Vanilla Sky
Doomsday - Very stupid, but ridiculously fun. I'm pretty sure I was smiling throughout the whole film.
28 Weeks Later - Never understood why there was so much backlash. Is it as good as the original? No, not even close, but I still liked it a lot.
Wanted - I remember walking out of the theater and absolutely loving it. This was the perfect film for me to shut my brain off which I couldn't do with films like Transformers, Friday the 13th reboot, etc.
The Rock - A fun and somewhat cheesy film. Though, it's Michael Bay's only film that I enjoyed consistently.
Punisher: War Zone - I didn't think it was good, but I had a somewhat fun time and felt exactly like a cheesy 80's Punisher comic.
Harold and Maude - A beautiful, funny, and heart-breaking film. Cat Stevens' soundtrack, alone, is worth it.