Man Of Steel Trailer #4 - Fate Of Your Planet

..wait what....this became a new topic completely? I thought this was the Official TV Spot topic lol
Can't.... Stop... Watching... Trailer....
TORTURE. Why is this happening to me? I told myself I was DONE watching new footage. Why? Why?@!?!?!?!?!!?WE?!e!!@?!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!
Questions...I have questions.

1. What are the skulls. Human? Kryptonian? Dream sequence?
2. Are we going to see mass human casulties, and it's because of Superman the human race is essentially "saved"? Mass death has never been introduced in any of the superman movies..but that Terminator / Holocaust vision in the trailer made the hairs on my arm raise.
3. Superman really looks like he takes an ass whoopin in this movie. Curious if his heat vision is introduced early, or near the end.
4. The one problem I will have with this movie is Superman has grown up his whole life developing and harnessing his abilities...and it will be dumb if Zod and his legion come down and BOOM, they can do it all.
These things just keep kicking more and more ass.:up:
The one problem I will have with this movie is Superman has grown up his whole life developing and harnessing his abilities...and it will be dumb if Zod and his legion come down and BOOM, they can do it all.

Those Giger-esque helmets you see them wearing? Supposedly they can't yet absorb the full potency of the yellow sun making them a necessity for some time. So they won't be ignoring them.
(without making a marvel vs. DC debate typical thing out of this, I need to say the following)

THIS NEW TRAILER REALLY MAKES MOS LOOK LIKE THE ****ING MOVIE EVENT OF THE YEAR!!! Sorry for the swearing, but it needs to be stressed! I_can_NOT_believe how insaaaanely gorgeous and epic this picture looks! My God! I have sweaty palms, and wet shorts!!
I guess there's no chance of this being available in 1080p quality tonight?
to view or download?

Download. I was hoping to play it on my tv.

This trailer's great. The third's one the best, but the action focused approach here is well-done.
This trailer is nice. Lean and ominous. I am in love with the scope of the film. I have such high hopes for this film and for the DC film universe that will follow if this succeeds.
Download. I was hoping to play it on my tv.

This trailer's great. The third's one the best, but the action focused approach here is well-done.

I just downloaded that video straight from YouTube in 1080p, I just need to find a good hosting site to upload it to. Or, do you use Mozilla FireFox? If you do, click on the add ons and look up "Download YouTube Videos as MP4 1.5.12", its really helpful, Chrome might have something similar
What is this sorcery??? :wow:

I think my brain did a double-take, and then my double-take did a double-take, hyperventilated, dropped its jaw, did a happy dance and then passed out.


I think I need a few moments to take that all in.

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