The Dark Knight Lucas, Jackman, Schrieber, or Gyllenhaal?

Nightwing 52

Things change
Dec 4, 2005
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I'm curious. With today's news of Jackman implying that he'd work for Nolan in the sequel, if ever he was called upon, have some of your thoughts changed on who you'd want for the role of Dent?

Hugh Jackman: He's been well in the fold of candidates for the role for a couple of months, ever since speculation began that he would somehow be involved with the sequel due to him working on The Prestige with Nolan and Bale. Many and few like the odds of him getting cast, while others claim he'll only be Wolverine to them.

Josh Lucas: Rumors of his attachment began when he was promoting his new film Posiedon, and admitted he had a very deep interest in playing the duality of Harvey. He also is leading his own campaign for the role, insisting Nolan and the rest of the Begins team to call him.

Liev Schrieber: His name was a fan favorite since he was opposed to resembling the character at his best, in the novel The Long Halloween. Aside from being a great actor, people contribute to this of bringing that same element to the theater screens. He's just as devoted to the role (though he hasn't been mentioned often as of now), even taking the time to speak on a live online session about the interest he has to fans who support him.

Jake Gyllenhaal: A bit of "likes and dislikes" were brought up when he was added as a another potential candidate. Mostly due to the fact of his age, a lot want to see Dent potrayed by someone close to Bale's appeal in terms of age. He was also a more or less choice to play the character Black Mask, instead of Dent. But his way of playing a dark character before (Donnie Darko), adds to a bit of faith even if he was at a young age at the time.

I've put to rest some of the main reasons why these actors are good/bad choices to some people. So who ever you're interested in nabbing the role, take your pick. And make note not to have any arguments started.
while he may be young and would proably be a better Black Mask,i see Jake Gylenhaal as Two-Face slightly more then my peronal second
favourite Josh Lucas.

Dent is proably only around his early thirties and plenty of people look REALLY young

it would hopefully de-typecast him,

looks like Dent at some angles

can pull off really nice guy with a dark edge as well as a pshycho

has the right head shape.
I really really really want to vote for Jake Gyllenhaal because I know he will not get many votes...but I cant pass on Liev.
I still prefer Liev to the role. I don't want Gyllenhaal at all for the role, but wouldn't mind him at all for Black Mask. And for some reason I just hate Josh Lucas. I don't really know why, and it's pretty unfounded, but I have never liked him at all. I think it's that the first thing I remember seeing him in was Sweet Home Alabama and he just came off as a second string Mathew McConaughey in that movie, and ever since, that's all I think of when I see him. Josh may be a better actor than Mathew, but he is not better in a romantic comedy.
No preference, honestly. Any of them would be fine. All I know is that Jackman is my last choice. The other three... I'd accept any of them.
bdsproductions said:
while he may be young and would proably be a better Black Mask,i see Jake Gylenhaal as Two-Face slightly more then my peronal second
favourite Josh Lucas.

Well he isn't my first, second, nor third choice, but I honestly wouldn't mind him as Dent. He's a tremendous actor, even though I could also see him better suited for Black Mask.

StorminNorman said:
I really really really want to vote for Jake Gyllenhaal because I know he will not get many votes...but I cant pass on Liev.

So far it's...

Liev Schrieber: 4
Josh Lucas: 2
Jake Gyllenhaal :1
kytrigger said:
I still prefer Liev to the role. I don't want Gyllenhaal at all for the role, but wouldn't mind him at all for Black Mask. And for some reason I just hate Josh Lucas. I don't really know why, and it's pretty unfounded, but I have never liked him at all. I think it's that the first thing I remember seeing him in was Sweet Home Alabama and he just came off as a second string Mathew McConaughey in that movie, and ever since, that's all I think of when I see him. Josh may be a better actor than Mathew, but he is not better in a romantic comedy.

That left me with no further harsh reply.
El Payaso said:
That left me with no further harsh reply.

haha...yeah, I guess my one redeeming quality in life is that I know when i am being biased and unfair.
Imma Jackman man, myself.
Liev for me, I just see such a likeness between them...

Batman said:
I'm curious. With today's news of Jackman implying that he'd work for Nolan in the sequel, if ever he was called upon, have some of your thoughts changed on who you'd want for the role of Dent?

Hugh Jackman: He's been well in the fold of candidates for the role for a couple of months, ever since speculation began that he would somehow be involved with the sequel due to him working on The Prestige with Nolan and Bale. Many and few like the odds of him getting cast, while others claim he'll only be Wolverine to them.

Josh Lucas: Rumors of his attachment began when he was promoting his new film Posiedon, and admitted he had a very deep interest in playing the duality of Harvey. He also is leading his own campaign for the role, insisting Nolan and the rest of the Begins team to call him.

Liev Schrieber: His name was a fan favorite since he was opposed to resembling the character at his best, in the novel The Long Halloween. Aside from being a great actor, people contribute to this of bringing that same element to the theater screens. He's just as devoted to the role (though he hasn't been mentioned often as of now), even taking the time to speak on a live online session about the interest he has to fans who support him.

Jake Gyllenhaal: A bit of "likes and dislikes" were brought up when he was added as a another potential candidate. Mostly due to the fact of his age, a lot want to see Dent potrayed by someone close to Bale's appeal in terms of age. He was also a more or less choice to play the character Black Mask, instead of Dent. But his way of playing a dark character before (Donnie Darko), adds to a bit of faith even if he was at a young age at the time.

I've put to rest some of the main reasons why these actors are good/bad choices to some people. So who ever you're interested in nabbing the role, take your pick. And make note not to have any arguments started.

I would want Schrieber or Gyllenhaal. I would accept Jackman, however chances maybe slim to get him. He already as Wolverine solo film coming......I don't want Lucas anywhere near this film personally. I would also accept Guy Pearce or Eric Bana.
Though I wouldn't mind Jackman or Gyllenhaal, I still prefer Schrieber.
CConn said:
Imma Jackman man, myself.


I go back to what i said yesterday,Nolan has Bale and Jackman together in The Prestige,if they have chemistry then Jackman would be an ideal choice as he fits in all other ways
I think Jackman looks enough good for this role, so I voted for him.

And as I think, after Prestige, he can become new Harvey Dent, because:

A - He looks good as Dent
B - He has necessary acting energy with Bale
C - He is Nolan's friend
my first five Harvey Dent choices

1. Liev Schrieber
2. Guy Pearce
3. Hugh Jackman
4. Jake Gyllenhaal
5. Josh Lucas
I order those choices in the following manner:

But Lucas and Gyllenhaal might be switched.

Again I'm more for Dougray Scott and Joaquin Pheonix, but they haven't been rumored. :(
hunter rider said:

I go back to what i said yesterday,Nolan has Bale and Jackman together in The Prestige,if they have chemistry then Jackman would be an ideal choice as he fits in all other ways

:up: Agreed. Jackman also is talanted actor.
Definately Liev.

Jackman might not be so bad. I think I'd like to see him play a villain. Lucas would do good to. But I do not see Gyllenhall at all. I see him as more Falxone's son (cant remember his name) from The Long Halloween
cerealkiller182 said:
Definately Liev.

Jackman might not be so bad. I think I'd like to see him play a villain. Lucas would do good to. But I do not see Gyllenhall at all. I see him as more Falxone's son (cant remember his name) from The Long Halloween

- I can see it easy.

People are getting too bogged down on this age thing. Gyllenhaal can easily pass for a guy in his late 20's - the average aid of a New York D.A. is 28 years old - bingo.

Liev is still the man though.

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