Issue 3
Clark Kent—Superman—awakes with a start. Yesterday he had the public press conference that was between LexCorp and Wayne Tech Foundation Clark then sees explosions, people scream and dying and giant robots attacking. Clark knows that The Bat-man must be rich with all the equipment he has and he has the profile of an angry victim of a crime that made him dangerous. Then Standing before him is the ghostly image of a shriveled, alien-looking creature which is J’onn J’onzz is his true Martian form. “He is coming,” the apparition states before dissipating in the breeze. “He is coming.” Clark hears the door and uses his X-Ray vision to see Lois and Jimmy at the door. He uses his super speed to put on his superman clothes and then a suit, tie and glasses over it. Lois heard a loud screaming from Clark’s room saying it is coming and jokes that he is worried that she will win the Pulitzer Prize instead of him where Jimmy states that he also had nightmares of aliens and Armageddon where Clark looks suspiciously wondering if it’s all connected.
Bruce is at a Wayne Corp elevator where he studied flight patterns at the speed of sound around the Daily Planet and Luthor hotel/apartment where ClarkKent lives who looks a lot like superman. Then Bruce saw the same dreams and J’onn. Hal foils a bank robbery and he thinks about how Sinestro who was his teacher and best friend betrayed him and now he must find a way to stop him because he has a weapon which is the Green Lantern’s greatest weakness: a yellow ring. He also thinks how he hasn’t been to his home town in Los Angeles in a long time. He then sees J’onn and wonder if Sinestro is using a weapon of mass delusion against him. Bart is at the Los Angeles police academy learning forensics when he sees the visitation and rushes out at super speeds out to see what does this have to do and wonder if the threat is imminent.
Aquaman is on the throne of his palace and Wonder Woman comes and declares that her Amazonian sister will conquer man’s world and she needs the help of Aquaman where Aquaman refuses saying he and his people will help no surface dweller. Then Wonder Woman and Aquaman start fighting. They are evenly matched when Aquaman calls sharks, squids and octopuses to contain Wonder Woman. He tells Wonder Woman to get out but before she leaves Aquaman asks if she saw of strange visitation of Armageddon. Wonder Woman hesitates for a moment and angrily and suspiciously says what if she did. Aquaman says thanks to his telepathy he knows what theses visions mean and who is sending it. There is going to be a threat so powerful and dangerous that not even the greatest armies can stop it. Wonder Woman leaves with fear and anger. Flash greets Green Lantern with a joke. Green Lantern say that this is not funny because he saw and Flash ask if he saw monster and mass destruction as far as the eye can see. Green Lantern and Flash argue weather or not Flash should help against this threat. Green Lantern says Flash should call himself Impulse or Kid Flash and make his own team called the Teen Titans, Superfreinds or Young Justice. Flash stomp out that he will make his own team and Green Lantern can’t be a part of it even if he begs. Flash then mutters that it will be called something cool like Legion of Superheroes.
J’onn claimed that the same great evil that destroyed Mars is coming to Earth and the Martian hunts men for a super-league capable of defeating help against an evil no one hero can defeat. We see John Jones talking to a brilliant but insane scientist he not only saw the dreams of mass destruction but also saw information from NASA and LexCorp about a mission to mars. Then the man stuffed his mother in a trunk and attempted to move out of the country so they could be safe. Then he accidentally killed a police officer and injured another one. Then government agents and it ends like in DC: New Frontier. J’onn realizes that he needs to get the superhero faster now. J’onn remembers his entire race burned away by a telepathic plague. J’onn was alone in his thoughts and now the monsters that destroyed mars will be brought to justice.
Ray Palmer is at WayneTower where he is working on the miniaturization project for Wayne Tech. Ray is an expert in nanotechnology. He is also diminutive college student and later a physicist who was depicted as a tough guy while the smartest kid of his class, a symbol of all the short kids who could still make a difference. Ray is a scientist first and foremost and approaches many of his adventures from the perspective of scientific discovery and investigation. Ray made a high tech suit that not only gives the wearer limited super-strength, and an energy charged 'atomic punch' but also the ability to shrink his body to varying degrees (including the subatomic level) while manipulating his weight and mass to his advantage. This allows him to glide on air currents on a low setting, while a high setting allows him to handle or strike objects with the equivalent strength of his normal size and build. Also he can call some location on the telephone and when the intended phone is answered, Palmer can shrink down enough to literally travel through the phone lines in seconds to emerge out of the answering phone. The suit is controlled by encephalotronic grid in the costume's headpiece to control the costume, mechanisms in a bio-belt and controls in the palms of his gloves. He came here because he found a job a Wayne Tech Foundation so he is going to sell the suit not only for 1 million dollars but also so the army can use it to fight against terrorists. Especially after seeing Armageddon in his dreams help America win the super-being arms race against places like Russia and Iraq where it is full of super terrisom and the commonly held belief that the next world war will be fought with genetically altered soldiers. There was an international test-ban treaty concerning development of super-soldiers, but many countries still maintain undercover genetic projects.He then gets a call on his cell phone and he looks at the caller id and it says Lex Luthor’s phone number.
Even with the claims of Lieutenant. Gordon, Commissioner Loeb declares the Dark Knight a criminal and a murder (Crimes of Dr. Hugo Strange). Superman is manipulated by Lex Luthor to think the buyer of several tons of Kryptonite is Batman. Superman thinks because of The Bat-man’s anarchical terrorism makes the government believes that all Superheroes and terroists and criminals. Batman stopped a crime which he found on a handheld police scaner/NASCAR racing scaner. Bruce then throws the grapling hook/titanium cable to another crime he finds out
Superman grabs Batman's cable and flies with him by the rooftops. Batman jumps and hides on the church, using explosive Baterangs to distract Superman. The man of steel lands and uses the heat vision, but Batman uses chains and stuck Superman, that frees himself and end up blowing the electrical chain. The bat mobile looks primitive. Bruce re-configures a black Lincoln Continental into a makeshift "bat-mobile." It looks like a mixture of a black sports car without and identification plates and a black Lincoln Continental. Its windows are tinted opaque. Heavy, steel bumper modifications have been welded to the chassis. The hood has been chopped back to make room for the super-charged school bus engine that powers it. And it drives without headlights. LIKE A CAR POSSESSED, reckless and demonic.
The Bat-man falls in a alley and Superman attack, but him uses Kryptonite to elevate the tings and both fight equal. Batman sees Superman as a big dumb alien who is so cocky and over cofident with his powers even a first grader can kick his ass back to his destroyed planet. Superman uses his last strength and hides the Kryptonite. Batman convoys the Bat mobile and shots Superman. Superman tries to find out Bruce’s secret identity but can’t because of the lead on his mask.
The fight reaches and Axis chemistry factory, where Batman blows up all the place and sends the Batmobile against Superman, using the distraction to run away to the bat cave. The Bat-Man throws a flash bomb which blinds Superman. He then activates a whistle that cause dogs to bark like crazy and bats are flying around in the sky. We see Superman’s ears are bleeding and he is in major pain shaking. He glares at the dark silhouette of The Bat-man leaving.
It's not over yet.
Lex towers.
Lex Luthor plays (and checkmates) fourteen different chess games, finds a cure for a desiease, makes a new language and sucsecfully teaches it to a robot, reads Machiavelli's Il Principe, designs a portable tape recorder, and teaches himself the Urdu language -- all while on his lunch break.
Lex has has a knack with machinery and access to powerful technology. he's shown as highly intelligent (able to cure such diseases as Muscular Dystrophy), but extremely amoral (has his scientists find ways to draw out such cures to make a higher profit). Lex Luthor is a leading astrobiologist/industrialist., Luthor is his knowledge as a general scientist is apparently unmatched (he is referred to as the smartest man in the world), Astrobiology is his particular forte. In the eyes of the public, he appears to a beloved humanitarian, but Superman knows the truth. Luthor compares himself to Prometheus he is taking fire from the gods and giving it to the people. Luthor is an egotistical but ultimately benevolent super-genius. Lex is also a Machiavellian corporate white-collar criminal and His vast resources keep him one step ahead of Superman, and he almost never answers for his crimes due to his massive wealth and connections. Lex Luthor who is a bigoted, opportunistic gentleman explorer, contemptuous of women and non-Caucasians. He has an entire African village slaughtered to obtain a unique meteoric crystal (kryptonite).Luthor believes he could be the world’s savior if Superman has not been taking up his time. Lex veiws himself as the only hero in a world full of villians.
Lex says he hate superman because Luthor had to fight tooth and nail for his power, but Superman received his through a simple twist of fate. Also, while he had to buy the good will of the people through donations and other charitable works, Superman received their devotion for free, Luthor must be in control of every situation, but he cannot control Superman, Superman is big brother, and his presence lulls humanity into a false sense of security. As a result, the people will wait idly for Superman to save them, rather than try to save themselves, plus Luthor believes Superman is the first agent of an alien invasion. Finally just because of the implication that Superman is more intelligent than himself. Lex knows that Superman’s weakness to a meteroite that crashedlanded 20 years ago.The metorite contains Sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide with fluorine plus titanium, phosphorus,krypton difluoride, unbihexium/eka-plutonium, borosilicate, uranium, iron, and7.57 percent unknown material has the radioactive half-life of 250,000 years. Lex knows Superman's cells absorb electromagnetic radiation from stars (like Earth's sun). Kryptonite's radioactivity interferes with this semi-photosynthetic process, driving the energy out of his cells in a painful fashion. Superman feels the detrimental effects of kryptonite radiation quicker that normal humans because his body absorbs it more readily, as a result of sharing a common point of origin with the element. The effect is so potent that even a tiny shard is enough to painfully affect Superman at a short distance. This makes it impossible for Superman to even touch the substance, as it would be the equivalent of a normal man touching radioactive rods from a nuclear reactor with his bare skin. Only the element of lead is able to block the radiation, and is therefore Superman's only protection. The only bad part is that green kryptonite can cause normal humans to mutate and acquire superhuman abilities, although an outside catalyst (such as a strong electrical charge) is usually required and long-term exposure causes radiation poisoning in humans. Plus the genetic arms race and the commonly held belief that the next world war will be fought with genetically altered soldiers. There was an international test-ban treaty concerning development of super-soldiers, but many countries still maintain undercover genetic projects. It is illegal to deliberately alter a human being's genetic makeup without government sanction. Lex said he saws the dreams of Armegedon and he is going to use it for his advantage against the superhumans and in his new plans. Lex reveals that if someone will control the superhuman it will be Lex and he is going to use them so humans will be the one to control their destiny and his new plan will make sure of that and it is going to start with Ray Palmer.
to be continued