Marvel Movie Goofs

Silver Spider

Jan 6, 2008
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As the title suggests name any mistakes you've noticed in any Marvel movie.

To start I noticed that in the Fantastic Four movies when Johnny would Flame on he would have his full suit on when he flamed off even though you could clearly see he didn't have gloves on before.
A Goof:

On ''Spider-man 3'', when Mary Jane is stucked inside the cab, she is on the back seat. When Spiderman arrives, moments before Venom Attack, she is on the driver's bank.
In X2, you can clearly see Nightcrawler aready in the children's cell before he is supposed to have teleported there.
A goof:

the films Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, The Punisher, Daredevil and X3.

all of these were mistakes.

I was wondering when someone would be the ass. :whatever:

In X-Men at the beginning when Magneto is a child his dad's Star of David pinned on his chest changes positions.

In the Punisher, Will Castle shows his mom a horseshoe crab and she says it's a stingray.
I was wondering when someone would be the ass. :whatever:

In X-Men at the beginning when Magneto is a child his dad's Star of David pinned on his chest changes positions.

In the Punisher, Will Castle shows his mom a horseshoe crab and she says it's a stingray.

Well with some of the tripe movies that have been released, its a bit hard to contain oneself.
Although... I have to defend DD director's cut...
in spider-man the green goblin has a spear out of nowhere.

Speaking of Spider-Man, there's a scene I caught where the Green Goblin is talking to Spider-Man, only you can see Willem Dafoe's lips through the translucent mask and it's clear he isn't actually speaking.
I'd hardly put X3 in the same league as those films!:rolleyes: X3 is the same quality as Spider-Man 3 imo, neither of the 2 were as good as their predecessors but they were still good.
Imo X-men 1 and 2 both pown X3. It was still a great movie but Cyclops shouldnt have died and if he were alive for the big battle on the island he would have powned everyone no problem.
in X3 you can tell that Scott is on a ramp when he is talking to Logan when he walks away.
a goof dr doom has bioelectric powers everybody knows his blasts come from his armors weapons system
We never see Cyclops dying. On the comics, Phoenix feeds of his energetic Blasts. She could have stuck in in somewhere to ''Eat''.
Ah, here's a goof someone pointed out a while ago about Ghost Rider . . .
Stabbing GR = Johnny wounded afterwards
Shooting GR = Johnny is perfectly fine afterwards

Fantastic Four
A semi (or was it a firetruck?) colliding into The Thing = the whole front of the car damaged
A much smaller car colliding into The Thing (and in a much later scene) = The Thing swept off his feet!

Rise of the Silver Surfer
Ben-Thing barely looks a thing (no pun intended) like regular Ben, while Johnny-Thing looks a lot like regular Johnny (hair included!).
Fantastic Four
A semi (or was it a firetruck?) colliding into The Thing = the whole front of the car damaged
A much smaller car colliding into The Thing (and in a much later scene) = The Thing swept off his feet!

Rise of the Silver Surfer
Ben-Thing barely looks a thing (no pun intended) like regular Ben, while Johnny-Thing looks a lot like regular Johnny (hair included!).

Fantastic Four- with the firetruck he did brace himself for the truck. Where as for the car he was not, and at that the car is lower and so would get up under Bens center of gravity.

Rise of the Silver Surfer- ben and johnny are not the same person and as we can see from that fact that they all got different powers from the same rays it would be safe to say that switching powers would not make them look the same.
Fantastic Four- with the firetruck he did brace himself for the truck. Where as for the car he was not, and at that the car is lower and so would get up under Bens center of gravity.

Rise of the Silver Surfer- ben and johnny are not the same person and as we can see from that fact that they all got different powers from the same rays it would be safe to say that switching powers would not make them look the same.
Hm, good points, although I still think the hair on Johnny-Thing was rediculous.
Goof or not I always hated in Spiderman 1 and 2 when Spiderman/Peter had to save babies from a burning building the parents of the kids were always waiting safely outside. How did the parents get out but not the babies, did they forget to grab the kids on the way out or did they leave them alone while they went out?
MJ's hand changes positions throughout her talk w/Peter at Uncle Ben's grave. STAY ON TOPIC!
When Blade dives into the lower part of the Temple, his vest is open. When he lands, it's buckled & zipped.
After Whistler takes off after Karen, the camera pans back to Blade & we can still see Whistler's hand wrapped around his.
When Blade attacks Quinn in the hospital, Quinn picks up a fire extinguisher to defend himself. Blade whips out his sword & a split-second later, lops off an empty hand.
Did we cover the lamp in Peter Parker's room? That it was intact a moment after Peter broke it?
I remember Venom had a tounge but when he' would turn back into eddie there would be no tounge.
Ben's hair was't there when he become the Thing because, in the movies, he's bald,

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