Keeping geekiness hidden


Not lactose, it's milk!
Oct 23, 2002
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Have there ever been moments where, for one reason or another, you had to keep your geeky side at bay no matter how much you wanted not to?
i do it at work because the new hire is like 10 x geekier than me. i don't want to give him any reason to latch onto me.
Um, I mean I think it wouldn't take much investigation into me to figure out I have a geeky side, but I'm not sure if that really addresses the question.
You're making me geeky. You won't like me when I'm geeky.
I do when I'm talking to chicks I'm interested in.
Not really. It's who I am. There's really no reason for me to hide it unless you're ashamed of it. I'm not. If a chick or anyone can't handle me reading some comic books or having some action figures, probably someone I don't want to deal with anyway.

I don't really see a situation where I would have to go out of my way to hide it either.
I never hide it, nor do I advertise it... It just is.
I yam what I yam and to Davey Jone's locker if ye don't like it.
I don't hide my geekiness, but I don't go out of my way to showcase it either. Hey, if the Justice League, science, or the Academy Awards come into the conversation, I'll contribute to the conversation in a heartbeat, but if it doesn't, I don't talk about it. Most people don't realize just how big of a geek I am because those topics don't really come up too often.

Besides, geekiness isn't taboo anymore. There's no reason to keep it hidden. The Big Bang Theory is a top rated comedy. The Avengers made over a billion dollars worldwide. It's hip.

Between going to work and the gym in superhero t-shirts and openly admitting to listening to Doctor Who audio plays at work, there aren't many people I see everyday who don't know I'm a geek.
In high school when I was more insecure I did. I was afraid my GF wouldn't like it, turned out when she saw my comics in my old room, she was a fan of Batman in a big way. That helped me break out, become more confident and now I tend not to hide it away.
I did get a new email address a while back. I figure applying for jobs and listing my email as 'teenagesuperhero' was probably not the best idea.

Other than that, I wear it loud and proud :)
Not really. It's who I am. There's really no reason for me to hide it unless you're ashamed of it. I'm not. If a chick or anyone can't handle me reading some comic books or having some action figures, probably someone I don't want to deal with anyway.

I don't really see a situation where I would have to go out of my way to hide it either.
lol comics is one thing but action figures

i'd hide that you aren't 6 anymore:oldrazz:
Not really. It's who I am. There's really no reason for me to hide it unless you're ashamed of it. I'm not. If a chick or anyone can't handle me reading some comic books or having some action figures, probably someone I don't want to deal with anyway.

I don't really see a situation where I would have to go out of my way to hide it either.

I'm the same way.

It wasn't always the way. In high school I avoided showcasing it. Now, I don't go out of my way to, but I don't feel the need to hide it either. I used to feel ashamed about reading comics in public, now I couldn't care less.
Not really. It's who I am. There's really no reason for me to hide it unless you're ashamed of it. I'm not. If a chick or anyone can't handle me reading some comic books or having some action figures, probably someone I don't want to deal with anyway.

I don't really see a situation where I would have to go out of my way to hide it either.
I would agree with this. Although I suppose we'll substitute comics for Star Wars, Transformers, Super Hero movies the occasional anime and some comics.

Most of the really out there elements of geekdom like toys and stuff I'd sold and grew out of.

I think the thread starter is alluding more towards how much it dominates a conversation. I rarely bring it up, unless some one asks me about it or brings it up. I keep my conversations pretty situationally relevant, which 99.9% of the time isn't Geek stuff.

I've got a pretty wide range of interests.

I suppose that could be the opposite of a geek.

So I think it depends on how we're defining geek.
i do it at work because the new hire is like 10 x geekier than me. i don't want to give him any reason to latch onto me.
That actually happened to me also, one of the last guys that was hired was not only geekier than me but also just all around annoying.
I always wondered whether the person being annoying and or having an interest to the point of all consuming obsession is what actually qualifies someone as a geek.

If not, then yeah I don't hide it, but it's more or less part of my overall range of interests, which are vast.
That actually happened to me also, one of the last guys that was hired was not only geekier than me but also just all around annoying.

what's worse is that he's an aspiring comic book writer/artist. and he's really really not good at drawing. the character he created (and used as his screen saver) is a direct ripoff of witchblade. but, as much as it hurts, i can't even mention it without being drawn into a really unpleasant geek conversation. plus he was trying to sell some of the other guys in the office on the Avengers movie. and instead of calling it 'shield,' he always spells it out; enunciating each letter of the anagram. it's annoying as ****.
lol comics is one thing but action figures

i'd hide that you aren't 6 anymore:oldrazz:

Any action figures I buy now are for display purposes.

I only have a few now, its not like I have a book shelf filled with them.
I also keep my geekiness quiet at work, not because I'm ashamed but simply because it's not the place for it. In fact, I turn my attentions I usually put into geeky pursuits into my work (such as obsessiveness) and get great results!
Everyone I work with knows I'm geeky. A few are close, but I doubt as bad as I CAN get. lol Sadly not one's a woman. :(
I used to in the early years of secondary school because I didn't want to deal with any grief some of the other kids would have given me. After a while though, I got less insecure and didn't hide it as much, though I'm not exactly running around telling everyone I meet about all the comics I have.

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