Alright so a friend of mine sat me down to watch what he called the "definitive" Batman Forever cut, the Red Book Edition, citing a more darker beginning and cutting in alot of the cut footage featuring Bruce dealing with his parents being killed. The colors are also muted to an extent with a stronger emphasis on the color red being the primary hue to the film. That all being said I still cant watch this film without that feeling of saturday morning corniness. I'm sorry I feel the same way about the Burtons movies, the music aside (Elfmans theme is still a masterpiece) I feel all four of those films were just too comic booky for me, and hey I draw for a living. The Batman movies for me growing up were my Star Wars films, I anticipated them with a mad fever, but it wasn't until Batman Forever that I felt like they were cartoons way more so than eve the real cartoon was. Anyhow for those out there that feel differently go check out the Red book Edition you might like it, for me I'll stick to Begins and the Animated Series, it's just more my style.