New Spider-Man 3 Story Line Rumor ! ! ! (VENOM)


Sep 15, 2005
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Ok, this is probably BS, like all internet talk, but I figured i'd share what i found on another spider-man 3 forum..

this comes from a "PA" in cleveland (probably false, but anyway)

Basically, the guy claimed he was working on the parts of the "Venom" storyline.

He claims that Eddie Brock (Topher Grace) has an obssession with Gwen Stacey and would do anything to get her, but Gwen loves Peter. Peter is torn between loving MJ or Gwen. Eddie Brock hates Peter, but Harry osborn has a new project awaiting to kill Spider-Man...Catch a spider with a spider...thus harry re-creates a radio-active spider to use to create a new spider-man using a Black Widow instead of a regular spider like the first one. Eddie volunteers, thus creating....Venom, a more powerful Spider-Man to kill Peter Parker.

Well, when asked about the Sandman portion of the film, the "PA" did not know anything because he said he wasnt working on that part....

But anyway, its probably all false, but fun to speculate...

Cheers Everyone!
Probably not true, but then again that does explain why Topher Grace is assigned as Venom, to create an altered Evil Spider-Man
But then why would Peter be wearing the black suit :confused:
well I'd think they would avoid the alien story for believability, but I really hope the rumor is false....I don't like that idea much at all. and how would that explain the teeth/suit etc?
"But then why would Peter be wearing the black suit"

Maybe we are really looking at VENOM !!!! HAHAHA
No, I really dont think Spider-Man gets a black suit in this movie....Of all the pics on the net, all are the good ole fashion red and blue suit. I think that poster from the official site could just be a shaded image of the red and blue suit.
Oh and God, I hope they do avoid the alien storyline so it doesn't look like Species 2.
Batman333 said:
No, I really dont think Spider-Man gets a black suit in this movie....Of all the pics on the net, all are the good ole fashion red and blue suit. I think that poster from the official site could just be a shaded image of the red and blue suit.


the official quote from the studio when the realised the pic was something in the lines of

"if you think this is a black and white picture, look closely, spiderman wheres a black suit in this one".

So, he does where a black suit
i dont know where he wheres it cuz all the internet pics are of his original costume...

would be cool if he had a black suit though..something different.
I would like a black suit, but a lot of hardcore fans would be upset at that decision...
Batman333 said:
I would like a black suit, but a lot of hardcore fans would be upset at that decision...

he is gonna where the black suit. and alot of hardcore fans won't mind, cos it means venom
Batman333 said:
No, I really dont think Spider-Man gets a black suit in this movie....Of all the pics on the net, all are the good ole fashion red and blue suit. I think that poster from the official site could just be a shaded image of the red and blue suit.
I went on record and said that the official pic of Spidey was not of a black suit. On the officail website, the picture that was released was on the main page, and when the "lightening" struck, the pic was clearly a red and blue suit. I am not saying that Spidey will not be wearing a black suit in this movie, I am just saying that the studio is running full interferance tactics for this movie. Why should we believe anything the studio says about the movie? They are hip to the internet age, and may put out disinformation.
"I went on record and said that the official pic of Spidey was not of a black suit. On the officail website, the picture that was released was on the main page, and when the "lightening" struck, the pic was clearly a red and blue suit. I am not saying that Spidey will not be wearing a black suit in this movie, I am just saying that the studio is running full interferance tactics for this movie. Why should we believe anything the studio says about the movie? They are hip to the internet age, and may put out disinformation."

Yeah, Studios want to stir up controversary to get attention to their product.....
Actually, the pic shows Spidey wearing a more of a gray suit...
and how the hell would harry know that peter got his powers from a radioactive spider? did they sit down and have a chat about it before or after harry vows eternal revenge on peter? "oh, yah these little things, got them from a spider bite" ... besides the fact that it wasn't even a radioactive spider, just a genetically altered one.
I don't see any logic in that "PA" and his "statement".
Some parts of it sound okay, but then he loses it with Peter being torn between MJ and Gwen (which doesn't make sense considering Peter's characterization in the first two films), Harry knowing about that "radioactive" ( ;) ) spider, and how Peter would get the suit (which we know is a "possbility" considering Banks said this film is about the "dark side of power").
not_a_victim said:
I went on record and said that the official pic of Spidey was not of a black suit. On the officail website, the picture that was released was on the main page, and when the "lightening" struck, the pic was clearly a red and blue suit. I am not saying that Spidey will not be wearing a black suit in this movie, I am just saying that the studio is running full interferance tactics for this movie. Why should we believe anything the studio says about the movie? They are hip to the internet age, and may put out disinformation.

does no one read posts before they reply!

As i have already stated, the studio has said that spidy is wearing a black suit. It was a statement that came out when they realeased the pic.

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