Maul vs. Hulk scans

That was the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Hulk could beat Giant Man on his worst day, even a strong version of Giant Man. And what is with the poorly placed speach bubbles? Each page was riddled with sentence fragments. LAME. :down
Mr. Green said:
That was the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Hulk could beat Giant Man on his worst day, even a strong version of Giant Man. And what is with the poorly placed speach bubbles? Each page was riddled with sentence fragments. LAME. :down

:up: :up:
To Devilhulk:

Who do you think would win in a battle: Maul vs Doomsday ? That is something I am interested in hearing.
Werent the sentence fragmenst representative of distorted radio transmissions?
Mr. Green said:
That was the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Hulk could beat Giant Man on his worst day, even a strong version of Giant Man. And what is with the poorly placed speach bubbles? Each page was riddled with sentence fragments. LAME. :down

Except that Maul isn't Giant Man but a strong version of him. Each time he gets bigger, he gets stronger.
After looking at the scans, it looks to me like the Hulk ought to be VERY angry. I seriously doubt that Maul could just get big and crush him. From what I've heard, their powers are very similar, getting stronger as they get angrier, but with different side-effects. For example, Maul gets bigger and Hulk gets more durable and harder to injure. I just don't see it being that easy, but I guess the writer did... :-\
Maul's basically a growing Hulk. Always has been. Comparing him to Giant Man is asinine in the utmost as none of you Hulk "fans" have obviously ever read a Wildstorm comic pertaining to Maul.

Maul was stronger than Majestic at a pretty small height, and Majestic is stronger than Superman and other top tier heroes.

Crusade, who was kicking the **** out of Majestic and Union, two in Superman's ballpark beings, coulden't deal with Maul when Maul was at about a third of the height he can grow too.

Grow the **** up. Stop making assumptions. Stop whining. Comics are a medium that should be respected and enjoyed, not be dragged through the mud by fanboys who are nothing but jokes that literally make comics in general look childish.
X said:
Grow the **** up. Stop making assumptions. Stop whining. Comics are a medium that should be respected and enjoyed, not be dragged through the mud by fanboys who are nothing but jokes that literally make comics in general look childish.
The funny thing is, you KNOW that Hulk being crushed so easily by ANY mortal, no matter how big or strong, is rediculous. I guess you just needed an excuse to lash out at the world. :up:
Mr. Green said:
The funny thing is, you KNOW that Hulk being crushed so easily by ANY mortal, no matter how big or strong, is rediculous. I guess you just needed an excuse to lash out at the world. :up:

A mortal? The ****ing HULK is mortal nitwit. "Strongest mortal on the face of the Earth". Being mortal in a fictional universe has nothing to do with power levels.

This has nothing to do with me "lashing" out. Getting a bit angry? Sure. I'm angry because, like I said, people like you drag my favorite medium through the mud. Instead of having a education opinion tempered by actual knowledge of what you're talking about, you simply proclaim that this is "The stupidest thing I have ever seen".

The stupidest thing I'VE ever seen is delirious fanboys who LIVE for a characters strength feats, and make comparisons to other characters (Giant Man) because of how one looks. :rolleyes:

So really, ****head, who's at fault her? The man calling bull**** on someone who's throwing out LIES with supposed impunity or the one having a fit because his favorite character lost to another?

Come up with better excuse next time, kid.
X said:
Maul's basically a growing Hulk. Always has been. Comparing him to Giant Man is asinine in the utmost as none of you Hulk "fans" have obviously ever read a Wildstorm comic pertaining to Maul.

Maul was stronger than Majestic at a pretty small height, and Majestic is stronger than Superman and other top tier heroes.

Crusade, who was kicking the **** out of Majestic and Union, two in Superman's ballpark beings, coulden't deal with Maul when Maul was at about a third of the height he can grow too.

Grow the **** up. Stop making assumptions. Stop whining. Comics are a medium that should be respected and enjoyed, not be dragged through the mud by fanboys who are nothing but jokes that literally make comics in general look childish.

That's a pretty impressive track record. Truly, I haven't read many Wildstorm comics. I thought he was just another powerhouse. Good to know.
He's one of comics premiere powerhouses as far as his track record shows. In the Kurse/Thanos catagory. No shame losing to him, especially when he gets that damned big.
X said:
He's one of comics premiere powerhouses as far as his track record shows. In the Kurse/Thanos catagory. No shame losing to him, especially when he gets that damned big.

True. I have a new interest in the character, now, actually.

The writer DID kill him with a heart attack there, though. I don't imagine that could happen to the Hulk, :D
X said:
A mortal? The ****ing HULK is mortal nitwit. "Strongest mortal on the face of the Earth". Being mortal in a fictional universe has nothing to do with power levels.

This has nothing to do with me "lashing" out. Getting a bit angry? Sure. I'm angry because, like I said, people like you drag my favorite medium through the mud. Instead of having a education opinion tempered by actual knowledge of what you're talking about, you simply proclaim that this is "The stupidest thing I have ever seen".

The stupidest thing I'VE ever seen is delirious fanboys who LIVE for a characters strength feats, and make comparisons to other characters (Giant Man) because of how one looks. :rolleyes:

So really, ****head, who's at fault her? The man calling bull**** on someone who's throwing out LIES with supposed impunity or the one having a fit because his favorite character lost to another?

Come up with better excuse next time, kid.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You make me laugh X! :up: If you look at the above quote, you will see that you yourself quoted that the Hulk is the strongest mortal on Earth. I meant that it would take much, much MORE than a mere mortal to simply crush Hulk. And I said that not even a strong Giant Man could do that to Hulk. And what is Maul? A STRONG Giant Man, meaning that he grows like Giant Man, only he is STRONGER. But I guess that I am the one throwing the a fit, seeing as you are the one with the aggressive, whiny tone. Again, you make me laugh! :up:
Hulk almost died of a heart attack when he was fighting holograms for an extended time. It would of worked too.

Maul dying of a heart attack... Eh. He's gotten bigger and been fine. I think it had more to do with everyone dying during that fight than anything else. Who else would of brought down Maul if he hadn't basically killed himself?
Mr. Green said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You make me laugh X! :up: If you look at the above quote, you will see that you yourself quoted that the Hulk is the strongest mortal on Earth. I meant that it would take much, much MORE than a mere mortal to simply crush Hulk. And I said that not even a strong Giant Man could do that to Hulk. And what is Maul? A STRONG Giant Man, meaning that he grows like Giant Man, only he is STRONGER. But I guess that I am the one throwing the a fit, seeing as you are the one with the aggressive, whiny tone. Again, you make me laugh! :up:

I'm glad the hyprocrite child finds me funny. :up:

Kurse isn't mortal. Nor is Validus, Mangog, Durok, any number of gods or cosmics.

Hulk's been outdone for decades. Don't want to enjoy the medium or even remotely respect it, that's your decision.
X said:
I'm glad the hyprocrite child finds me funny. :up:

Kurse isn't mortal. Nor is Validus, Mangog, Durok, any number of gods or cosmics.

Hulk's been outdone for decades. Don't want to enjoy the medium or even remotely respect it, that's your decision.
Which is why I said that "it would take much, much MORE than a mere mortal to simply crush Hulk". Having trouble coming up with a point today, are we, X?
X said:
Hulk almost died of a heart attack when he was fighting holograms for an extended time. It would of worked too.

Maul dying of a heart attack... Eh. He's gotten bigger and been fine. I think it had more to do with everyone dying during that fight than anything else. Who else would of brought down Maul if he hadn't basically killed himself?

Good point. Once Hulk was out, I'd imagine all bets were kinda off as far as Maul was concerned.
There is a draw back to Maul's power. The larger Maul grows the dumber he gets.
Mr. Green said:
Which is why I said that "it would take much, much MORE than a mere mortal to simply crush Hulk". Having trouble coming up with a point today, are we, X?

Nope, doesn't take more than a mortal to beat The Hulk. The Leader's mortal. Abomination's mortal. Xeron and Namor are mortal. ALL have beaten The Hulk.

Do NOT tack onto me your own shortcomings. You're the one making asinine outlandish claims about characters you know nothing about. You've presented no evidence to show The Hulk can't be beaten by "mortals" while I have. You're on the ass end of this debate, kid.

X said:
Nope, doesn't take more than a mortal to beat The Hulk. The Leader's mortal. Abomination's mortal. Xeron and Namor are mortal. ALL have beaten The Hulk.

Do NOT tack onto me your own shortcomings. You're the one making asinine outlandish claims about characters you know nothing about. You've presented no evidence to show The Hulk can't be beaten by "mortals" while I have. You're on the ass end of this debate, kid.
God X I would have expected better coming from you. I though you damn near knew anything & everything regarding Marvel & DC history inside & out. Especially when it comes down to trashing the Hulk. You forget the Hulk has beaten Namor more times than Namor has beaten him. In fact Hulk took on Hercules, Namor , Iron Man , Wonder Man, Samson & She Hulk and was beating the living hell out of them until his body started to breakdown from being seperated from Banner. The Abomination won their first encounter & beat the Hulk when he was Gray & weaker but, than the Hulk came back for the rematch and took him out. Hulk has also beaten the Abomination when he had his strength augmented to some crazy level and the Hulk still managed to kick some his ass. For Abomy's punishment he was vaporised and than a few years later Modok ressurected Abomy in order to kidnapp Banner's love interest & the Abomination was deathly afraid of facing the Hulk again.
The Hulk has also beat Abomination during the whole Countdown storyline when Hulk was infected by some AIDS hybrid virus that was killing him. He not only beat Abomy he dumped a barrel of toxic waste on his head and damn near killed him.:eek:
:) :up:.The Leader battles have always gone and back and forth with the Hulk usually ending on top. Leader usually hired muscle to do his dirty work for him. He hired characters like Rhino, Half Life, Rock & Redeemer and finally The Glob. The Glob gave Hulk the most trouble during their fights since he was just a mindless reanimated pile swamp goo that led was by remainding conciousness of a man who died in that swamp. The charaster was as strong as the Hulk but did not feel anything it ws not a living being. Their 2 battles in the 70's either ended in stalement or the Glob being dissolved back iinto the swamp.
Im sorry i do not see some reject from the I universe {their is a reason it was named Image by way} crushing let alone beating the Hulk.Even if his internal organs were crushed, Hulks body would have healed itself. Especially since the Hulk has been disemboweled by both Speed Freak & Wolverine. The Hulk's body was damn near picked down to the bone by mutated bugs in The End and regenerated itself in minutes.
Bottom line when Hulk jobs thats just some poor writer using a powerfull character as a bad plot device for their storyline. "Its like gee we need to give this new character or characters a push we can have this character kick the Hulk's since his gimmick is that he is the strongest there is we can of X character beat him in half a panel just to show how powerful he is. Than they go to the genuis in charge Queseda and ask if they can use the Hulk to job to character X and he says yeah sure why not i mean it isn't like he's Wolverine & Spiderman or any other X-men character so why not" "I mean it isn't like anyone will care" "Oh by the way MAKE sure character X absolutly owns the Hulk and have battle only last half a panel"
Thats Marvel in a nut shell. Oh by the way after reading Infinite Crisis I do whole heartedly believe The Hulk owns Superman Prime!
Wow, that WAS kinda long winded. Made a few good points, though. I look forward to the counter, :D

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