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She-Hulk Marvel Studios' She-Hulk General Discussion Thread

Look, I’m not gonna say that Marvel hates Sam Wilson even more than they do Bruce Banner, but I will think it very loudly.
Loved the show overall but wasn't a huge fan of the finale.

Thought Skaar looked terrible too what a disappointing introduction.
I was wondering.
If Marvel does find a way to bring back Tommy and Billy as teenagers...is it possible the MCU Skaar could be an amalgam with the comics' Hulkling?
Not saying that is the case obviously, just that it'd be interesting. Wouldn't be the first time the MCU mixes two characters into one either.
For those freaking out at the 4th wall breaking in the shows finale. Here are a few pics from the comics

Not a fan of it there either.

Big difference with the Marvel comics universe, though, is it's much more vast and not a streamlined, episodic narrative like the MCU. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is integrated into the larger meta-narrative of the MCU, following up earlier story beats and character arcs and leading into new ones that will pop up elsewhere. In other words, the MCU as a whole is designed to be consumed sequentially like a long running ensemble series. So it's not an exact 1:1 with the comics situation.
Loved the show overall but wasn't a huge fan of the finale.

Thought Skaar looked terrible too what a disappointing introduction.

New Rockstars had their review and both Eric Voss and Jessica Clemons thought that Skaar should have had a better introduction, or at least be introduced in the post credits.

I may have to watch WandaVision again, as the main consensus is that the sitcom scenes on WandaVision are funnier than She Hulk in general. I haven't seen WandaVision in a while, so I am going to see if any of that is true.
This show was so fun, refreshing and vibrant. You could tell the cast and crew had an absolute blast filming this and sharing this story. Also had really great points and ideas on what's it's like for professional women in high power positions and the bs they have to put up with.

One of my top favorite series thus far! With Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, She-Hulk and Werewolf By Night, the Disney+ series are starting to outshine the movies for me.
I will say that, while I really did like the season overall, especially the first four episodes and the last two episodes, those few episodes in the middle are a little bit lesser and more uneven. I think the show at times, in trying to balance the legal/case of the week stuff with establishing Jennifer/She-Hulk as a character, kind of loses a bit of focus and doesn’t always work.

But, now that you have the character established and pretty much everything in place for the second season, here are some things I would like it to lean into more and improve on:

1) Lean even more into the fourth wall breaking stuff that we got in the last episode. What we got in the earlier episodes was fine enough, but she needs to be pretty much at episode 9 levels all of the time. They gave us a taste of what what you can really do with the character. Let her loose in the second season. Go even crazier and more bonkers. You could get so much mileage out of her commenting on the first season of her own show alone.

2) More legal court drama, please. I didn’t mind not having it as much for this season because we were just getting to know Jennifer for the first time, but now that’s out of the way, really dive into the legal stuff. Like 50/50. It’s an important part of the character and intrinsic to her DNA, and without it you lose a bit of something. If you have to add other writers of legal dramas or consult actual legal people to make it work, just do it.

3) Even more obscure comic book characters, and some we haven’t seen in a while. This would be a really good place to throw in Howard the Duck for an episode or two. Maybe he has to establish his own detective agency but needs Jen to help him navigate some legal stuff and other crazy shenanigans to make it happen. Whatever you do, he needs to be on the show. Recurring side characters are always a good thing.

4) More Pug and Nikki. Their characters are great and provide a lot of humor and levity to the show, as well as a lot of support and groundedness to Jen’s character. She-Hulk allows Jen to go off-the-walls, but those two help bring her back down to earth.

5) Bring Titania back. Continue the trend of her just showing up and breaking through walls inexplicably to simply harass Jen for petty reasons. Maybe even start establishing their friendly rivalry and have them start coming to a better understanding of each other? Just a thought.

6) Increase the episode count. 13 episodes. This is one of the few Disney+ MCU shows that could benefit from having even more instead of less. More episodes gives the creative team more room to play around in this world and just have fun.

7) Still keep it within the world of the MCU, but don’t worry as much about setting up future stuff. Her world, like her, is large and crazy enough to support itself. You also don’t need to worry about world ending stakes like the other shows. It’s more self-contained nature is one of its greatest strengths.

8) Keep the show going for as long as it can go. Able to do five seasons? Do five seasons. Able to go for ten seasons? Do ten seasons. The best thing about the format of the show and its place in the MCU, with it seemingly limitless characters and situations, is that you could go for as long as you need to without really running out of stuff write.

9) More Madisynn and Wongers. You know you want it.

10) More Matt Murdock. ’Nuff said.

11) Seriously, more Matt Murdock. Does anything else really need to be said?

12) Less overarching plot, more standalone episodes. Keep the overarching plot more simple to allow more freedom and focus for each individual episode to do its thing. Have it be there to support the show but not be the driving force this time. Without the baggage of a huge main plot throughout the season, the standalone episodes have more room to thrive. The last two episodes make a great case for this.

That’s about all I can think of.
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I was wondering.
If Marvel does find a way to bring back Tommy and Billy as teenagers...is it possible the MCU Skaar could be an amalgam with the comics' Hulkling?
Not saying that is the case obviously, just that it'd be interesting. Wouldn't be the first time the MCU mixes two characters into one either.

they can just use the teenager versions of Tommy and Billy from the multiverse
5) Bring Titania back. Continue the trend of her just showing up and breaking through walls inexplicably to simply harass Jen for petty reasons. Maybe even start establishing their friendly rivalry and have them start coming to a better understanding of each other? Just a thought.

Did Titania's role in all this bother anyone else? I'm cool with the 4th wall breaking ending, and thought the show overall was a lot of fun. But all the stuff they had built up, specifically Titania, and The Wrecking Crew, as well as a bunch of the Blonsky stuff... seems like it all just got completely disregarded.

I get the joke of her Kool-Aid-Manning her way into the Intelligencia event, and it adding to the messiness Jen wanted to correct. But then after the KEVIN stuff, she's just chillin there, waving at Daredevil (whom Titania is clearly much more aware of than Jen is.)

I get that its She-Hulk's show, and its character-driven versus plot-driven, etc. But to put in all that build up just to be like "nah forget all that" seemed odd and off-putting. My GF was really enjoying the show and she's even more disappointed by the ending.
Who would you have Simon Pegg play in the MCU that'd show up in a future She-Hulk season?

I was wondering.
If Marvel does find a way to bring back Tommy and Billy as teenagers...is it possible the MCU Skaar could be an amalgam with the comics' Hulkling?
Not saying that is the case obviously, just that it'd be interesting. Wouldn't be the first time the MCU mixes two characters into one either.
I was worried they would do this and I really don't like the idea. Hulkling's ties to the kree/skrull conflict are important to me. Let him be the son of Mar-Vell and princess Anelle.

DanielRPK was the person who published a supposed casting call for the Agatha show of what was clearly an older Billy Maximoff/Kaplan. More recently he had another one that seems to be Teddy. I don't know if Daniel is reliable at all, but I hope he's at least right about Skaar not replacing Hulkling.

Did Titania's role in all this bother anyone else?
I get that its She-Hulk's show, and its character-driven versus plot-driven, etc. But to put in all that build up just to be like "nah forget all that" seemed odd and off-putting.
I do wish we could've had more of her. Though at least she can continue to show up wherever Jen does. I like to see them have a rivalry over petty stuff and I think Titania also kind of sees them as "wrestling rivals" where the rivalry keeps them relevant for her fans.
Anyway. . .

The issue is not the existence of fourth wall breaks. They are a valid and appropriate thing for the character. The issue is how they were used in the finale. Essentially, the writers are going "Wow, that thing we were doing was kind of stupid, lets retcon it", without actually acknowledging that they were the ones who decided to do that in the first place. There has got to be a better, more coherent usage for the fourth wall than "No, that stupid thing we did was intentional!"

Hopefully the major characters, Jen first and foremost, get better material in either future seasons or other appearances. Because there's not really anything wrong with any of the actors, and even the weaker episodes still largely worked on performance charm. Just, seriously, get new writers.
Did Titania's role in all this bother anyone else? I'm cool with the 4th wall breaking ending, and thought the show overall was a lot of fun. But all the stuff they had built up, specifically Titania, and The Wrecking Crew, as well as a bunch of the Blonsky stuff... seems like it all just got completely disregarded.

I get the joke of her Kool-Aid-Manning her way into the Intelligencia event, and it adding to the messiness Jen wanted to correct. But then after the KEVIN stuff, she's just chillin there, waving at Daredevil (whom Titania is clearly much more aware of than Jen is.)

I get that its She-Hulk's show, and its character-driven versus plot-driven, etc. But to put in all that build up just to be like "nah forget all that" seemed odd and off-putting. My GF was really enjoying the show and she's even more disappointed by the ending.

My thought on Titania was they didn't really do enough with her. Her personality felt very one-note and gimmicky. I think she could've been built up as a proper rival and nemesis for She-Hulk.

The fact that she's an influencer and obsessed with fame was like an angle they could've started with her. What put her on that path? What makes her be like that?

She never really grew as a character beyond "vapid social influencer who happens to have superpowers."

My thought on the finale is they completely glossed over the plot to steal her blood, along with Abomination's involvement in the whole mess.

Still not clear what the hell is going on with Wong and Abomination.

Like I get the whole "OK this is getting stupid let's just rewrite this" idea. But the way they fixed it just doesn't make sense and sort of ignores a lot of important details or brushes them aside if not lampshading over them.
I think they should have done a bit more with Titania also. Hopefully she is back for season 2 and with more motivation.
God that is truly an astronomical amount of work. Crazy impressive that they managed to look She-Hulk as good as they did in the amount of time they had. I really hope Marvel has started to treat and compensate VFX artists fairly now.
Someone brought up a good point. If they truly wanted to be subversive with the blood plotline, they should've just had it...not work. Just have Todd straight up die when he injects himself with it. They had the perfect subtle setup for that in the first episode when Banner said there was only a million-to-one chance that her blood would successfully create another Hulk. Then they could finish the series off properly with a courtroom scene.
Someone brought up a good point. If they truly wanted to be subversive with the blood plotline, they should've just had it...not work. Just have Todd straight up die when he injects himself with it. They had the perfect subtle setup for that in the first episode when Banner said there was only a million-to-one chance that her blood would successfully create another Hulk. Then they could finish the series off properly with a courtroom scene.
I would have preferred this to the finale we got.

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