Lets Rule the World


Jan 10, 2004
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What would you do if you ruled the world?:confused:

I think if I ruled the world,I'd free all my sons.:o

I'd also humiliate some people,bring about peace amongst those who won't put much of a fight,destroy insurgents,and then commit suicide to rid myself of the burden.

Now,you go.:)
I would sleep, eat, and then um.................get on the hype...........then eat and sleep again
I wouldnt want to be bothered with running the world and the constant assassination attempts, so I'd just demand a huge estate be built for me in the mountains or along the ocean cost, etc . I'd have servants and wouldnt have to pay taxes. I could go anywhere in the world for no charge. The after all of this is guaranteed, I'd give the world back to its original owners. There would have to be some way for me to make sure that this deal cant be ignored by the new rulers. I guess I'd need to have some trump card.
Tsunulia said:
I would sleep, eat, and then um.................get on the hype...........then eat and sleep again

So basically not much would change for you:confused:
Abaddon said:
So basically not much would change for you:confused:

nope.................I guess I could get a faster connection and a better chair........
I'd probably enslave everything and lead a totalitarian dictatorship....a few people who I felt were among the betters of society would be invited into my court.
First thing.....no more commercials at movie theaters.:mad:
I'd ride through Times Square, wielding a lightsabre on a giraffe covered in Xmas lights while I wear a Viking helmet and spiderman costume commanding people to do merry jigs in my honor or I would sic my guard bears on them.
Holes in all women's restroom walls, all police officers must dress like Batman, and everyone must have my symbol tattoo'ed on their forehead to show ownership. Those without it will be called rebel scum and shall be hunted down like ****s. :mad:
C. Lee said:
First thing.....no more commercials at movie theaters.:mad:

If ever you need help in coming to world power, I hope you use all means necessary. You MUST rule.
Then we are all in agreement. C. Lee MUST RULE!!! :mad::up:
Vote For Sith Lord Lee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seduce Scarlett Johansson with my power and promises of love, devotion and all the riches in the world.

Order Zeppelin reuinite

Make "Mr. Roboto" our national anthem.

you mean world anthem
DOG LIPS said:
Then we are all in agreement. C. Lee MUST RULE!!! :mad::up:
The victory party is in Vegas.....the limos will be picking you up momentarily.
Seduce Scarlett Johansson with my power and promises of love, devotion and all the riches in the world.

Order Zeppelin reuinite

Make "Mr. Roboto" our national anthem.
Definatly do scarlett Johanson and probably couple humdred other women. I would punish the evil and feed the hungry.
C. Lee said:
First thing.....no more commercials at movie theaters.:mad:
This I agree with... except for the Fruitopia commercials. Those can stay :D
Tsunulia said:
you mean world anthem


Thank you - er, domo, for correcting that.

The Hurricane said:
Definatly do scarlett Johanson and probably couple humdred other women

I'd do all celebs I think are hot.

Thank you - er, domo, for correcting that.

do itashimash-ite :)

the dash ain't sposd to be there but that says you're welcome

btw arigato is thank you and domo is very much :)
Tsunulia said:
do itashimash-ite :)

the dash ain't sposd to be there but that says you're welcome

btw arigato is thank you and domo is very much :)

Oh, domo arigato for correcting me. Again.
C. Lee said:
First thing.....no more commercials at movie theaters.:mad:

**** THAT

Id get my OWN THEATER with NO COMMERCIALS AT ALL well except the Trailers that I want anything else is BLEH & then laugh at everyone else :up:

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