The Dark Knight Joker idea



Shortly before hearing about the whole Batman Begins thing I had my own idea(yeah, I know I'm great) about re-vamping the Batman franchise. My idea was kinda similar in nature to the BB train of thought about making Batman in a very realistic world. My idea also included a Joker that was a pretty far stretch from what we know in the world of comics. My Joker was, indeed, dropped, or sprayed with a chemical which stretched his face to a perm-a-grin, but it also blistered and bleached his skin. So disfigured this Joker couldnt possibly go to a regular taylor to get his famous purple suits, so he would often be dressed by like a bum. My Joker would be so disfigured it would be, hopefully, uncomfortable to look at him anytime he was on screen. Another side effect of his chemical disfigurement is that his laughter is almost like tourettes syndrome, completely uncontrollable, rather than just laughing after doing something devious. Sorry for the spelling and grammar errors, it's late and I'm tired and I've been drinking. With my girlfriend. Who is hot. And making fun of me for being a nerd and typing a post on the superherohype boards.


So in other words, you want to create this new character, and just slap the name Joker on him. Is that right? No, just no.
I'd say no as well. The Joker doesn't need his quirks that finely explained.
Besides, I immediatley hate any idea that involves a perma-grin. He didn't have it in the comics, and it looked stupid in the movie.
Katsuro said:
Besides, I immediatley hate any idea that involves a perma-grin. He didn't have it in the comics, and it looked stupid in the movie.

The Joker MUST be a foppish individual. Your version destroys that, so I can't support it.
my god man, usually people just leave it to other posters to point out their spelling and grammar mistakes, not make up a slightly irrelevant backstory as to why they made them. I try to avoid posting on here whenever I'm drunk with my girlfriend, it kind of defeats the whole purpose of getting drunk with your girlfriend don't you think? anyway I digress, no to that idea, I want a classic joker
Katsuro said:
So in other words, you want to create this new character, and just slap the name Joker on him. Is that right? No, just no.

I belive that could be defined as "The Batman" Logic.
Well, that's why it was just a thought. I think it would be neat to see, personally. Besides, weren't there several aspect of BB that did not follow the character traits of their comic book counterparts, so I don't really see why re-visualizing the character is such a terrible thing. Maybe that thought will get me ostracized before I hit my 5th post.
its not a terrible thing, and people have done far stupider, mattsturm.

I just think Joker needs to be fairly close to classic joker or TAS joker...stylish and showy
Every time someone has a idea for the sequel or how the Joker should be they make a thread. Why is that? And wouldn't it be better suited for the fan-fiction boards.
Bullseye said:
Every time someone has a idea for the sequel or how the Joker should be they make a thread. Why is that? And wouldn't it be better suited for the fan-fiction boards.

and every time the ideas seem freightenningly familliar, usually including words like "trench coat" and "really gruesome looking", and "let's just do an albino freddy kreuger ". Ok, I could be embellishing slightly there, but I'm right in principal, most "new" joker ideas are terrible
When you say your "Joker dropped sprayed with a chemical which stretched his face to a perm-a-grin" there is no person would look "perm-a-grin" that wouldn't be realistic in Nolan's Batman world so no to perm-a-grin in Batman 2.
No perm-a-grin, he should show other face expression. No pimp suit either, black sweater and pants sound good.
Lord Siva said:
No perm-a-grin, he should show other face expression. No pimp suit either, black sweater and pants sound good.
God. sweater and pants is as bad as permagrin
Two Face said:
When you say your "Joker dropped sprayed with a chemical which stretched his face to a perm-a-grin" there is no person would look "perm-a-grin" that wouldn't be realistic in Nolan's Batman world so no to perm-a-grin in Batman 2.

I guess I didn't really think of it that way. While, in my mind, the way I've visualized it doesn't seem COMPLETELY far fetched, it is still impractical in the real world.
Lord Siva said:
I believe they did it in Batman Beyond.

But that was because the Joker was not in the Jokers body. Tim Drake waking up wearing a Purple Suit would of ruined the story.

Also no explaining the Jokers backstory, hell no to a Permagrin, and 100% against the creation of this thread in the first case. People the search option IS your friend.
StorminNorman said:
Also no explaining the Jokers backstory, hell no to a Permagrin, and 100% against the creation of this thread in the first case. People the search option IS your friend.

So much for the free exchange of ideas.
mattsturm said:
So much for the free exchange of ideas.

Oh dont get me wrong, I have no problem with stating your ideas - infact the Joker just randomly laughing is an idea I have little problems with - its just that we have many many threads from new posters stating only their ideas of what the character should be. If you would of posted this in one of the several Joker threads currently on the first page of this forum then I would of had absolutly no problems.

Of course I did the same thing when I first came here....but I wont let that stop me from making an ass of myself :D

Just dont let it happen again young man.
Advice taken. I certainly don't want to crap up the boards. I guess I took that as "any ideas about the Joker should not be talked about" rather than...well, what you were saying. So, fair enough. I shall not start a new thread for a apparently heavily discussed topic unless said topic cannot be found. Fondue anyone?

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