Shortly before hearing about the whole Batman Begins thing I had my own idea(yeah, I know I'm great) about re-vamping the Batman franchise. My idea was kinda similar in nature to the BB train of thought about making Batman in a very realistic world. My idea also included a Joker that was a pretty far stretch from what we know in the world of comics. My Joker was, indeed, dropped, or sprayed with a chemical which stretched his face to a perm-a-grin, but it also blistered and bleached his skin. So disfigured this Joker couldnt possibly go to a regular taylor to get his famous purple suits, so he would often be dressed by like a bum. My Joker would be so disfigured it would be, hopefully, uncomfortable to look at him anytime he was on screen. Another side effect of his chemical disfigurement is that his laughter is almost like tourettes syndrome, completely uncontrollable, rather than just laughing after doing something devious. Sorry for the spelling and grammar errors, it's late and I'm tired and I've been drinking. With my girlfriend. Who is hot. And making fun of me for being a nerd and typing a post on the superherohype boards.