Is Anyone Tired Of These Horro Movies Of Today.


May 16, 2006
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Call me a classic Stephan King or old Horror movie fan but Horror movies have become really all about how much blood to be gushed out and they are all the same. It seems like they are trying to make simular movies off of Nightmare Of Elm Street, Friday The 13th and Hellraiser but doing really bad at it. Also how many simular Zombie flicks do we need. With the exception to Saw 1 all the other current new Horror movies seem nothing but B worthy at its best.
I do realize i may be a bit harsh with this rant but am i wrong or does anyone agree. Am i the only one tired of these bad horror movies and miss the 80's horror days.
All of them suck; they work off of an extinct shock factor and the idiots who are creating them wouldn't know fear or intimidation, unless they were taken hostage by creativity and developed a loyal affinity for Stockholm's syndrome.

They repulse me and the people who creat them should be forced to view them non-stop for the duration of eternity. That in itself it the real horror.

Close thread in 3. . . 2 . . .

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Hollywood has killed the genre with this flood of crappy remakes and sequels.
give me classic universal monsters any day
I doubt I'd be tired of them if they didn't suck so much:p
BloodyWolverine said:
Call me a classic Stephan King or old Horror movie fan but Horror movies have become really all about how much blood to be gushed out and they are all the same. It seems like they are trying to make simular movies off of Nightmare Of Elm Street, Friday The 13th and Hellraiser but doing really bad at it. Also how many simular Zombie flicks do we need. With the exception to Saw 1 all the other current new Horror movies seem nothing but B worthy at its best.
I do realize i may be a bit harsh with this rant but am i wrong or does anyone agree. Am i the only one tired of these bad horror movies and miss the 80's horror days.

- Stephen King movies never scare me.
- You consider Saw a horror movie? I consider it a psychological thriller.
- Alot of the 80's horror days were full of clichés.

...but that's just me.
Yes, with a few exceptions, all modern horror movies suck ass. They're all about blood and guts and for the most part have the same generic plot lines and lack the psychological aspects that made a lot of classic horror movies so genuinely scary. I mean, I have to give it up to Saw, because it was so scary I didn't get through the first half hour, but other than that I am utterly disappointed at the modern horror genre.
Moder horro movies are crap. Same things that we have seen on cinema 10000000 times.

I preffer the old classics , specially from the 70s, 60s,50s, 40s, 30s and 20s. 80s movies were good but with a lot of cliches too and not so original or great as the other movies from the other decades.
mister lennon said:
80s movies were good but with a lot of cliches too and not so original or great as the other movies from the other decades.

So The Shining is cliched? Because I consdier The Shining to be the best horror movie ever.
Not the shinning, it was a great, great movie. For me, not the best horror movie ever, but surely one of the greatest horror movies of all time. Im talking about all those Pshycho vs tennaggers movie like elm street sequels, friday the 13 sequels, hellblaizer sequels, halloween sequels, etc.
mister Lennon said:
Not the shinning, it was a great, great movie. For me, not the best horror movie ever, but surely one of the greatest horror movies of all time. Im talking about all those Pshycho vs tennaggers movie like elm street sequels, friday the 13 sequels, hellblaizer sequels, halloween sequels, etc.

Those stupid ass, cliched sequels didn't come out until the 90's.
They sucked balls. got that right with the Halloween, Jason, etc.
Jason and Michael are regular humans, but then become Zombies with supernatural, unbelievable strength. :whatever:
mister Lennon said:
Not the shinning, it was a great, great movie. For me, not the best horror movie ever, but surely one of the greatest horror movies of all time. Im talking about all those Pshycho vs tennaggers movie like elm street sequels, friday the 13 sequels, hellblaizer sequels, halloween sequels, etc.

I actually haven't seen any of the movies you mentioned, sequels or the original. I really need to get around to seeing the original Nightmare On Elm Street.
Yes, you are right. The hellraiser sequels, not hellblaizer, did come out in the 90s, but they were bad as hell.

And yes, in the sequels, all those psychos becomed some kind of inmortal zombie and all the crimes and arguments were pretty boring and almost the same in all the sequels. Really crappy movies.
I actually haven't seen any of the movies you mentioned, sequels or the original. I really need to get around to seeing the original Nightmare On Elm Street.

IN all the cases, take this advice, see the first movie and forget the sequels.
mister Lennon said:
IN all the cases, take this advice, see the first movie and forget the sequels.

Well, see Friday The 13th: Part VI, NOES Part 2, Freddy vs. Jason.
The damn things are so bad, that it's a laugh fest. :D
I dont know what was worse: the crap Freddy vs Jason or the awful Alien vs Predator.
Saw was a bad movie made from a good idea. The acting was awful.
LostSon88 said:
What's a "Horro" movie? :oldrazz:

He's that masked swashbucker who races around on his horse, slashing 'H' into everything.
Kevin Roegele said:
He's that masked swashbucker who races around on his horse, slashing 'H' into everything.

You, my friend, are are hilarious. :woot: :up::up:
I can't stand the way most modern horror movies all to readilly employ the cheap, easy fright gags like the 'turning round a corner fake out' as opposed to well constructed atmoshpheric horror, like say, the original 'Fog'.
It's funny how the horror genre is back in full force, but it's only original franchise so far is SAW and HOSTEL, both from Lion's Gate.

It's shocking. I saw 90 percent of them are remakes, and none of them are actually good (Although I did enjoy the first RING).
Galactus said:
Hollywood has killed the genre with this flood of crappy remakes and sequels.
amen! Karo syrup and Red Dye #5 does not make a scary movie.

No real gore/blood in the first Freddy or Halloween movie.....and they still rock.
I think the problem is that horror movies are not dealing with the fears of the audience today. It's movies like X-Men and Batman Begins which are dealing with minorities, persecution and terrorism.

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