Batman Begins Nice Coat

One Nate Seven

Dec 16, 2004
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why does everyone dislike that line? when i heard it and everytime after i got chills.. the huge anticipation of when the darkknight comes to be... an after achieving victory after disppearingfor years he sees the last person he talked 2 in gotham..

it was like he was hinting that "hey its me, and im BACK, wont get tossed out of a club THIS time"

hard to explain but it baffles me why it can be percieved as "corny" or a one liner.. it looked like casual human to human interaction with no desire to be funny
One Nate Seven said:
why does everyone dislike that line? when i heard it and everytime after i got chills.. the huge anticipation of when the darkknight comes to be... an after achieving victory after disppearingfor years he sees the last person he talked 2 in gotham..

it was like he was hinting that "hey its me, and im BACK, wont get tossed out of a club THIS time"

hard to explain but it baffles me why it can be percieved as "corny" or a one liner.. it looked like casual human to human interaction with no desire to be funny
It's ridiculous.
I didnt mind it myself, dont see why so many people get so worked up about it.
It would have been great if it was the only one cheesey line.
I didnt mind it myself, dont see why so many people get so worked up about it.

yeah!!! same here, I don't get the hatred for it!!!
It is corny, but it's stupid to get so worked up over one line.
I don't see the problem. Made him seem a bit weirder, which then portrays the idea that he's not entirely human.
The Question said:
I don't see the problem. Made him seem a bit weirder, which then portrays the idea that he's not entirely human.

Exactly, it also showed that he knew who he was fighting for, it was a way of saying to the guy 'you've no need to be afraid of me, i'm here to protect YOU!'
It's not really a corny line, if you think about it, though it is a mood-breaker for some, and nice extra for others. Rest assured, it would've sucked if the line had no history to it, but now it did. I like it. "Nice ride" was worse, because it was too random, and its placement was pretty bad - it was the final fight dammit, no comic relief allowed!
Was the guy who played the homeless dude the same guy who played Boris the Blade in Snatch?
It takes you out of the drama and feel of the rest of the scene. Personally I had more of a problem with the "nice ride" though. But I think we can expect less one-liners with Goyer gone.
Exactly, it also showed that he knew who he was fighting for, it was a way of saying to the guy 'you've no need to be afraid of me, i'm here to protect YOU!'
OR the odds and logic were completely ignored and Batman saw the same guy that he'd given his coat too years earlier and still happened to recognise it, because somehow, someway, it was still recognisable.

Yes, it's a line but any offence is equally ridiculous as any defence.
Flame on! said:
OR the odds and logic were completely ignored and Batman saw the same guy that he'd given his coat too years earlier and still happened to recognise it, because somehow, someway, it was still recognisable.

People in B Begins hardly age. Alfred, the coat guy...
It's just a ****ing line, anyone who has a problem with it....are pretty sad:o

Something that'd probobly happen in the comics anyway.
The problem only comes when an entire film is made of lines like that.
Well I must be pretty sad, because that line makes my skin crawl.
zer00 said:
It's just a ****ing line, anyone who has a problem with it....are pretty sad:o

As I said, I don't think it's the line, but the whole bunch of terrible one-liners which make this special line to feel really awful.
HarleenQuinzel said:
Well I must be pretty sad, because that line makes my skin crawl.
Sad and female.

Don't forget female.

Big avatar!
CConn said:
Sad and female.

Don't forget female.

Big avatar!
Wish I had one. A big avatar I mean.

well, a female too. But not a female like HQ.

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