My little brothers friend is cleaning up the entire family room by himself...


Oct 4, 2006
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So my 8 year old brother and 3 of his friend made a really big mess in the family room this afternoon...there were star wars toys everywhere!...they do this all the time, so its not a shock really...

So my brother and two of his friends go out side and play and leave the mess...but one of his random friends stays behind in the family room.....
And Starts Cleaning Up! he is like 7... and i have never seen him before...he lives up the street, so he could have just walked home..but he decided to clean everything up by him self...hes been at it for like half hour now...

the question going through my mind is why the hell is this 7 year old cleaning up the mess where all 4 of them made the mess together, and one stays behind and cleans it up?? wheres the justice?!?! :cmad:

I go up to him and ask him where is My brother... he says "he is outside playing with the others"
i asked him why are you cleaning up?? why isn't my brother and the other 2 helping you??
He says "i don't know, they didn't feel like up is the only thing that gives my life reason" :csad:

The kid is like 7...and his reason for living is cleaning my 8 year old brothers toys?!! i mean there were A LOT of toys on the couldn't walk anywhere with out stepping on a clone trooper....i'd hate to clean them up for someone else....
i go upstairs...and the entire place is cleaned now....i don't know how someone so small, so random can do so much work where evryone else is playing outside...and not whine or get angry about it..
Well someone molested the childhood right outta that kid...
i go upstairs...and the entire place is cleaned now....i don't know how someone so small, so random can do so much work where evryone else is playing outside...and not whine or get angry about it..
He's going to make someone a great husband. :D :up:
He didn't really say that. :o
Well someone molested the childhood right outta that kid...
ROFLs! Maybe the kid just likes cleaning? Maybe he's the child of Mr. Clean? who knows? Were the toys really organized? Perhaps he has some type of mental disability?
i go upstairs...and the entire place is cleaned now....i don't know how someone so small, so random can do so much work where evryone else is playing outside...and not whine or get angry about it..

Some Kids Are Just like that, my nephew is (and no, no one raped him)
He either:

1. Has a disability
2. Parent's force him to clean up his mess all the time, and he's gotten used to doing it.
3. He has the hot's for your brother. :o
He either:

1. Has a disability
2. Parent's force him to clean up his mess all the time, and he's gotten used to doing it.
3. He has the hot's for your brother. :o

Or he has OCD (not a disability).
Or he just likes cleaning.
Or he wants to be friends with the brother.
Or he didn't wanna be told of by the mother for making a mess.
As do I, It just seems like you're trying to prove me wrong, is all.
Does he look like this?

my mom was actually happy about it, and when he left she was like "you can come over when ever you want" :woot:
aha! it was all part of his plan to get in good with your mum!:o

So my 8 year old brother and 3 of his friend made a really big mess in the family room this afternoon...there were star wars toys everywhere!...they do this all the time, so its not a shock really...

So my brother and two of his friends go out side and play and leave the mess...but one of his random friends stays behind in the family room.....
And Starts Cleaning Up! he is like 7... and i have never seen him before...he lives up the street, so he could have just walked home..but he decided to clean everything up by him self...hes been at it for like half hour now...

the question going through my mind is why the hell is this 7 year old cleaning up the mess where all 4 of them made the mess together, and one stays behind and cleans it up?? wheres the justice?!?! :cmad:

I go up to him and ask him where is My brother... he says "he is outside playing with the others"
i asked him why are you cleaning up?? why isn't my brother and the other 2 helping you??
He says "i don't know, they didn't feel like up is the only thing that gives my life reason" :csad:

The kid is like 7...and his reason for living is cleaning my 8 year old brothers toys?!! i mean there were A LOT of toys on the couldn't walk anywhere with out stepping on a clone trooper....i'd hate to clean them up for someone else....

awwwwww. that's sad. I feel bad for him.
five bucks says he kills himself before 14 or ends up marrying the prom queen.
You know, Michael, if I may take off my acting pants for a moment and pull my analrapist stocking over my head, George Michael has been acting strange lately. I think he may have developed what we in the soft sciences refer to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Or The O.C. Disorder.
my mom was actually happy about it, and when he left she was like "you can come over when ever you want" :woot:

What if knocks on your door at 2 am in the morning?

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