Comics Interesting way for Storm or Iceman to fight

HandOfFate said:
Whoa...Storm has controlled water on a global scale that greatly surpasses Iceman and Hydroman's powers combined. While I agree Storm might not have Iceman or Hydroman's finite control over water, she could duplicate a lot of their feats. As I pointed out earlier, she can sense the composition of water and use it to filter out certain kinds of sunlight, that's something Bobby and Hydroman have never done to my knowledge.

It just astounds me on how Storm fans justify everything she does, and how much better she is compared to other characters. If you looked at the video posted in this post, it would absolutely be IMPOSSIBLE for Storm to do the things those two characters are performing. Granted, she may be able to do a couple, but not nearly as many as Iceman or Hydro-man are capable of. I think you underestimate Iceman's abilities way too much. Just like you proclaim yourself to be a diehard Storm fan, and know everything about Storm, we Iceman fans know quite a bit about his abilities and limitations too.

HandOfFate said:
Technically speaking there no reason she couldn't build an ice bridge. It's just holding water in a location then quickly freezing it.

Please explain how Storm would be able to manipulate water fast enough to flash freeze it into place, to create a bridge?

HandOfFate said:
I never said she could do that. That a great power feat for Iceman but it doesn't make him more powerful then Storm. Also I feel that your slightly splitting hairs here. Iceman ability to become ice and his ability to manipulate/project ice are two different things.

I'm sure you may have heard time and time again that Marvel has classified Iceman as an Omega class mutant. Well, if Marvel felt the same way about Storm, she would also be in that same category. She obviously has some formitable abilities, but it all comes down to her being human, and being vulnerable to the diseases, illnesses, and the dangers that go along with a flesh body. Storm does not have the ability to regenerate limbs, or regenerate a full body.... Iceman can do that, and then some.

HandOfFate said:
There is no logical reason Storm couldn't do everything Bobby has done with his projection of ice. AAMOF, unlike Bobby, Storm can actually move moisture in the air to increase her ice making ability..

Again, Storm cannot do EVERYTHING Bobby can do. And unlike Bobby, Storm can't travel faster that the speed of sound, or exist as an embodiment of water, ice, or vapour either...

HandOfFate said:
That's more skill level then power level. Also it seems that Bobby's control over water is limited too, seeing that he has never made it rain...

Actually, in a different time line, he did make freezing rain... And he's also drained the water out a person's body, killing them in the process, in order to make a new body for himself.

HandOfFate said:
I won't say who would win but I hope Bobby doesn't turn into water during the fight. If he does there a good chance that Storm could forcefully make him evaporate.:) ..

Where were you during the X-Men Forever story arc?... 5 Sentinels evaporated him simutaneously into vapour. 10 minutes later, he's floating around destroying Sentinels from the inside out in "mist" form... Bobby is far more intangible in mist form, can travel faster than if he merged himself with water, and can reincorporate himself anywhere. He can also create an animated clone of himself to fool his enemy (Zero Tolerance story arc). I think you're way under informed about Iceman's abilities.

HandOfFate said:
It depends on what you mean by ICE POWER. Storm could probably freeze a much larger area then Bobby but he could easily drop the temperature much quicker then she could.

Oh, and since you brought that up, Iceman can also freeze the blood in her heart or brain faster than she can conjur up a storm or lightning bolt... If he did it to Emma (a telepath), he can certainly do it to Storm. That is, unless she's far more superior than him and Emma and can think of a way to out that situation... Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question.
I love Storm to death but I think if she were to go up against Iceman with no strings attached in a knock down drag out fight he would emerge the victor. There was an issue of X-men way back when she was in Antarctica in the middle of a storm and trying to change the weather but passed out not just from exhaustion but a burning fever, at the time we were under the impression she was immune to weather extremes, Professor X revealed that to compensate for extreme cold her body heats up and vice versa. I think unless Storm were to somehow get the drop on Bobby, in an endurance fight if he were to freeze the area around her long enough and keep her held in place the same thing would happen again, or he could just sap all the moisture out of her body and kill her. =)
Hooray for overpowered characters! Whoohoo!
Exploding Boy
Hooray for every thread ends up in a "Storm is the most powerfull" argument!!
I hear ya. Apparently she has surpassed Iceman and Hydroman in regards to water and ice manipulation. AND it's assumed she can do things she's never been shown to do just cause she's Storm.

Okay, what kind of bull sh1t is this?

We have a problem. I can't state something about Storm to try to back up my opinion on my own post without being labeled a fanboy. This is the second time I've been called a fanboy when all I'm doing it correcting somebody and using the actual comics as reference.

If your going to disagree with me about something, please do not allow your opinion of others to cloud your response to me. Believe me, if I'm going to state something on a character's abilities, it will not come from the angle of a fanboy. It from somebody whose been reading the comic for 20 years.

If you think I'm wrong then we can have a logical converstation without pointless comments

Thank you
HandOfFate said:
Okay, what kind of bull sh1t is this?

We here a problem. I can't state something about Storm to try to back up my opinion on my own post without being labeled a fanboy. This is the second time I've been called a fanboy when all I'm doing it correcting somebody and using the actual comics as reference.
Thank you

I don't think anyone in here called you a fanboy... We're all above average comic book fans. Otherwise we wouldn't be going through the trouble of being here having this conversation, discussing our favorite characters.
BrianWilly said:
Moving ocean currents is a completely different thing than being able to control and manipulate water,

How? Water is water. AAMOF, I would think it was more difficult seeing that it’s salt water.

BrianWilly said:
especially to the degree that was shown in that clip.

Why not? Okay, looking back there is one thing I do agree with you on. I’m not sure Storm could liquefy or freeze the water as quick as they do.

BrianWilly said:
No way can Storm control water like Hydroman.

Other then making simple shape and the absorption of water what has Hydro-man done that Storm couldn’t do if she put her mind to it? If she can manipulate water, plus its surface tension what does he have over her?

BrianWilly said:
And she does not have Iceman's degree of control over ice.

Hmm…I don’t think Bobby has ever controlled ice. I never thought about this until you said that. While I know he can project/manipulate ice that he creates, I have never seen him manipulate pre-existence ice. Interesting, do you have an issue showing this because now I’m wondering if he can.

BrianWilly said:
In fact, once he was able to create sculptures that moved and fought by flash freezing and unfreezing them!

Given her powers she should be able to do a lot of what Bobby has done with his manipulation of water. Now if she could do it as fast and as detailed as Bobby is another question.

BrianWilly said:
Can Storm muster that level of control? If she can, then why hasn't she ever done it?

I don’t think she ever been put in a situation where she needs too. Given her powers she has more to manipulate then water.

BrianWilly said:
Just because Storm freezes things doesn't mean she freezes things like Iceman.

There no different in her freezing and Bobby’s freezing, freezing is freezing no matter how you look at it. As Bobby pointed out in an earlier issue of X-Men, Storm’s power and his powers are very similar. That why he asked her to train him in the use of them.

Thank you for the comments BW:)

Exile said:
I think unless Storm were to somehow get the drop on Bobby, in an endurance fight if he were to freeze the area around her long enough and keep her held in place the same thing would happen again,

Do you really think he has the power to override Storm’s ability over the weather?

Also, one of the major reason Storm faint was because she was trying to control the weather system over Antarctica (which is about twice as big as Australia), after Siena Blaze disrupted the EM field scrambling the weather patterns.

Also someone just told me that Chris Claremont recently wrote that she is again immune to extreme weather effects. Now don’t quote me on this because I don’t have the issue, so take this as you wish.

Exile said:
or he could just sap all the moisture out of her body and kill her. =)

This has always been a weird one for me because I’m not 100% sure if Bobby could actually do that to Storm. Seeing that their both elemental that control water, would her powers interfere with his power, would his abilities supersede hers or would they cancel it other out.

I’ve has this conversation before and we have never come up with a final answer.:(
I understand that Bobby Drake has been written as the comic relief and semi slacker of the X-men but I really wish someone would start to write him with more depth. How long has it been since Emma Frost took control of him and demonstarated his enormous potential? 10 years? After that happened he stated that he was going to try to do the same and he has,,,but not much. Even Johnny Storm, a similar slacker on the Fantastic Four has demonstrated much better control of fire then Bobby has shown with Ice. I just want to see less of him pinning away after chicks and spending more time in the Danger Room practicing the many uses of his powers.
HandOfFate said:

Why not? Okay, looking back there is one thing I do agree with you on. I’m not sure Storm could liquefy or freeze the water as quick as they do.
Explain to me how Storm can freeze then liquify water? She can control the weather, but for her to do such a thing has never been recorded in comics. If so, provide the issue proof, and I will go out and buy it today.

HandOfFate said:
Other then making simple shape and the absorption of water what has Hydro-man done that Storm couldn’t do if she put her mind to it? If she can manipulate water, plus its surface tension what does he have over her?
The big difference is that Hydro-man has internal water pressure, and can project the rate of water at a higher velocity speed, like releasing it from a fire hydrant. Storm has never been shown doing this.

HandOfFate said:
Hmm…I don’t think Bobby has ever controlled ice. I never thought about this until you said that. While I know he can project/manipulate ice that he creates, I have never seen him manipulate pre-existence ice. Interesting, do you have an issue showing this because now I’m wondering if he can.
Bobby has been able to freeze and unfreeze ince for some time now. Check out Zero Tolerance, X-Men Forever #5, and Uncanny #416 - #420.

HandOfFate said:
Given her powers she should be able to do a lot of what Bobby has done with his manipulation of water. Now if she could do it as fast and as detailed as Bobby is another question.
You said it yourself previously and just now. Storm is NOT as fast as Bobby when it comes to freezing water into ice. Therefore, it should be an easy fight if he freezes her blood in any critical area of her body, rendering her immobile. And despite her ability to tolerate low temperatures, if her blood is frozen, she loses the ability for it to circulate, therefore causing clots, therefore shutting everything down in her body. Iceman did this with Emma some time ago just as the Onslaught arc started, only he didn't kill her. Besides, Storm doesn't have the healing ability as Wolverine does to recover from something like that. Even Wolverine can't tolerate or recooperate that fast.

HandOfFate said:
There no different in her freezing and Bobby’s freezing, freezing is freezing no matter how you look at it. As Bobby pointed out in an earlier issue of X-Men, Storm’s power and his powers are very similar. That why he asked her to train him in the use of them.
Again, you're contradicting yourself, when you previously said he freezes things a lot quicker than her. Ice is his element, and for someone to say that another character with slightly similar abilities can do it faster is ridiculous. That's like saying Wolverine can heal faster than Elixir. No one knows for sure, and each character has perfected their ability at their own rate. Storm can probably conjur up ice rain faster than him, but can't create ice faster than him... Period.

HandOfFate said:
This has always been a weird one for me because I’m not 100% sure if Bobby could actually do that to Storm. Seeing that their both elemental that control water, would her powers interfere with his power, would his abilities supersede hers or would they cancel it other out.:(
He did it to a demon in another dimension, so I don't see why it can't be done to another being made up mostly of water... Namely Storm. By the way, Storm is not immune to drowning, or having a limb flash frozen and shattered off..... flesh is flesh. Healing factor, immunity or not. It's fragile tissue.
Before you read this keep in mind that I’ve disregard some of your statement because I’m trying hard not make this into an Iceman Vs Storm debate. :)

ProfeZZor X said:
It just astounds me on how Storm fans justify everything she does, and how much better she is compared to other characters.

You will never see me write something like that. I’m quite aware of Storm limitation. Also keep in I have an extensive knowledge on many other characters besides Storm.

ProfeZZor X said:
If you looked at the video posted in this post, it would absolutely be IMPOSSIBLE for Storm to do the things those two characters are performing. Granted, she may be able to do a couple, but not nearly as many as Iceman or Hydro-man are capable of.

Why? From what we know she can freeze water, she can manipulate water, we also know she can control the surface tension of water. What else does she need to do?

ProfeZZor X said:
I think you underestimate Iceman's abilities way too much. Just like you proclaim yourself to be a diehard Storm fan, and know everything about Storm, we Iceman fans know quite a bit about his abilities and limitations too.

How am I underestimating Iceman? Also…I never proclaimed myself a diehard Storm fan.

ProfeZZor X said:
Please explain how Storm would be able to manipulate water fast enough to flash freeze it into place, to create a bridge?

It would be as simple as when she encased a mind controlled Colossus in a block of ice.

ProfeZZor X said:
Again, Storm cannot do EVERYTHING Bobby can do. And unlike Bobby, Storm can't travel faster that the speed of sound,

Storm has traveled at the speed of lightning. (See Uncanny X-Men 147)

ProfeZZor X said:
Oh, and since you brought that up, Iceman can also freeze the blood in her heart or brain faster than she can conjur up a storm or lightning bolt...

How do you know that? How do you know he’s a quicker thinker then Storm?

ProfeZZor X said:
If he did it to Emma (a telepath), he can certainly do it to Storm.

Emma doesn’t control water like Storm does.

ProfeZZor X said:
Explain to me how Storm can freeze then liquify water? She can control the weather, but for her to do such a thing has never been recorded in comics. If so, provide the issue proof, and I will go out and buy it today.

What do you think Storm manipulates when she control storm clouds? Keep in mind what clouds are made of and how their formed.

ProfeZZor X said:
The big difference is that Hydro-man has internal water pressure, and can project the rate of water at a higher velocity speed, like releasing it from a fire hydrant. Storm has never been shown doing this.

So when she controlled ocean current, create and directed flood water to forcefully remove her foes that totally different then Hydro-Man. How?

ProfeZZor X said:
Bobby has been able to freeze and unfreeze ince for some time now. Check out Zero Tolerance, X-Men Forever #5, and Uncanny #416 - #420.

Are you sure? I’m talking about pre-existence ice on the ground that he had no hand in creating. If we drop Bobby in Antarctica would he be able to control the ice there.

ProfeZZor X said:
He did it to a demon in another dimension, so I don't see why it can't be done to another being made up mostly of water... Namely Storm. By the way, Storm is not immune to drowning, or having a limb flash frozen and shattered off..... flesh is flesh. Healing factor, immunity or not. It's fragile tissue.

How do you know she can’t block his attack? You’re making a lot of assumption here. Iceman has never attack Storm in the comic, so how do you know whose power supersede the other.
I don't know how to post lots of times in 1 post, but it really isn't a big deal. Im mean, u iceman fans are calling us names and saying that someone is just saying storm can win, but how do u explain what somebody said in the 1st page? "iceman wins"?.
Im not trying to say storm can beat iceman, im just stating these because shes my favorite so if ur an iceman fan, u could dothe same anyway. Okay so heres from X-men unlimited #39:

Storm realizes there are currents in the water she can manipulate, same as in the air – it’s just harder. She attempts to sense the patterns and work with them. The pressure eases and she gambles that she can sense the movement of objects in the water, same as in the air. That leads her to the unconscious Yukio. Ororo senses another big wave coming and uses it to propel them out and onto the beach.
Heres from X-men unlimited #6: Storm recovers and manipulates the ocean currents to get the X-Plane back up the surface. Storm goes at full speed and destroys the A.I.M.’s weapons and planes at the same time.

I have more but gotta go.
I pretty sure everyone knows storm can control water and ice to a certain degree....but is she as could as controling ice as iceman is?...imo..shes not even close.
javon said:
I don't know how to post lots of times in 1 post, but it really isn't a big deal.

To post something in a pervious post just hit the edit button at the bottom of your original post.:)

Optic Rage said:
I pretty sure everyone knows storm can control water and ice to a certain degree....but is she as could as controling ice as iceman is?...imo..shes not even close.

You know OR, to a certain point I agree with you.
I'm talking about posting one of ur posts, then anotherone from someone else in the same post. like the first post on this page.

And heres from x-men 116: Storm is concerned for him but he tells her that he heals real fast and the critter hasn’t yet been born that can break his bones. Kurt notices three members of the creature’s pack heading straight for them, so Storm steps up and takes the plate instead of Wolverine. She points out that these tunnels are similar to those within Valhalla Mountain. Like the soldiers they faced there, she doubts these creatures can withstand a flash flood. She creates a strong tide of water, which easily lifts the creatures and whisks them far away
javon said:
I'm talking about posting one of ur posts, then anotherone from someone else in the same post. like the first post on this page.

Cut and paste with quotes
I am not sure that Storm can do all that. I know for one thing: she can't do it as fast as Iceman and that could bring her down in battle. Iceman has been said to have "Omega" power levels. His ice attacks are powerful. Storm is one of my favorite characters, but she doesn't have ice powers like Iceman. She can not build ice slides or send ice spikes. We have never seen her do that. She can not project ice out of her hands or anything. For her to create ice, she would have to make it rain.
Storm can flash freeze, but it took her a few minutes, Bobby can do it instantly.
Yeh she did flash freeze once but it took a lot of energy out of her and took a few mins too
What the hell am I watching lol?:p But yeah, I can see what you mean HOF. I like the whole elemental martial arts thing:up:
Exploding Boy said:
Storm can flash freeze, but it took her a few minutes, Bobby can do it instantly.

When did it take her a couple of minutes?:confused:

Optic Rage said:
Yeh she did flash freeze once but it took a lot of energy out of her and took a few mins too

And when did it say it took a lot of her energy?
The comics. She isn't Iceman, she has to take her time to get the weather to work with her. She isn't creating the ice the same way Iceman does.
Exploding Boy said:
Xtreme Xmen

Wait are you talking about the time when she was injured and trying to freeze the water duck of a space ship.

IIRC, when not injured she easily flash freeze the area in Black Sun and the World End storylines.
HandOfFate said:
Why? From what we know she can freeze water, she can manipulate water, we also know she can control the surface tension of water. What else does she need to do?.?
Again, her source of freezing water comes from external sources, not from within her body. And I'm sure there is a scientific method on how this is done, it just doesn't seem plausible for it to happen instantaneously, as with Iceman.[/COLOR]

HandOfFate said:
How am I underestimating Iceman? Also…I never proclaimed myself a diehard Storm fan..
Well, I live and breathe Iceman, all the time. Sure I have a life, a family, other hobbies and such, but if there's one Marvel character I admire and know like the back of my hand, it's Iceman..

HandOfFate said:
It would be as simple as when she encased a mind controlled Colossus in a block of ice.
I'm still not convinced that Storm can conjur up ice faster than Iceman. That instance may have occurred in the comic, but I find it extremely difficult to believe that the ice she created came out of thin air, and instantly froze, let alone HOLD Colossus.

HandOfFate said:
Emma doesn’t control water like Storm does..
HandOfFate said:
No one said anything about Emma controlling water. I was saying that Iceman defeated a powerful telepath by freezing the blood to her brain.

HandOfFate said:
What do you think Storm manipulates when she control storm clouds? Keep in mind what clouds are made of and how their formed..
So you mean to say Storm can control the way clouds are shaped and what they do? If that's the case, you're also saying that she can freeze that cloud into a solid block of ice, and have it crash down to earth.

HandOfFate said:
So when she controlled ocean current, create and directed flood water to forcefully remove her foes that totally different then Hydro-Man. How?.
Well, from what the other member here mentioned (Javon) in that brief paragraph, it looks like the water was running in the direction of the current. Or, by natural gravity. Not through Storm's intervention of channelling of water to a specific area.

HandOfFate said:
I’m talking about pre-existence ice on the ground that he had no hand in creating. If we drop Bobby in Antarctica would he be able to control the ice there..
What the heck are you talking about? Iceman.... CREATES AND CONTROLS ICE!! That is not limited to "pre-existing" ice in remote parts of the world.... Or other icy worlds/moons, which he could theoretically survive on.

HandOfFate said:
How do you know she can’t block his attack? You’re making a lot of assumption here. Iceman has never attack Storm in the comic, so how do you know whose power supersede the other.
So now Storm has a omni-universal force field to block any kind of attack? Dr. Reyes has a force field, Cannonball has a force field, and Juggernaut has a personal force field. All effective against personal attacks, high velocity speeds, projectiles and harmful energy sources... Storm being able to block energy attacks (being frozen from within) is totally new to me. Does that mean that she can block mental attacks from telepaths too?
This is the kind of stuff that gets people highly annoyed with Storm... it really is. All these endless and pointless debates on whether or not she can do anything she wants with ease with her powers or whether or not they have limits. Jeez o man almighty, just give it a jumbo-sized rest already, huh?

If Storm can do everything Iceman can do and then some, then they would have gotten rid of Iceman a long time ago, shipped him off to another team or something. As it stands, I really find it hard to believe that Storm's psionic control over natural weather patterns allows her the ability to control water and ice the way Iceman can, but whatever.

Debates about Storm are about as meaningful as episodes of Family Guy.

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