MCU Phase 3: Have it your way

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Shaper Savant
Jul 26, 2012
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It was quite a while ago we heard about the Phase 2 lineup and how it can be assumed the standard will be 5 lead-in/solo films for every Avengers film. Phase 3 is roughly 4 years away which means its about time we started speculating. :p

Which solo films do you see setting up Avengers 3 in Phase 3? If youre feeling particularly rambunctious, you can even share your thoughts on subtitles. Five seems to be the magic number but try to keep it between 4 and 6. As it is unlikely we will see more or less than that.

Personally I'd like to see the following:

(Avengers 2: Ultron Imperative, May 2015)
Ant-Man (November 2015)

Captain America 3: Man Out of Time (May 2016)
Doctor Strange (November 2016)
Thor 3: Flames of Surtur (April/May 2017)
Black Panther (August 2017)

Avengers 3 part 1: Thanos Quest (May 2018)
Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel (November 2018)

Guardians of the Galaxy: War of Kings (May 2019)
Avengers 3 part 2: Infinity Gauntlet (November 2019)

2020 and beyond:
Planet Hulk/World War Hulk
sequels to GotG, Black Panther, Doctor Strange
Namor the Submariner, Silver Surfer, The Inhumans, The Defenders
IM, Cap, Thor reboots?
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I can't really imagine a Ms Marvel movie (What would it be about? Who would be the characters?) but I could see Black Panther.

So hopefully my Phase 3 would be like...

Cap 3
Iron Man 4
Thor 3
Incredible Hulk 2: Planet Hulk
Black Panther
The Inhumans

and then in the world of television (but still in continuity with the Marvel Universe)

Shield season 7
She Hulk
Daredevil maybe?
I'm not sure Avengers 2 will be the end of Phase II....
I was planing to make this thread once the time was closer :(
Here's how i think it may be:
2016 - Thor: Journey into Mystery/ Black Panther
2017 - Captain American: Sentinel of Liberty/ Guardians of the Galaxy 2
2018 - Dr.Strange/ The Avengers 3
2014 will be Marvel's first 3 film year. Feige once said the hope was to get up to 4 films, so I opted to give 2017 4.


The Incredible Hulk 2- Summer
Iron Man 4- Summer
Thor: Ragnarok- Fall


Black Panther- Spring
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty- Summer
Guardians of the Galaxy: War of Kings- Summer
Doctor Strange- Fall


Avengers 3 Pt 1- Summer
Avengers 3 Pt 2- Winter
I'm not sure Avengers 2 will be the end of Phase II....

Please, go on.

I was planing to make this thread once the time was closer :(
Here's how i think it may be:
2016 - Thor: Journey into Mystery/ Black Panther
2017 - Captain American: Sentinel of Liberty/ Guardians of the Galaxy 2
2018 - Dr.Strange/ The Avengers 3

My sincerest apologies. :csad: But just think of all the potential thread necromancy, my Lord. :D

BTW, I was this close to using Thor: Journey Into Mystery as well. thats a cool title fosho.
mind: blown.

Everyone's doing it this days, and when you consider that A3 wouldn't just be the closing of a trilogy, but the end (or at least the biggest event) in a film series counting 20 tent poles, it should be suitably epic.
oh most definitely. I'm surprised it hasn't even crossed my mind. It seems quite likely to happen. I'd say both in one year is slightly far fetched, but its not like Marvel/Disney is above taking risks with this franchise. What a great year that would be.
May 2016 - Thor 3
December 2016 - Captain Marvel
May 2017 - Captain America 3
November 2017 - Guardians of the Galaxy: Annihilation
May 2018 - The Avengers 3
Please, go on.

My sincerest apologies. :csad: But just think of all the potential thread necromancy, my Lord. :D
That's right :woot:

BTW, I was this close to using Thor: Journey Into Mystery as well. thats a cool title fosho.
Yeah, i remember somebody wondering why Thor 2 didn't have that subtitle so i wondered that maybe it would be cool for the 3rd film or any Thor film for that matter.
Everyone's doing it this days, and when you consider that A3 wouldn't just be the closing of a trilogy, but the end (or at least the biggest event) in a film series counting 20 tent poles, it should be suitably epic.
It's probably going to close this "story arc", but i doubt Marvel will reboot after that, they said they were planing for this to go like the James Bond films, so after that i think that the most they will do is recasting many of the roles and go into a new direction.
It's probably going to close this "story arc", but i doubt Marvel will reboot after that, they said they were planing for this to go like the James Bond films, so after that i think that the most they will do is recasting many of the roles and go into a new direction.

Exactly. I actually think? Later franchises will be the glue that keeps the MCU together from generation to generation.

For example, when The Avengers 3 ends, depending on the status of TIH2 Mark Ruffalo will still have 2-3 more films on his contract (Unless they cameo him.) The Guardians of the Galaxy actors will likely have 3 films left, Whoever winds up playing Doctor Strange will likely have films left on his contract.

Basically I see a transitional block of films in the late 10's early 20's, Involving new properties, sequels to phase 2 and 3 properties, and maybe a surprise return to the marvel camp (Fantastic 4?) before they recast the big 3 Avengers.

Marvel Studios can't just stop making movies. They're a film company and that's what they do.
I think Avengers will be a solid trilogy, 4 if you count a two-parter (damm thats a cool idea.) but after that it might be put on the back burner a while. Make a bunch of character movies that take people's minds off of RDJ and Tom Hiddleston and whoever else blows us away in the next 6 years.

They may have been thinking very long term when they wanted Galactus/Surfer back. I mean, after Avengers 3, if you pile together some new names (Strange, Namor or Fantastic Four) you practically got a whole new MCU for a while. Until they find a worthy successor to the core four.

Summer - Doctor Strange
Winter - Thor: Journey Into Mystery


Spring - Black Panther
Summer - Captain America: Sentinel Of Liberty
Winter - The Black Widow (Origin story)


Spring - Namor The Sub-Mariner
Summer - Guardians of the Galaxy: Annihilation
Winter - The Avengers: Age of Ultron


Summer - Doctor Strange 2
Winter - Marvel's The Infinity Gauntlet Part One: The Thanos Quest


Summer - Marvel's The Infinity Gauntlet Part Two: The Wrath of Thanos
Winter - Marvel's The Infinity Gauntlet Part Three: The Infinity War
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I want to see Black Panther, Doctor Strange and Iron Fist/Luke Cage. That's all I know.
i'd like to see a potential excalibur or invaders movie.
would love to see captain britain or joey chapmans Union Jack on the big screen.
SHIELD TV Show Season 2, Fall 2015
- Agents, Non Powered Carol Danvers fight HYDRA, gets powers just before Avengers 2
Phase II ends, Avengers 2, May 2015
SHIELD TV Show Season 3, Fall 2015
- Ms. Marvel, Quake, Brand, Agents vs Kree
Ant-Man 2/Giant Man, April 2016
- Vision, Ultron (if not already), Wasp, vs MODOK/AIM
Black Panther, May 2016
- Klaw, Vibranium, uber smart stealth hero
SHIELD TV Show Season 4, Fall 2016
- Ms. Marvel, Spider-Woman, Brand, Quake vs Skrulls
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty, August 2016
- Viper and all sorts of HYDRA fun, Super Adaptoids and etcetera
Iron Man 4/War Machine, October 2016
- Depending on RDJ, Rhodes may take a bigger role, fight Ghost/Titanium Man
Dr. Strange, May 2017
- Baron Mordo, the Ancient One, Dormammu, redeemed jerk hero
SHIELD TV Show Season 6, Fall 2017
- Ms. Marvel, Quasar, Brand, vs Kree vs Skrulls
Thor 3: Ragnarok, August 2017
- Ymir, Surtur, Loki, the whole nine
Planet Hulk, November 2017
- Planet Hulk, basically
Heroes for Hire, April 2018
- Iron Fist and Luke Cage origins,
Avengers 3, May 2018
- Infinity Gauntlet/Thanos Finale, lots of big stuff happening
Phase III Ends, New Avengers are set up if Classic Avengers don't renew contracts/can't be recast

Give new heroes May releases, hit hard off the success of Avengers 2, pull back to hit hard again with Avengers 3. That's 8 movies in between as oppose to Phase I's 5, or Phase II's 5.
I dont know - it really sounds like its Phase II - Part one, which really is Phase III depending how you look at it. I just hope we can make it to Part two, wait how much does a Phase equal? and,,,,,,where the hell am I?

P.S. They really do need to get Black Panther rolling,,, the pink one sucked (way too much comedy if you ask me)
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lol? If the thread was unclear, it's purely hypothetical speculation regarding the idea that each Avengers film will be led in by series' of films dubbed "phases."

Phase 1 being Iron Man (2008) through Avengers (2012)
Phase 2 being Iron Man 3 (2013) through Avengers 2 (2015)
and Phase 3 being __________________ whatever comes next.
lol? If the thread was unclear, it's purely hypothetical speculation regarding the idea that each Avengers film will be led in by series' of films dubbed "phases."

Phase 1 being Iron Man (2008) through Avengers (2012)
Phase 2 being Iron Man 3 (2013) through Avengers 2 (2015)
and Phase 3 being __________________ whatever comes next.

I know man,, what fun would it be without a laugh once in a while.. Just Joshin with everyone

All joking aside I wouldnt mind seeing cloak and dagger done right in a film.. Anybody remember that? its in talks I believe, some avengers connections there.
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I know man,, what fun would it be without a laugh once in a while..

y'just confused the helloutta me, thats all. I was like, "no one can be this confusing without being confused himself."
Thor: Journey Into Mystery
Captain America: Sentinel Of Liberty
The Incredible Hulk 2
Black Widow/Hawkeye
Iron Man 4

Avengers 3
Please, go on.

My sincerest apologies. :csad: But just think of all the potential thread necromancy, my Lord. :D

BTW, I was this close to using Thor: Journey Into Mystery as well. thats a cool title fosho.

As far as I know there was no official word on when Phase 2 will be finished or what makes a 'Phase' a 'Phase'. Phases could also refer to meta plots (like the 'birth' of the MCU, the arrival of superheroes culminating in the foundation of the Avengers in Phase 1) and those meta plots don't necessarily have to end with every Avenger movie. We don't know anything of the meta plot of Phase 2 yet. We only saw a glimpse of Thanos, which could mean anything...

Marvel's The Infinity Gauntlet Part One: The Thanos Quest
[/B][/U]Marvel's The Infinity Gauntlet Part Two: The Wrath of Thanos
Marvel's The Infinity Gauntlet Part Three: The Infinity War

Yes sir!!

MCU Phase I:
Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The First Avenger
Marvel's The Avengers

MCU Phase II:
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel's The Avengers: The Ultron War

MCU Phase III:
Thor: Ragnarok
Captain America: World War Three
Guardians of the Galaxy: Annihilation
Black Panther
Dr. Strange

Marvel's The Infinity Gauntlet Part One: The Thanos Imperative
Marvel's The Infinity Gauntlet Part Two: End of Worlds
Marvel's The Infinity Gauntlet Part Three: The Infinity War
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