John Stossel interviews Ron Paul

the whole "illegal immigrant children born in the US are NOT citizens"
bothers me.
other than that? he is pretty ok.
the whole "illegal immigrant children born in the US are NOT citizens"
bothers me.
other than that? he is pretty ok.

this is definitely a tough one. the problem is when the parents are coming here specifically to give birth so that they have leverage to stay in the country. and the added burden this puts on the American taxpayer is unfair because those illegal parents aren't paying taxes. but their kids are receiving the benefits of America on my dime? on the dime of hard working middle and lower class Americans? that's certainly not fair.
the whole "illegal immigrant children born in the US are NOT citizens"
bothers me.
other than that? he is pretty ok.

The only people who have a problem with his stance on the naturalization of children born to illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants, which, in most cases, are hispanic like yourself.

Please look past your race and see that allowing illegal immigrants to circumvent the naturalization process by illegally coming over here and popping out a kid before we can deport them is not fair to those who seek citizenship legally.
The only people who have a problem with his stance on the naturalization of children born to illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants, which, in most cases, are hispanic like yourself.

Please look past your race and see that allowing illegal immigrants to circumvent the naturalization process by illegally coming over here and popping out a kid before we can deport them is not fair to those who seek citizenship legally.

I agree :up: Well said :)
this is definitely a tough one. the problem is when the parents are coming here specifically to give birth so that they have leverage to stay in the country. and the added burden this puts on the American taxpayer is unfair because those illegal parents aren't paying taxes. but their kids are receiving the benefits of America on my dime? on the dime of hard working middle and lower class Americans? that's certainly not fair.

I didn't realize they specifically came over her to give birth. Like, do they wait by the border and go "Oh snap, my water broke, gotta cross now."
The only people who have a problem with his stance on the naturalization of children born to illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants, which, in most cases, are hispanic like yourself.

Please look past your race and see that allowing illegal immigrants to circumvent the naturalization process by illegally coming over here and popping out a kid before we can deport them is not fair to those who seek citizenship legally.

But how is that the kid's fault?:huh:
I didn't realize they specifically came over her to give birth. Like, do they wait by the border and go "Oh snap, my water broke, gotta cross now."

No, they sneak over much sooner so they can go to an american hospital to make sure they get all the documentation needed to cheat the normal naturalizaton process. Yay!
But how is that the kid's fault?:huh:

No one said it was the child's fault. Not giving the child citizenship is not a punishment because the child shouldn't be entitled to citizenship in the first place.
No, they sneak over much sooner so they can go to an american hospital to make sure they get all the documentation needed to cheat the normal naturalizaton process. Yay!

I got to wonder, why is it that people like yourself, always think in the way of "They came here to cheat the normal naturalizaton process" and other negative connotations. Why is it that people fail to see that some folks just want to give their kids a better life? I mean, I totally see what you're saying, and for the most part agree. But there is more to see than the "they broke the law!" angle.
No one said it was the child's fault. Not giving the child citizenship is not a punishment because the child shouldn't be entitled to citizenship in the first place.

The laws we have currently say otherwise. And we're all about following the law right? Right?:o :whatever: :o
In all honesty, I haven't done the appropriate leg work to give an opinion one way or another on Ron Paul. I haven't because he pretty much cannot win. Therefore why even bother? (I know, being a Richardson supporter I must stink of hypocrisy).
In all honesty, I haven't done the appropriate leg work to give an opinion one way or another on Ron Paul. I haven't because he pretty much cannot win. Therefore why even bother? (I know, being a Richardson supporter I must stink of hypocrisy).

Pretty much.
I got to wonder, why is it that people like yourself, always think in the way of "They came here to cheat the normal naturalizaton process" and other negative connotations. Why is it that people fail to see that some folks just want to give their kids a better life? I mean, I totally see what you're saying, and for the most part agree. But there is more to see than the "they broke the law!" angle.
not to mention that most illegal immigrants that go over are doing the jobs that most americans won't do
not to mention that most illegal immigrants that go over are doing the jobs that most americans won't do

Yeah but then they'll come back with their "We don't do them because illegals get paid less so people don't want to pay us good for those jobs" angle. So I didn't bring it up.
not to mention that most illegal immigrants that go over are doing the jobs that most americans won't do

That argument is such a load. Firstly, there is pretty much no emperical evidence to back it up. Second, if it is the case then our government needs to do reform on our welfare system while kicking out illegals. There are jobs Americans don't want? What are they? Why are tax payers giving countless people on welfare millions of dollars when there are jobs readily avaliable that are going to illegals because "Americans don't want them"?
I got to wonder, why is it that people like yourself, always think in the way of "They came here to cheat the normal naturalizaton process" and other negative connotations. Why is it that people fail to see that some folks just want to give their kids a better life? I mean, I totally see what you're saying, and for the most part agree. But there is more to see than the "they broke the law!" angle.

There are thousands upon thousands of people who have been waiting years to become citizens the legal way. Allowing people to gain citizenship by illegal means is unfair, not to mention a bit of a big F-you, to people who are doing it legally.
The laws we have currently say otherwise. And we're all about following the law right? Right?:o :whatever: :o

Yes, of course. I never implied otherwise. We were talking about Ron Paul's stance on the issue and I happen to agree with him.
In all honesty, I haven't done the appropriate leg work to give an opinion one way or another on Ron Paul. I haven't because he pretty much cannot win. Therefore why even bother? (I know, being a Richardson supporter I must stink of hypocrisy).

Thanks for your contribution to this thread.
That argument is such a load. Firstly, there is pretty much no emperical evidence to back it up. Second, if it is the case then our government needs to do reform on our welfare system while kicking out illegals. There are jobs Americans don't want? What are they? Why are tax payers giving countless people on welfare millions of dollars when there are jobs readily avaliable that are going to illegals because "Americans don't want them"?

I don't believe in welfare.:boba: Either way, these illegals know how to mow lawns. We need them.

There are thousands upon thousands of people who have been waiting years to become citizens the legal way. Allowing people to gain citizenship by illegal means is unfair, not to mention a bit of a big F-you, to people who are doing it legally.

All I know is, that every year our government makes it harder, and more expensive to come here legally. I don't agree with illegal immigration, but I can see why it happens.
Yes, of course. I never implied otherwise. We were talking about Ron Paul's stance on the issue and I happen to agree with him.

Well it's all moot anyway, because Ron Paul doesn't have a chance in hell of winning.
I don't believe in welfare.:boba: Either way, these illegals know how to mow lawns. We need them.

12 year old kids know how to mow lawns and I can pay them well below minimum as well :hehe:

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