The Dark Knight LA Dentmobile

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Jan 28, 2008
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Since Anita said she didn't have time to make an LA thread, i decided to make one in her place. So who's going to the stop in Santa Monica(March 13, 3pm - 5pm) and might be considering the March 22 stop?
I can't make todays but I'm really hoping to go to the one on the 22th!!
i hopefully will be at the Santa Monica stop today. i'll be wearing a dark blue(kind of looks like faded black) jacket over a grey batman shirt with "batman" in red coloring(not the usual bat logo shirt) and blue jeans.
Yo guys I think I'm gonna head over to the Santa Monica one today... don't know a specific time because of traffic... lol
did I miss it? I am here at the Venice local, I see some fellow nerds but no dentmobile.
did I miss it? I am here at the Venice local, I see some fellow nerds but no dentmobile.

hmm. spread out and search the whole Windward/Ocean Front Walk area to make sure you guys aren't camped out at the wrong spot? maybe they're late. hope the cops didn't stop them before they could even get started.
After a little scouting this seems like the right spot. Nice little street facing the beach. Can't stay much longer, come on dentmobile!
I'm walking around and no sight of the Dent Mobile. Kinda frustrating.
when did you guys get there? on another thread, they said the Dentmobile packed up after 30 minutes.
I got here @ 11:20. Been walking around since then looking for the damn thing.
sounds to me it's safe to get on out of there. they probably packed up early. a lot of people are saying the stops are being stopped by cops or they pack up early. and they seem to have been on time for each one.
Yeah I'm planning to leave now and get to the Third Street Promenade at 2:30 at the latest.

Apparently they've been packing up after 30 minutes. :oldrazz: This is only the first day - hopefully tomorrow they'll be more organized.
they came, they saw, they passed out s***

finally showed up around 12:30. Had some people sign releases and canvas the area with dent propaganda. Those lucky unemployed or students probably got one of the shirts the two dentmobile peeps had on. Cool, stuff.
I'm here on third street a bit early so I can eat if any one finds out where they are please post it
yo guys, if I head over to third in like an hour, do you think the dentmobile would still be there.... or do you think they would've head out by that time?
I think they showed up around noon. I was there at 11 and decided to get lunch, until I started seeing people passing around stuff at 12:15ish. I left at 1:15 pm and they were still there. Funny how a lot of people were convinced it was real lol. Some people were even annoyed when I tried giving them stuff hahaha. Which one of you all were there?!? I was the Asian dude in the black hoodie and t-shirt w/ the bat symbol in blue flames. Pretty noticeable hehe. I might actually consider going to 3rd Street by 4 pm so I hope to see any of you guys there!

Btw, if you get there a half hour later, chances are they'll still be there.
Was walking on Venice and saw the White "I Believe In Harvey Dent" Van (it was plastered across the side of the van)... two Goth dweebs (guy and girl) set up a table and were giving away free stickers and postcards to Vote for Harvey Dent... the dweebs stayed in character the whole time (kinda disturbing, really)... I got a bunch of stickers and postcards but I saw a bunch of cool black "I Believe In Harvey" T-shirts in the van. Of course, I asked for one and the Goth dude said that he wanted me to hand out the stickers to passerby's and then come back in 20 minutes after I finished my job and he would give me a f-ing T-shirt. He wanted to use me as a promotional tool. I told him that I'm a 24 hour TDK advertising machine (all my friends and collegues would attest to this... I'm Batman obsessed, it's sad)... but Goth dweeb didn't give me the T-shirt. All in all, that was pretty crappy of him... that was poor marketing WB. But I got some stickers. Yay!!! Way to go WB!
I think they showed up around noon. I was there at 11 and decided to get lunch, until I started seeing people passing around stuff at 12:15ish. I left at 1:15 pm and they were still there. Funny how a lot of people were convinced it was real lol. Some people were even annoyed when I tried giving them stuff hahaha. Which one of you all were there?!? I was the Asian dude in the black hoodie and t-shirt w/ the bat symbol in blue flames. Pretty noticeable hehe. I might actually consider going to 3rd Street by 4 pm so I hope to see any of you guys there!

Btw, if you get there a half hour later, chances are they'll still be there.

I was there, it was fun handing out stickers and being part of the campaign. Harvey Dent for District Attorney!
I totally should'a beat him silly! But I'm Canadian, so my original instinct was to insist politely... but I totally should'a kicked his face in!
I totally should'a beat him silly! But I'm Canadian, so my original instinct was to insist politely... but I totally should'a kicked his face in!
lol AWW!

damnit ive seen canadians get PISSED in hockey!


no offence that is
I hadn't seen one today in L.A.

I've heard some stories of local police making them up and move.
Did not get the T-shirt but I got a load of stickers and postcards! Gotta say I was disappointed...
When it comes around to SF you bet your ass I'll pass out a few promo flyers to get a free shirt. Isn't that hard I've done it for being on the 'street team' for certain bands in the past.

You just shove them out in front of people and they either grab it or don't grab it. If you have a hard time giving them out, just throw some away as you go down the streets lulz!
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