The Justice League of AMERICA???


Mar 17, 2006
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I've always been a bit curious about the primary relationship between the JLA and the United States Government. Are they primarily deputized to act on behalf of the Feds? Can they operate in other countries besides the US-even if both the local authorities and resident superheroes object? Does the Federal Government have jusrisdiction to demand that the JLA accept Affirmative action programmes in whom they hire( African Americans,Hispanics, Orientals, women). Can they veto any proposed member because of security considerations- it's hard to imagine the JLA offering an Iranian or North Korean hero/heroine membership). i admit these questions are frequently asked in the pages of the JLA's Marvel counterparts- the Avengers-but these seem not to asked about the JLA?
Origionally, The League was sanctioned by the U.S. military and defense department. During the Giffen/DeMattes years, it became a U.N. sponsored peace keeping taskforce. It retains that U.N. sponsorship to this day, even though they keep the "A" in their name.
Fantasyartist said:
I've always been a bit curious about the primary relationship between the JLA and the United States Government. Are they primarily deputized to act on behalf of the Feds? Can they operate in other countries besides the US-even if both the local authorities and resident superheroes object?

Read Gail Simone's current story in JLA:Classified.
I wouldn't mind them dropping the A, but considering that they are based in the Americas, most of their members are American, and that most of the readership is from North America(the US in particular) I think the A makes some sense.
Why the issue with the country that birth this idea in the first place?? America created the idea of the "Super Hero". It like hot dogs and apple pie.

If was the JLC (Canada) would you still want it dropped??
Yes. The team is international in scope. "Of America" just don't fit. Besides, Aquaman and Wonder Woman are both royalty from other countries, and Martian Manhunter is an alien with citizenship in about 50 different countries. Also, the concept of the super hero is not native to America. America was just the place where someone made money off of it.
celldog said:
Why the issue with the country that birth this idea in the first place?? America created the idea of the "Super Hero". It like hot dogs and apple pie.

If was the JLC (Canada) would you still want it dropped??

I'm pretty sure the concept of Superhero isn't an American invention...
I think the reason why the series is going back to the Justice of America tag, is beause of nostalgic values. THe team was first named that, it was created in america by the way.
I couldn't care less what it's called. Just give me a good story.
I doubt other countries want a predominantly American team dropping into their borders and giving them unsolicited help. Hell, Hal almost got killed by the Russian military for doing just that in the first post-OYL Green Lantern issue. The JLA, regardless of where their missions take them, are predominantly American and they handle predominantly American problems in predominantly American ways. Their values, code of honor, and everything else about them is predominantly American; we've seen the JLA's American-inspired way of doing things get them into trouble with other nations in a few arcs, in fact. Their de facto "leader" is the biggest superhero icon in America. The "of America" ending fits, in my opinion.
Thing is, three of their members are not American, and at least two of them either don't share the prodminantly American values that Superman has (Wonder Woman), or just don't like the U.S. government all that much (Aquaman). The Justice League International years handeled this better. The League was an international organization that responded to the U.N. directly.
Dwarf lord said:
I couldn't care less what it's called. Just give me a good story.

Ultimately that is the only thing that matters, I agree.
The Question said:
Thing is, three of their members are not American, and at least two of them either don't share the prodminantly American values that Superman has (Wonder Woman), or just don't like the U.S. government all that much (Aquaman). The Justice League International years handeled this better. The League was an international organization that responded to the U.N. directly.
Three members isn't a majority. The League, as a general rule, tends to follow Superman and Batman's recommendations. Two Americans. The former of whom is basically the embodiment of all that is wholesome in America. I've always found that the League, more often than not, tends to think and act like Americans as a whole.
TheCorpulent1 said:
Three members isn't a majority. The League, as a general rule, tends to follow Superman and Batman's recommendations. Two Americans. The former of whom is basically the embodiment of all that is wholesome in America. I've always found that the League, more often than not, tends to think and act like Americans as a whole.

True. But also remember, while Superman is a symbol of what's good about America, Batman's a product of what's wrong with it. Violence, poverty, corruption, and the such. And he tends to be rather ani government. Personally, I'd prefer if they dropped the "America". I mean, Superman himself has said that the League owes no loyalties to any single government, but to all the countries of the world. Like I said, I prefered the years where they were the Justice League International. Or, just refered to as the Justice League.
America......f^ck yeah! Coming down to save the motherf^cking day.

America......f^ck yeah! Freedom is the only way.
Batman represents an attempt to overcome those negative influences, as far as I've seen. At least the poverty, corruption, and stuff. I can see an argument for Batman as the ultimate embodiment of America's particular brand of fear tactics, but come on. Violence, poverty, and corruption are hardly unique to America. Every country in the entire world has had its share of those things, and some of them put even America's to shame.
Very true. I guess the reason I site it is because America is so big and influencial that when it shows up there, it's more noticable. Anyway, I just think dropping the "America" bit from the name makes more sense story wise. Some current and many former members owe no aleigence to the U.S. whatsoever.
The Question said:
True. But also remember, while Superman is a symbol of what's good about America, Batman's a product of what's wrong with it. Violence, poverty, corruption, and the such. And he tends to be rather ani government. Personally, I'd prefer if they dropped the "America". I mean, Superman himself has said that the League owes no loyalties to any single government, but to all the countries of the world. Like I said, I prefered the years where they were the Justice League International. Or, just refered to as the Justice League.

Also, don't forget that Aquaman, the Martian Manhunter, and Wonder Woman aren't even Americans. And other former members such as the New Gods, Rocket Red, Fire, Ice, Dr. Light, Adam Strange, and others came from other planets and nations.

Justice League makes more sense than Justice League of America.
As I mentioned.....

The Question said:
Thing is, three of their members are not American, and at least two of them either don't share the prodminantly American values that Superman has (Wonder Woman), or just don't like the U.S. government all that much (Aquaman). The Justice League International years handeled this better. The League was an international organization that responded to the U.N. directly.
Thor was never an American, but he worked with the Avengers while they were sanctioned by the US government. I don't see what the citizenship of a few members has to do with it when the overwhelming majority of the characters are still Americans.
But the Avengers weren't called "Avengers of America". And the League is U.N. sponsored, not U.S. sponsored

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