Superman Returns New interview with Singer and Routh... 'Casting Superman'


May 1, 2003
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Superman Returns: Casting the Man from Krypton
Bryan Singer and Brandon Routh tell it...

April 12, 2006 - Psyched to see Superman Returns? We're right there with you. (In case you need another dose of coolness, the trailer works wonders, so hit it). From the look of things, director Bryan Singer captures the essence of Superman; and it isn't merely John William's music, or Guy Dyas' production design. The key element that says They Did It! They Got Superman! is the man who plays him, Brandon Routh. Just how did Singer find the unknown actor who would be the center of this summer's most anticipated movie?

"The role of Superman, to me, was always to be an unknown," says Singer from the set in Sydney, Australia. The process "was a lot of going through tapes and materials that had been collected previously, along with new material, and combining all those." Amid these videotapes, Singer noticed Routh's audition, and proceeded to set up a meeting, as soon as possible, with the unknown actor.

"It was a Friday," says Routh. "My agent called, and I didn't want to answer the phone because I had a headache. But she kept calling and calling." Finally answering the phone, his agent told him Bryan Singer wanted an immediate meeting. "I was shocked and thinking finally, because I'd done several things in the process and kept thinking it was never gonna happen." Routh asked if Signer could post-pone it for an hour or two due to his headache, but the answer was: "No, he's leaving for Australia to do a scout."

The first meeting was late last year in West Hollywood, "at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf on Sunset," says Singer. Walking into the coffee shop, Singer admits thinking, he's "going to be the guy or not going to be the guy. I'll know in twenty seconds if it's a 'no go.'"

"I was there early," says Routh. "I think I was reading Atlas Shrugged. He got there, we ordered coffee. He was a little bit nervous and I was a little bit nervous. We just talked for a good hour and a half about the film and so forth."

"It was very funny," says Singer. "I walked in and twenty seconds later I'm thinking, it's still working for me." At the end of the meeting, Singer asked, "Would you mind coming in and reading and doing some more stuff?"

"I was like, Yeah, of course," says Routh. "He went off to Australia. I had a really good feeling from that; a really, really good feeling. He was pretty much sure from that meeting, too. Before I actually got the 'go ahead,' I'd had a lot of time to think about it, to be prepared for it." During this time Routh went through "several stages of, 'Am I gonna get this? Am I really gonna get this? Wow! I think I'm gonna get this! Am I gonna get this?' So, I had a while to become okay with it. To think about it a lot."

Two months later, a representative from Warner Brothers called Routh to officially inform him. "I'm not even sure who it was," says Routh. They said, "Well, congratulations you're, you know... And I said, 'Great! Thank you!' It was more of a big relief to finally have it happen."

Singer says he doesn't know if Routh knew this, but "I knew when I got on the plane."
Yeah, read that earlier. Pretty cool interview :up:
Some cool tidbits in there Tok. Thanks.
Pretty cool interview. Would've like to have gotten that phonecall saying "You're Superman"
OMG, what a pu$$y. "Can we postpone an hour or two because I have a headache?"... lol, get out of here with that sissy sh1t. Seriously, that is ridiculous, lol. I do hard work with headache's, this man wants to postpone meetings for a multi-millionaire jobs because he has a headache. Give me a break... In real life, Brandon Routh would be the "Man of Tissue Paper".
Whack Arnolds said:
OMG, what a pu$$y. "Can we postpone an hour or two because I have a headache?"... lol, get out of here with that sissy sh1t. Seriously, that is ridiculous, lol. I do hard work with headache's, this man wants to postpone meetings for a multi-millionaire jobs because he has a headache. Give me a break... In real life, Brandon Routh would be the "Man of Tissue Paper".


He was going for an important first meeting with the Director... He wanted time to compose himself.
Whack Arnolds said:
OMG, what a pu$$y. "Can we postpone an hour or two because I have a headache?"... lol, get out of here with that sissy sh1t. Seriously, that is ridiculous, lol. I do hard work with headache's, this man wants to postpone meetings for a multi-millionaire jobs because he has a headache. Give me a break... In real life, Brandon Routh would be the "Man of Tissue Paper".

Maybe he's afraid his headache could affect his attitude and put himself in an undesirable light. He doesn't want to blow a very important meeting. It's very rational.
Mentok said:
He was going for an important first meeting with the Director... He wanted time to compose himself.

He's an actor, he should've acted composed.
I sure some of you guys who are making big deal out of Routh being a wuss for not answering the phone with a bad headache would done the same too if you have a bad headache. You're just in denial to confess it to make yourself look macho compare to Routh. :rolleyes:
Mentok you rock! For finding the interview and for making my day a little better with that little video called "NINTENDO SIXTY-FOOOOOOOOOOOOUR!!!" :D!

Thanks man!
millennium movies said:
Mentok you rock! For finding the interview and for making my day a little better with that little video called "NINTENDO SIXTY-FOOOOOOOOOOOOUR!!!" :D!

Thanks man!

Its the best video ever :up:
Mentok said:

He was going for an important first meeting with the Director... He wanted time to compose himself.
LOL, seriously... come on, that is a definition of a pu$$y right there. Literally asking the man whom might give you a job as Superman in a movie, for millions of dollars, to postpone for an hour or two b/c he has a headache. LMAO, that is some seriously sissy sh1t. Who does that? Compose myself my ass, what does he have to compose himself about? He WANTS the job, and the boss WANTS a meeting with him for the job. That means he is interested, lol. It's not like he is then going to an interview for the job, he already went through the interview process (screen test). Imagine if your future employer called and asked you to come in because they wint to hire you, and you said "uhh can you give me and hour or two...I have a headache." BWAHAHAHA, let his baby a$$ take some chewable tylenol, cause I'm sure he doesn't take regular aspirin because it is too difficult. I know people who bust their a$$ at REAL jobs with actual migraine headaches, let alone regular little headaches. Brandon Routh aka The Last Son of Sissy.
nice artical.

perhaps he had a know those headaches can get so bad you can't move because you feel sick when you do..does that make his a *****? no it makes him smart.
Whack Arnolds said:
LOL, seriously... come on, that is a definition of a pu$$y right there. Literally asking the man whom might give you a job as Superman in a movie, for millions of dollars, to postpone for an hour or two b/c he has a headache. LMAO, that is some seriously sissy sh1t. Who does that? Compose myself my ass, what does he have to compose himself about? He WANTS the job, and the boss WANTS a meeting with him for the job. That means he is interested, lol. It's not like he is then going to an interview for the job, he already went through the interview process (screen test). Imagine if your future employer called and asked you to come in because they wint to hire you, and you said "uhh can you give me and hour or two...I have a headache." BWAHAHAHA, let his baby a$$ take some chewable tylenol, cause I'm sure he doesn't take regular aspirin because it is too difficult. I know people who bust their a$$ at REAL jobs with actual migraine headaches, let alone regular little headaches. Brandon Routh aka The Last Son of Sissy.

This reminds of Team America and the definition of pu**ies, d*cks and a**holes...
Whack Arnolds said:
LOL, seriously... come on, that is a definition of a pu$$y right there. Literally asking the man whom might give you a job as Superman in a movie, for millions of dollars, to postpone for an hour or two b/c he has a headache. LMAO, that is some seriously sissy sh1t. Who does that? Compose myself my ass, what does he have to compose himself about? He WANTS the job, and the boss WANTS a meeting with him for the job. That means he is interested, lol. It's not like he is then going to an interview for the job, he already went through the interview process (screen test). Imagine if your future employer called and asked you to come in because they wint to hire you, and you said "uhh can you give me and hour or two...I have a headache." BWAHAHAHA, let his baby a$$ take some chewable tylenol, cause I'm sure he doesn't take regular aspirin because it is too difficult. I know people who bust their a$$ at REAL jobs with actual migraine headaches, let alone regular little headaches. Brandon Routh aka The Last Son of Sissy.

I think we already got how you feel in your first post in this thread. Who's to say it wasn't a migraine or something like that? And again, maybe he was worried about not making a good impression.

Chill, man. You sound like one of those jocks in high school making fun of those that don't play sports.
can we blame rouht because he wants always to give 100% from himself?
dark_b said:
can we blame rouht because he wants always to give 100% from himself?


SolidSnakeMGS said:
I think we already got how you feel in your first post in this thread. Who's to say it wasn't a migraine or something like that? And again, maybe he was worried about not making a good impression.

Chill, man. You sound like one of those jocks in high school making fun of those that don't play sports.
I am chill, it just comes across as extremely funny that this guy would need and hour or two for a headache, and would actually delay a meeting with his employer. I'm not pissed, it's just funny. He's a weak kind of guy, and that's fine. I mean if he had a migraine, he would of said it. There is a good difference between a mirgraine and a normal headache. Yet still people can function with migraines. It's not like he was going to be doing anything extensive or mentally or phsyically exaushting with it. Get over yourself, take an aspirin and go meet the man. This doesn't make me not like Routh, but its obvious he is a pre-moddana type of person. The Last Son of Sissy aka Brandon Routh, lol.

Superman: "Uhh Lex, can you wait an hour or two before launching that nuke?...I have a headache."

Lex: "......."

He's playing Superman, but completely shuts everything down for a day if he has a headache, BWAHAHA. No phone calls, no meetings. What a puss.
I read that interview the other day, but does anyone else feel that just about all the interviews seem to repeat itself.
I am chill, it just comes across as extremely funny that this guy would need and hour or two for a headache, and would actually delay a meeting with his employer. I'm not pissed, it's just funny. He's a weak kind of guy, and that's fine. I mean if he had a migraine, he would of said it. There is a good difference between a mirgraine and a normal headache. Yet still people can function with migraines. It's not like he was going to be doing anything extensive or mentally or phsyically exaushting with it. Get over yourself, take an aspirin and go meet the man. This doesn't make me not like Routh, but its obvious he is a pre-moddana type of person. The Last Son of Sissy aka Brandon Routh, lol.

Superman: "Uhh Lex, can you wait an hour or two before launching that nuke?...I have a headache."

Lex: "......."

He's playing Superman, but completely shuts everything down for a day if he has a headache, BWAHAHA. No phone calls, no meetings. What a puss.

You're calling a guy who has the balls to postpone a multimillion dollar deal a *****? You're calling an actor who cares enough abt making a good first impression to the director instead of just putting on a fake smile and doing the movie for the sake of money, a *****?

Look at yourself, 'Whack Arnolds'..with your Batman avatar and some obscure Batman quote that only a fanboy knows as your sig and here you are on an internet messageboard that caters to superhero geeks, complaining about an actor's reaction to a headache...I swear to God, we can all feel your machismo eminating from your whiny posts.

You're an internet badass. Congratulations. Now try being a REAL one in REAL life, you pissant.

Who did you have to ******e to avoid getting banned anyway?

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