll likely be eastern America/mid-west.
oh man I would LOVE to have seen that in person!
Oh man, that's just awesome. The Indy fan in me cant help some jealousy. Thanks a lot for sharing these! :woot:
No problem, guys. If you guys have any questions about what else was there or if there's anything you'd want a better look at/anything not pictured that you'd like to see, feel free to ask.
I'd love to see this in person, it looks incredible!
Great pics, thanks for sharing! I'd love to see some of those props in person. Always loved the grail from Last Crusade.
Great pics, thanks for sharing! I'd love to see some of those props in person. Always loved the grail from Last Crusade.

Yes, it was definitely cool. I've always loved film props so this was great for me.

And the Grail was probably the least exciting prop for me to see, to be honest. It was great don't get me wrong, but aesthetically the others were way more pleasing to the eye. The Ark and Crystal Skull were beautifully made and detailed, as was the Skeleton's Throne which was huge. Nurachi's urn was gorgeous - and the Sankara Stones were much nicer in person, likely because they were the 'light up' ones used in the scenes where they were put into the stone skull.

Probably the one thing that was surprising was how beautiful Willie Scott's nightclub dress was in person. That thing glistened and shined more than any piece of clothing I'd seen.

That particular Grail prop was thicker, tougher - and was used to be shoved around by Elsa so it was made to not break. It was also not painted properly since it wasn't going to be used in close ups.

One thing that is crazy to me is that the Sir Richard Shield was made out of wood, carved by prop makers. I always assume props are made out of a resin or plastic.
It looks like an incredible exhibition, great pics, thanks for sharing. :up:
Yes, it was definitely cool. I've always loved film props so this was great for me.

And the Grail was probably the least exciting prop for me to see, to be honest. It was great don't get me wrong, but aesthetically the others were way more pleasing to the eye. The Ark and Crystal Skull were beautifully made and detailed, as was the Skeleton's Throne which was huge. Nurachi's urn was gorgeous - and the Sankara Stones were much nicer in person, likely because they were the 'light up' ones used in the scenes where they were put into the stone skull.

Probably the one thing that was surprising was how beautiful Willie Scott's nightclub dress was in person. That thing glistened and shined more than any piece of clothing I'd seen.

That particular Grail prop was thicker, tougher - and was used to be shoved around by Elsa so it was made to not break. It was also not painted properly since it wasn't going to be used in close ups.

One thing that is crazy to me is that the Sir Richard Shield was made out of wood, carved by prop makers. I always assume props are made out of a resin or plastic.

Sounds so great. I've always had a thing for props, there's something special about seeing something that was screen used. The Ark does look stunning! The stones and skull too. Here's hoping it makes its way down to Phoenix sometime.
The 'Raiders' stuff looks incredible.
The 'Raiders' stuff looks incredible.

I do wish the 'Raiders' exhibit had more items. They had two costumes and two screen used props.

'Kingdom' had the most stuff, 'Temple' had the second most, 'Crusade' third, 'Raiders' the least.
Thank you for that. I wanna be there.:csad:
No problem, guys. If you guys have any questions about what else was there or if there's anything you'd want a better look at/anything not pictured that you'd like to see, feel free to ask.

Thanks again for these images! If you have any more of the Temple of Doom section (especially higher resolution ones of those costumes!) they would be much appreciated :) This whole exhibition really looks amazing, I'd love to see it in person

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