I know in this trailer we saw a look at Harry as Hobgoblin or Goblin 2 and his costume doesn't look that impressive.......realistic but nothing amazing...I was thinking about it all and this is a teaser and there could be a few reasons that this is not the real GG2 or HG costume and one thought came to mind.....in one of the first legnthier spiderman trailers in all the scenes that show peter in his wrestling costume it was digitally made over with his traditional one so we didn't see the real wrestling costume untill a differentl trailer......maybe they are doing something like that in this to mask GG or HG's costume? And another thing came to mind.......Harry's glider.....it didn't look that amazing ...good but not amazing.....but I know sometimes in the 90's series HG had a smaller glider that attatched to a larger one. Maybe that is what is going on here..his smaller one attatches to the original. Eh these are just thoughts but who knows.