Men and Hugs

Colossal Spoons

Paper boi
Nov 24, 2004
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Ok, I've wanted to get other guys' input on this for quite sometime. I don't know about anybody else but I'm not to fond of hugging people. I had a roomate 2 years ago who hugs me everytime he sees me. Not that it's homosexual or anything, hugs just make me uncomfortable. The only person I like to hug is my girlfriend. Hugs have become the new "kiss". Just wanna hear how other men feel about hugs...
men who hug are teh ghey :rolleyes:
Hugs have become the new "kiss"?

Does that mean your friends use to kiss you instead?
When one of my friends is drunk he becomes a hugger, when he sees some of his friends. My best friend lives 6 hours away and I see him a couple times a year and when I do I give a quick one arm hug.
Hugging another man does not make you gay. Cupping his balls while you hug him...maybe...otherwise, no. I have a lot of mates who I hug when I see them. Especially if it's been quite awhile since we've been able to get together. Same goes for the other men in my family. Be comfortable enough in your masculinity and sexuality that you can express some affection for other guys that you care about without having to make it some sort of affront to either of those things, because it's not. It's just a hug. It's not like you're trying to butter the other guy's bread or something.

Nah, maybe it's just where I am. Everybody gives hugs when seeing each other. I'm not talking about hugging my other male friends, it's mostly the girls. Most guys I know into th hugging business so they can get closer to the woman's breasts(It's fun to watch though). I jus think the world is gonna look like an episode of Hercules with verybody hugging each other; you know the manly hug with the back slapping.

I wasn't implying that it was homosexual. I wasn't even bringing sexuality into the equation.
When two men hug, there must be an attempt to injure each other or you're clearly homosexual.
I worked at a bank where all my superiors were women and they gave the hardest handshakes in life. I'd rather give the stereotypical black people "pound" or "dap".
Yeah, I can be good for an occasional hand-shake-lean-in-one-arm-back-pat, but no full on hugs with men, with my face all resting on their shoulder, etc. I'm not particularly fond of men doing the full-on frontal grope-hug with my wife either. High-fives and handshakes for her ...
Odin's Lapdog said:
it's not wrong unless your genitals touch

What if the hugger lingers, but doesn't touch your nads?
MakeMineMarvel said:
Yeah, I can be good for an occasional hand-shake-lean-in-one-arm-back-pat, but no full on hugs with men, with my face all resting on their shoulder, etc. I'm not particularly fond of men doing the full-on frontal grope-hug with my wife either. High-fives and handshakes for her ...

I've learned to live with people hugging my g/f cuz we go the Hug University. I'd feel weird giving somebody a high-five in 2005, I dunno something goofy about it.
jonty30 said:
What if the hugger lingers, but doesn't touch your nads?
then avoid all eye contact with him for the rest of the night and head straight for the bar.
Odin's Lapdog said:
then avoid all eye contact with him for the rest of the night and head straight for the bar.

But I don't drink.

I'm doomed.
What about chest bumps? Is that more acceptable?
Colossal Spoons said:
I've learned to live with people hugging my g/f cuz we go the Hug University. I'd feel weird giving somebody a high-five in 2005, I dunno something goofy about it.
My wife is more anti-guys just coming up for the full-frontal assault and I've become more anti because it's not really comfortable for her. We high five people all the time. It doesn't have to be a big raucous, leaping high five. Just a little raised hand-clap.
jonty30 said:
I like chest bumps, the bigger the better.

That's how I use to say hi to all my female friends. One time I knocked one of them down. :(
The Proper Male Hug

1. Clasp hands as if you are about to shake hands.
2. Maintain a 6-inch to one foot distance between the two of you and lean your chest forward.
3. Bump chests.
4. With your freehand simultaneously pat the other person on the back.
5. Release.

This whole manuever should take 1 or 2 seconds. Nothing should touch each other except your chest, arms and hands. If your genitals touch, you're gay, he's gay or your both gay. (No offense to gay men.)
Erzengel said:
That's how I use to say hi to all my female friends. One time I knocked one of them down. :(

I hope you didn't hurt her, you big clumsy lovable guy you.
Nice SonofLogan. I've never gotten that close to man where our genitals would come in contact. I imagine that'd be very weird.

Jointy said something about lingering hugs earlier. I think that's what I find the most uncomfortable. How long do you have to squeeze somebody to say "Hey, nice to see you again"?
Colossal Spoons said:
Ok, I've wanted to get other guys' input on this for quite sometime. I don't know about anybody else but I'm not to fond of hugging people. I had a roomate 2 years ago who hugs me everytime he sees me. Not that it's homosexual or anything, hugs just make me uncomfortable. The only person I like to hug is my girlfriend. Hugs have become the new "kiss". Just wanna hear how other men feel about hugs...


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