Guardians of the Galaxy Mar-Vell Family Thread


Mar 25, 2005
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If Nova gets a thread, then so does he :oldrazz:

Alright so considering Phyla is Mar-Vell's daughter, and all of the tomfoolery involved in her "creation", I think it's fair to say she's very much a long shot to show up on film.

The question is, will they make Mar-Vell a Guardian in her place? Or perhaps make a Capt. Marvel movie, about his death and Carol taking the mantle, and make her a full-on cosmic hero, maybe a Guardian?

Looking at the Guardians roster, several of them are probably unfit for film
Bug & Jack Flag were/are useless, won't show up
Rocky's got the talking animal thing covered so I doubt we'll see Cosmo
The alternate timelines and Cap's shield hullabaloo make Vance unlikely

So we've got the 5 from the movie, plus Warlock and one of Moondragon or Mantis (doubt we'll see both, kind of redundant) as potential Guardians

And potentially Nova, and hopefully the Surfer, as "solo" cosmic characters

So where do the Vells fit in?
If Nova gets a thread, then so does he :oldrazz:

Alright so considering Phyla is Mar-Vell's daughter, and all of the tomfoolery involved in her "creation", I think it's fair to say she's very much a long shot to show up on film.

The question is, will they make Mar-Vell a Guardian in her place? Or perhaps make a Capt. Marvel movie, about his death and Carol taking the mantle, and make her a full-on cosmic hero, maybe a Guardian?

Looking at the Guardians roster, several of them are probably unfit for film
Bug & Jack Flag were/are useless, won't show up
Rocky's got the talking animal thing covered so I doubt we'll see Cosmo
The alternate timelines and Cap's shield hullabaloo make Vance unlikely

So we've got the 5 from the movie, plus Warlock and one of Moondragon or Mantis (doubt we'll see both, kind of redundant) as potential Guardians

And potentially Nova, and hopefully the Surfer, as "solo" cosmic characters

So where do the Vells fit in?

I'd just use Captain Mar-Vell himself. No reason to use his C-list artificially aged half kree/ eternal clone child. It's just too much back story.
You don't think they would make some amalgamation of Phyla-Vell and Ms. Marvel?

Similar powers and both have taken the mantle of Captain at some point... Obviously they are drastically different characters. But it might be possible for them to think up some way to fuse the two. Just wondering if that would seem logical?

For instance, Danvers is Quill's copilot as has been suggested, mayhem ensues after which she finds out she is actually the long lost daughter of Captain Mar-Vell. Ends up taking the mantle of Captain after he dies and becomes the spiritual incarnation of three popular characters. Kills three birds with one stone so to speak.

ok that was weird. but you get the point, remove the redundancy of two light haired, light skinned, cosmic energy absorbing, large breasted females with starbursts on their costumes. While still appealing to fans of both characters.
You don't think they would make some amalgamation of Phyla-Vell and Ms. Marvel?

Similar powers and both have taken the mantle of Captain at some point... Obviously they are drastically different characters. But it might be possible for them to think up some way to fuse the two. Just wondering if that would seem logical?

For instance, Danvers is Quill's copilot as has been suggested, mayhem ensues after which she finds out she is actually the long lost daughter of Captain Mar-Vell. Ends up taking the mantle of Captain after he dies and becomes the spiritual incarnation of three popular characters. Kills three birds with one stone so to speak.

ok that was weird. but you get the point, remove the redundancy of two light haired, light skinned, cosmic energy absorbing, large breasted females with starbursts on their costumes. While still appealing to fans of both characters.

I don't see how ruining a top 5 Marvel female to please fans of a top 200 female hero at best is worth doing.
you're own personal rankings I presume?

More arbitrary quantification of the difference between Ms. Marvel's importance and Phyla's in Marvel history + popularity levels.
understandable. I just figure a movie based on the 2008 GotG run is more likely to star Phyla. By your arbitrary quantification, it would be quite an oddity to see Phyla in a feature-length film before we see Carol. But if they were to essentially replace her with Ms. Marvel, I for one wouldn't be outraged or anything.
understandable. I just figure a movie based on the 2008 GotG run is more likely to star Phyla. By your arbitrary quantification, it would be quite an oddity to see Phyla in a feature-length film before we see Carol. But if they were to essentially replace her with Ms. Marvel, I for one wouldn't be outraged or anything.

I would just rather they replace her with either Mar-Vell (her father, the character she's basically a spin-off of) or Quasar (The character who's name sake/ powers she took.) I just feel like Phyla is a secondary character in several other characters stories, vs a character who deserves to take priority on the big screen.
It'll definitely be interesting to see how they incorporate the Mar-Vell family into the MCU without A. spending so much time on the specifics that it becomes the main focus of the story, or B. confusing the audience with all the various blonde, glowy-eyed energy sponges.
It'll definitely be interesting to see how they incorporate the Mar-Vell family into the MCU without A. spending so much time on the specifics that it becomes the main focus of the story, or B. confusing the audience with all the various blonde, glowy-eyed energy sponges.

The best answer is probably just saving Mar-Vell for a movie starring Carol Danvers, and not addressing his children.

We had an avenger franchise that skated around the Pyms in the first film, and is probably going to avoid the Maximoff twins for the whole trilogy. You can probably do a Guardians trilogy without Phyla ever coming into play, rather easily.
You guys remember the Coulson being Mar-vell rumors? What do you think??? There has got to be some explanation as to why he is alive. There were rumors that ms marvel would make it to avengers 2. . Also, Gene Colan designed captain marvel.

Gene Colan
Phil Coulson

both sound like "col", but the spelling can through people off, sure it's reaching, but maybe it was meant to be reached for. Could it be a possiblity?

Remember Jordanstine? He had a source supposedly. He knew stuff about avengers, and his source was legit.

We all know Kevin Feige denied that the aliens were Skrulls or Kree.

However, I was able to chat with my source again and showed said person a screenshot of the aliens from the Superbowl commercial. But aside from the aliens, something random came up between our conversation that took me by surprise and literally made my jaw drop.

Here is that transcript (edited to protect the names):

(11:20:01 PM) ME: quick question were these the same aliens? Are they even Aliens?
(11:20:25 PM) SOURCE: that looks like em.... like i said they were mostly men in green wearing metal masks
(11:20:31 PM) SOURCE: mostly in greeen b/c they were still editing it....
(11:20:36 PM) ME:

(11:20:40 PM) SOURCE: :-X
(11:20:43 PM) ME: fine u win
(11:20:51 PM) SOURCE: ;-)
(11:20:56 PM) ME: ur mean
(11:21:00 PM) ME: j/k i luv u for the info
(11:22:05 PM) SOURCE: i know i'm terrible
(11:22:11 PM) ME: last question?
(11:22:12 PM) ME: pls
(11:22:14 PM) ME: prty pls?
(11:22:22 PM) ME: last question are they Aliens? or just something else?
(11:22:27 PM) ME: thats it promise
(11:22:33 PM) SOURCE: :-X
(11:22:40 PM) ME: cmon!
(11:22:41 PM) ME: pls
(11:22:49 PM) SOURCE: I cant remember what my friend said they were
(11:22:56 PM) ME: skrulls
(11:22:01 PM) ME: did ur friend say skrull
(11:23:07 PM) SOURCE: sounds familiar
(11:23:12 PM) ME: Skrull?
(11:23:20 PM) ME: sure u just didnt hear it from me?
(11:23:28 PM) ME: did ur friend really say skrull
(11:23:29 PM) ME: ?
(11:23:40 PM) ME: But these aliens are blue, could it be Kree?
(11:23:51 PM) ME: btw the producer already denied them being skrull/kree so just deny it too
(11:23:58 PM) SOURCE: :-X
(11:24:22 PM) ME: so they could possibly be the Redacted or shiar?
(11:24:33 PM) SOURCE: I already told you their not either of those
(11:24:40 PM) ME: Aha!
(11:24:46 PM) ME: you denied these….
(11:25:00 PM) ME: but you wouldn’t deny if they were skrulls or kree, meaning they ARE skrulls/kree!
(11:25:01 PM) ME: ;)
(11:25:12 PM) SOURCE: who says they have to be called that?
(11:25:23 PM) SOURCE: honestly i myself dont remember hearing what they were specificly called
(11:25:34 PM) ME: wait, so your still NOT denying it? could the producer be lying?
(11:25:39 PM) SOURCE: no more chatting about the avengers until you see it
(11:25:51 PM) ME: ur info’s driving me crazy
(11:26:09 PM) ME: have you heard of a badoon?
(11:26:17 PM) SOURCE: a what
(11:26:26 PM) ME: nevermind ;)
(11:26:57 PM) ME: u win i give up
(11:27:20 PM) ME: btw this is the same friend u said who knows comics and got u the entry right
(11:27:21 PM) ME: ?
(11:27:31 PM) SOURCE: who else do u think
(11:27:36 PM) ME: :/
(11:27:38 PM) ME: asdfjkl;
(11:27:58 PM) ME: can u give me a small hint about anything else, it doesn’t have to be bout aliens
(11:28:07 PM) ME: just could be about the movie in general
(11:28:12 PM) ME: prty pls/?
(11:28:24 PM) ME: fine
(11:31:36 PM) ME: yawn
(11:31:48 PM) ME: tired, stretchy time
(11:32:10 PM) SOURCE: do you know capt marvel
(11:32:21 PM) ME: holy what
(11:32:25 PM) ME: u didnt
(11:32:32 PM) ME: holy ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(11:32:40 PM) ME: yes i do know Captain Marvel
(11:32:51 PM) ME: what about him ?
(11:32:59 PM) ME: what!/
(11:33:02 PM) ME: what?
(11:33:28 PM) ME: this guy right?
(11:33:38 PM) ME: you can t leave me hanging
(11:34:01 PM) ME: cmon ---
(11:34:13 PM) ME: is he in the movie?
(11:34:38 PM) ME: is he? pls? pls? PLS?
(11:34:57 PM) SOURCE: no he’s not
(11:35:11 PM) SOURCE: just nevermind its nothing really
(11:35:21 PM) ME: nothing!!!/?/
(11:35:34 PM) ME: why would u bring ugp Capt Marvel if ti was nothing?
(11:35:46 PM) ME: thats so random
(11:35:55 PM) ME: a cameo?
(11:36:06 PM) ME: reference?
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